Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

For the most part I used to until 2020.
And now you don't trust them at all.

Cool... Do you think it's a coincidence that you stopped trusting them when you stopped winning?
That never happened.
Afraid it did

Russia hacked the DNC Servers and released that information to help Trump. Trump gladly accepted that information and asked for more.

Russia helped Trump win in 2016
306>232... convincing...certified...landslide.

Aaaaaan the majority of DEMOCRATS say you are full of it.

So, you lose, cornholio
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Repeating a lie does not make it true

Aaaaaaaaaand the majority of DEMOCRATS say the election was a fraud.

So, you are correct, Mr. Paid propagandist, you have repeated the lie incessantly, and YOUR side doesn't even believe you.

That means you've lost, skippy.
Afraid it did

Russia hacked the DNC Servers and released that information to help Trump. Trump gladly accepted that information and asked for more.

Russia helped Trump win in 2016
Nobody hacked any servers you fucking liar....The data transfer rate indicates that it was in inside job, likely via a thumb drive.
Repeating a lie does not make it true
Hillary did not claim the election was fraudulent. She accepted the results

She rightfully claimed that the Russians influenced the election to help Trump
She said the sitting president was illegitimate, thus questioning the election process. No amount of purposeful ignorance by you can deny it.

And there’s nothing illegal in “influencing” an election. Powers domestic and foreign do it all the time. Obama fought against BREXIT. Remember, democrats like yourself said Russia “meddled” in the election, meaning far more than mere “influencing”

The only thing Russia did was push memes on Facebook.. that’s about it. 2016 was fair, Hillary lost, and she questioned our democratic process with her remarks.there’s no proof Russia accounted for one vote in the USA. You’re pushing a radical conspiracy theory way off the reservation compared to 2020 claims.
She said the sitting president was illegitimate, thus questioning the election process. No amount of purposeful ignorance by you can deny it.

And there’s nothing illegal in “influencing” an election. Powers domestic and foreign do it all the time. Obama fought against BREXIT. Remember, democrats like yourself said Russia “meddled” in the election, meaning far more than mere “influencing”

The only thing Russia did was push memes on Facebook.. that’s about it. 2016 was fair, Hillary lost, and she questioned our democratic process with her remarks.
Hillary questioned whether a President who used Russian intervention to win was legitimate
Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials," the Post reports. "Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton's chances."

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