Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

Afraid it did

Russia hacked the DNC Servers and released that information to help Trump. Trump gladly accepted that information and asked for more.

Russia helped Trump win in 2016
No the Democrats said Russia hacked their emails, but wouldn't let the doj investigate it. So it just turned out to be a big lie.
Save it. There was documented evidence which the courts refused to hear. And since you are still pushing the phony Russian hoax still that just proves what a dim bulb you and the rest of the looney are.
We’ve seen how politically activist local court judges can be.. so, I question if some of these were truly “inconsequential”.. or just inconvenient to the politics of the judge
This from a shit-for-brains libtard?


Stupid shit for brains libfuck, there's nothing to examine. There's no audit trail. You can recount all you want, that's not examination.

The EXAMINATION that took place reveals beyond ANY shadow of a doubt that the system is porous and easily hacked. You can NOT discover if anyone actually hacked it, because there's no audit trail, shit for brains leftard.


50% of America says you're wrong.

And YOU can't prove otherwise

Trump schmump. YOU are dumb as a stump.
You are what is wrong with America.
Gee another left wing lying dirtbag heard from. LOL
Yes yes everyone in the world is lying except proven scumbags and Internet nut jobs, brainwashed functional moron. Thanks for all your anti-american disrespect for all our fine public servants election officials journalists and institutions for no reason but scumbag bs Etcetera Etcetera... Change the damn channel **** ****....
Yes yes everyone in the world is lying except proven scumbags and Internet nut jobs, brainwashed functional moron. Thanks for all your anti-american disrespect for all our fine public servants election officials journalists and institutions for no reason but scumbag bs Etcetera Etcetera... Change the damn channel **** ****....
Rinse and repeat. Your posts are useless. I bet you are too.
Plenty of verification. You just cannot help your stupidity, can you? It seems to be a chronic condition.

Dummy, if verification is aplenty then how come you fools can't win a single real case in court?

You have to be living on the fucking moon to still be falling the "Stolen" bullshit after getting smashed by reality for three years now.

Like wacky Qanon crowd you cultist fools can't tell basic up from down, fact from fiction, reality from baseless conspiracies.
Dummy, if verification is aplenty then how come you fools can't win a single real case in court?

You have to be living on the fucking moon to still be falling the "Stolen" bullshit after getting smashed by reality for three years now.

Like wacky Qanon crowd you cultist fools can't tell basic up from down, fact from fiction, reality from baseless conspiracies.
No evidentiary hearings. Reality has smashed nothing. The reality is how you have been lied to for 8 years about almost everything. Most certainly the massive obvious fraud. If you are stupid enough to believe Biden got 81 million votes you are stupid enough to believe anything. You have demonstrated that stupidity quite well.
I know I am not going to find anything intelligent in your posts. How is that for starters?
you are totally misinformed, hater dupe. So what do you think about the sea lions going insane on the west coast because of the hot water and blooms? Another thing you never heard about,,, All you hear is pure hateful anti American crap....
No evidentiary hearings. Reality has smashed nothing. The reality is how you have been lied to for 8 years about almost everything. Most certainly the massive obvious fraud. If you are stupid enough to believe Biden got 81 million votes you are stupid enough to believe anything. You have demonstrated that stupidity quite well.
Total conspiracy nut job.
No evidentiary hearings. Reality has smashed nothing. The reality is how you have been lied to for 8 years about almost everything.

No evidence hearings???

Nutbag, what's this?

Dismissing the lawsuit on Dec. 4, 2020, District Court James T. Russell wrote that the people behind it failed "to provide credible and relevant evidence" to contest the Nov. 3, 2020 election in accordance with Nevada laws.

Trump allies "did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud," Russell wrote. The contestants failed to prove that illegal votes by ineligible or deceased voters were cast and counted, he wrote.

Russell also noted that it reached its ruling "having considered, without limitation, all evidence submitted to the court."

In Pennsylvania, a federal appeals panel of three judges — each appointed by Republican presidents — rejected one of the Trump campaign’s election challenges Nov. 27, 2020.

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Your suggestion that serious evidence of electoral fraud was refused by every single Republican judge all over country for three years is exactly why you get called insane nutbags.
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Who would be stupid enough to believe, that after four years of the orange blowhard, that he would even have a chance at reelection?
Prove they accounted for one extra/changed vote. If you can’t, then they didn’t intervene.

They made Facebook memes.
Leftards are so full of shit...

They can't prove a fucking thing.

Lots of hot air, no substance - that's the left.
You are what is wrong with America.
I am what is RIGHT with America.

Calling out leftard bullshit.

Making the leftard asswipes eat their words.

Throwing the leftard howler shit right back in their faces.

Never was there a more deserving bunch of assclowns in all of American history.

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