Do Americans have a homegrown nobility like Europeans?

This is America, not Europe. Every man and woman is a king or queen, except without all that inbreeding royalty usually suffers from.
The British, the French, the Germans and the Dutch etc. all have nobilities like duke, prince, princess, duchess etc. Americans dont have that because they descendt from pototaoe farmers and sheepherders?

Such Titles are specifically prohibited by our constitution.

We do have a lot of "Old Money" families, such as the Rockefellers, Millikens, Mellons, etc.
No real nobility, I am decended from Austrian nobility but also alot of other people from different ethnic and social levels. We here in the U.S.A. have people who pretend they' re nobility like some of the wealthy but the rest of us just find them amusing. We americans are Kings of our own lives. :)
The British, the French, the Germans and the Dutch etc. all have nobilities like duke, prince, princess, duchess etc. Americans dont have that because they descendt from pototaoe farmers and sheepherders?
/----/ Yes, they're called the Hollywood A List. And they are just as pretentious, obnoxious, and entitled.
Such Titles are specifically prohibited by our constitution.

We do have a lot of "Old Money" families, such as the Rockefellers, Millikens, Mellons, etc.

The United States has never has an Aristocracy Class ... that's a founding principle of our Republic ...

One must be born into Nobility, there's slim chance to earn your way into lordship ... and it gets worse for the Common Classes ... you have to live your entire life in the village you were born in, and you have to follow your father's footsteps into his craft or trade ...

I'm sure you've heard of "freedom to travel" ... this was illegal in Europe at the time ... the Common Classes were permanently stuck in the village they were born in ... and wimin were still property, and sub-human ...

That's the Great American Experiment ... giving to the Commoners those rights normally reserved for Nobility ... the right to own land for example ... the right to have access to the courts-of-law ... the right to live anywhere you want to and work any job you desire ...

Note: Under the Articles of Confederation, the individual American Colonies had far more power and more sovereignty ... one thing our forefathers want was this "freedom to travel" from colony to colony ... thus the explicit statements in Article 4 ... under our current Constitution, the States aren't sovereign ... citizenship is defined over the entire Union ...
We do have kind of a plutocracy where those with alot of money get the ears of our leaders. The only way to stop that is to withhold them a workforce. While that would be cool it won't happen.
Such Titles are specifically prohibited by our constitution.

We do have a lot of "Old Money" families, such as the Rockefellers, Millikens, Mellons, etc.

What we have is the government and associated elites on the left who think they know better than we do about how to live our lives.
What we have is the government and associated elites on the left who think they know better than we do about how to live our lives.
Well we have that and the rightists who tell us how bad social security, Medicare, and other programs are bad. Then some say higher wages cause inflation, blah blah blah.
Well we have that and the rightists who tell us how bad social security, Medicare, and other programs are bad. Then some say higher wages cause inflation, blah blah blah.

It's more them trying to take away our cars, or meat, or lightbulbs, our air conditioners etc while they keep theirs.

And the whole groomer thing.
There is a modern aristocracy. The people with money pass not only that money along to their kids but every other conceivable advantage as well. It's making the class divide greater and harder to bridge than ever.

I read this article years ago and it still sticks with me.

The United States has never has an Aristocracy Class ... that's a founding principle of our Republic ...
Bullshit... this country was started by rich slave owners, who clearly saw themselves as better than the great unwashed.
What we have is the government and associated elites on the left who think they know better than we do about how to live our lives.

Because usually, they do.

Do you know why the Chinese are beating us right now? Because while we are still living the illusion of "Democracy", they have achieved true Technocracy.
Bullshit... this country was started by rich slave owners, who clearly saw themselves as better than the great unwashed.

Because usually, they do.

Do you know why the Chinese are beating us right now? Because while we are still living the illusion of "Democracy", they have achieved true Technocracy.

You may bow down to your supposed massas', sheeple.

The Chinese aren't beating shit, they have the same issue with institutionalized lying the Soviets did.
You may bow down to your supposed massas', sheeple.

The Chinese aren't beating shit, they have the same issue with institutionalized lying the Soviets did.

Have you seen video of Chinese cities? My girlfriend shows me pictures of her home city of Chengdu, and compared to our cities, our cities are crumbling jokes.

Good thing I'm learning Mandarin.. it might come in handy.
Have you seen video of Chinese cities? My girlfriend shows me pictures of her home city of Chengdu, and compared to our cities, our cities are crumbling jokes.

Good thing I'm learning Mandarin.. it might come in handy.

You see North Korea Cities with grand avenues and facades and nothing inside of them?

They also kill off any criminals they feel like. want that level of policiing here?
You see North Korea Cities with grand avenues and facades and nothing inside of them?

We aren't talking about North Korea, we are talking about China.
They also kill off any criminals they feel like. want that level of policiing here?

Hardly. I'm just pointing out that on the whole, their society is much more goal-focused than ours.
We aren't talking about North Korea, we are talking about China.

Hardly. I'm just pointing out that on the whole, their society is much more goal-focused than ours.

Same shit different day. Both systems can lie all they want, and idiots like you eat it up.

Figured you sucked Chicom dick.
The British, the French, the Germans and the Dutch etc. all have nobilities like duke, prince, princess, duchess etc. Americans dont [sic] have that because they descendt [sic] from pototaoe [sic] farmers and sheepherders?

The very concept of nobility/royalty is something that we outright rejected in founding this nation. The statement in our Declaration of Independence about all men being created equal is a repudiation of the European idea that one man can be better than another just for having been born into the right family.

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