Do Americans really Agree With Trump on Illegals?


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
Trump's plan essentially calls for securing the border, enforcing existing immigration laws and protecting American jobs.

A Reuters poll found Americans, by an almost 3 to 1 margin, wish to see immigration reduced, not increased; 45 percent want to see a reduction, 17 percent want to see an increase and 38 percent say it should stay the same.

Do Americans really agree with Trump on illegals

That is correct we want them gone. And illegals should never have the right to vote. seriously, what's the h***?! And a national voter ID law should be passed immediately. They cause so much trouble. They are taking away our jobs . Don't you see that? The argument that they are taking jobs that Americans would not want...bad argument. These jobs would pay more if those illegals would not be so willing to accept such low wages.
Most folks I know want all illegals out of our country.

The illegals broke the law to get here, have a kid, and stay using our social services.

If they don't take the time and effort to get here legally, like so many have, then they all need to go back to wherever they came from.
What pisses me off... Is that we spend more money on criminal invaders, than we do on our Vets who made the sacrifices to provide the freedom and benefits these leeches are stealing.
Either we save our culture, sovereignty, and republic or we don't. Illegal immigration will ultimately destroy the nation as we know it.

It is apparent the political class and the wealthy elite love open borders. They know lots of illiterate people can be easily fooled into growing government thus benefiting the political class and cheap labor benefits the wealthy elite. How is this hard to comprehend?
One item missing in these discussions is who is going to investigate and enforce the law on illegals? Lots come and never leave and they are not all Mexicans as Trump would have you believe. It would take a great buildup of state and federal agencies and personnel. Doesn't this contradict the republican mantra to reduce government and deficits? Seems like just a lot of talk to sooth and comfort the base.
One item missing in these discussions is who is going to investigate and enforce the law on illegals? Lots come and never leave and they are not all Mexicans as Trump would have you believe. It would take a great buildup of state and federal agencies and personnel. Doesn't this contradict the republican mantra to reduce government and deficits? Seems like just a lot of talk to sooth and comfort the base.

The pubs will make cuts elsewhere to help pay for it. Hell, I would accept a one time assessment from the IRS of lets say, 1K to contribute to the cause

Americans will pay for it out of their pockets if they have too

One item missing in these discussions is who is going to investigate and enforce the law on illegals? Lots come and never leave and they are not all Mexicans as Trump would have you believe. It would take a great buildup of state and federal agencies and personnel. Doesn't this contradict the republican mantra to reduce government and deficits? Seems like just a lot of talk to sooth and comfort the base.
You are not paying attention. Trump never said they are ALL Mexicans.

Please try not accepting propaganda from the MSM.
Trump came out with a plan. The discussion is on and I don't believe his plan is written in stone, he's a natural negotiator.

All Democrats and Establishment Republicans aren't getting the job done, it can't really be much worse..:dunno:
Only about a third of Americans support deporting all illegal immigrants.

Over at the ratio of APPROVE is 76% yes, 24% No

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

President Obama and many of the progressives currently in office hoped that by ignoring the border crisis, the influx of illegals crossing over would convince Americans that mass amnesty was needed, giving the president leverage to justify using an executive order to bypass Congress.

The hope was that anyone who states they want these individuals sent home would be viewed as a racist, further building support for Obama’s scheme to expand the voter base using illegal immigrants.

Unfortunately for the administration, their tactics have backfired and caused the opposite reaction they desired.

The outrage of seeing thousands of unaccompanied minors cross the border isn’t aimed at those who oppose illegal immigration but at Obama, the architect of this disaster.

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

Poll results also demonstrates that 57 percent of those surveyed believe the reason for the increase in illegal immigration is due to the belief that America will grant the children being sent into the country amnesty. In other words, they aren’t escaping from oppression as the mainstream media would have you believe.

POLL 64 of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

Only about a third of Americans support deporting all illegal immigrants.

Over at the ratio of APPROVE is 76% yes, 24% No

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

President Obama and many of the progressives currently in office hoped that by ignoring the border crisis, the influx of illegals crossing over would convince Americans that mass amnesty was needed, giving the president leverage to justify using an executive order to bypass Congress.

The hope was that anyone who states they want these individuals sent home would be viewed as a racist, further building support for Obama’s scheme to expand the voter base using illegal immigrants.

Unfortunately for the administration, their tactics have backfired and caused the opposite reaction they desired.

The outrage of seeing thousands of unaccompanied minors cross the border isn’t aimed at those who oppose illegal immigration but at Obama, the architect of this disaster.

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

Poll results also demonstrates that 57 percent of those surveyed believe the reason for the increase in illegal immigration is due to the belief that America will grant the children being sent into the country amnesty. In other words, they aren’t escaping from oppression as the mainstream media would have you believe.

POLL 64 of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

Your poll has nothing to do with the subject.
Trump came out with a plan. The discussion is on and I don't believe his plan is written in stone, he's a natural negotiator.

All Democrats and Establishment Republicans aren't getting the job done, it can't really be much worse..:dunno:

The Senate passed a bi-partisan immigration bill. Boehner refused to let the House vote on it. There's who to blame if you want to blame someone for not acting on immigration.
Trump came out with a plan. The discussion is on and I don't believe his plan is written in stone, he's a natural negotiator.

All Democrats and Establishment Republicans aren't getting the job done, it can't really be much worse..:dunno:

The Senate passed a bi-partisan immigration bill. Boehner refused to let the House vote on it. There's who to blame if you want to blame someone for not acting on immigration.

Those proposed actions are unacceptable. Deportation is a must

Only about a third of Americans support deporting all illegal immigrants.

Over at the ratio of APPROVE is 76% yes, 24% No

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

President Obama and many of the progressives currently in office hoped that by ignoring the border crisis, the influx of illegals crossing over would convince Americans that mass amnesty was needed, giving the president leverage to justify using an executive order to bypass Congress.

The hope was that anyone who states they want these individuals sent home would be viewed as a racist, further building support for Obama’s scheme to expand the voter base using illegal immigrants.

Unfortunately for the administration, their tactics have backfired and caused the opposite reaction they desired.

The outrage of seeing thousands of unaccompanied minors cross the border isn’t aimed at those who oppose illegal immigration but at Obama, the architect of this disaster.

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

Poll results also demonstrates that 57 percent of those surveyed believe the reason for the increase in illegal immigration is due to the belief that America will grant the children being sent into the country amnesty. In other words, they aren’t escaping from oppression as the mainstream media would have you believe.

POLL 64 of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported

Your poll has nothing to do with the subject.

Yes it does.

Trump's plan essentially calls for securing the border, enforcing existing immigration laws and protecting American jobs.

A Reuters poll found Americans, by an almost 3 to 1 margin, wish to see immigration reduced, not increased; 45 percent want to see a reduction, 17 percent want to see an increase and 38 percent say it should stay the same.

Do Americans really agree with Trump on illegals

That is correct we want them gone. And illegals should never have the right to vote. seriously, what's the h***?! And a national voter ID law should be passed immediately. They cause so much trouble. They are taking away our jobs . Don't you see that? The argument that they are taking jobs that Americans would not want...bad argument. These jobs would pay more if those illegals would not be so willing to accept such low wages.

Here is my issue with this personally:

I don't like that people are not following rules/laws and they are getting away with it; -- so either enforce the laws or change them.

Period. And, related, CERTAINLY don't REWARD people for breaking the law/rules -
Anyone that will either ENFORCE the current law or DISBAND the current law, I will have respect for.
Making excuses and rationalizations doesn't cut it.

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