Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

A legacy of Trump

Spread lies to cause mistrust in our free elections
You were alive in 2016 weren’t you?

The democrats/Hillary called Trumps win illegitimate, and an illegitimate president.

You guys did it, and now are acting like you didn’t??
Hell simp they called Arizona even before north Carolina

I made it to the end of your video and they still hadn’t called Arizona.



Give it up. You were wrong.
You were alive in 2016 weren’t you?

The democrats/Hillary called Trumps win illegitimate, and an illegitimate president.

You guys did it, and now are acting like you didn’t??

Hillary did not claim the election was fraudulent. She accepted the results

She rightfully claimed that the Russians influenced the election to help Trump
It's going to happen revenge is a great thing and it's pay back time. You leftists want a banana republic you got it. Starting with the corrupt DOJ then the democrat party followed by the democrat controlled media
And when it doesn't happen (Hillary was never put in jail remember)...are you going to admit you've been duped yet again?
If the 2020 election was fraudulent, why did so many Republicans accept their victories in that election?
Not sure what is more pathetic...a grown man still clinging to an election fraud lie that has been exposed time and again or a grown man who still believes in "evil" as an actual thing in the universe.
You denying both is what's truly pathetic.
The word "elections" is a broad and complicated term. The machines work fine. Do people trust campaigns that tend to restrict internet 1st Amendment free speech rights? Do people trust voter registrations from questionable sources? Do people trust mail in ballots that are counted without verification? The machines work fine.
It has been proven countless times that the machines don't always work fine.
Remember how Fox News called Arizona for Biden with only a few percent of the votes tabulated. And how several swing states immediately thereafter stopped counting votes on election evening with Trump leading, only to resume the next day, Biden now ahead.

All delayed counting gave votes to Biden, not to Trump. What are the odds of that? This Twitter thread by Tom Elliott chronicles multiple episodes of election corruption and interference at the hands of the federal government in collusion with big tech and social media giants.

Aside from ballot-counting irregularities and voting machines connected to the internet, federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies influenced past elections by spying on one candidate and ignoring potential crimes of another candidate, both in 2016 and 2020. They had the willing and eager cooperation of corporate media, big tech, and social media to push or suppress news beneficial or detrimental to their favored candidate.
All total crap, brainwash functional moron. Our election officials and law enforcement say it was probably the most secure election ever and none of your crap has ever been brought up in court because that would be a crime. Change the channel and try reality, brainwashed functional anti American scumbag...
You're the person that believes total garbage proven from a proven international scumbag and Internet conspiracy nut jobs. Keep up the good work though, because the country needs a Democratic landslide like a transfusion at this point after 40 years of New BS GOP misrule and give away to the Mega Rich...
All total crap, brainwash functional moron. Our election officials and law enforcement say it was probably the most secure election ever and none of your crap has ever been brought up in court because that would be a crime. Change the channel and try reality, brainwashed functional anti American scumbag...
I stopped reading after the first sentence. You summed him/her/it up perfectly.

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