Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

Your linked video shows the Fox News coverage from about 9 PM to 11 PM and nowhere in that video does Fox News call Arizona.

They call Arizona in this video.

The time stamp is at 24 minutes in the video when they call Arizona. If you look at the click beneath the Fox logo in the bottom left, they do so at 11:20 PM EST.

Why do you continue to believe the falsehood when you are faced with overwhelming incontrovertible evidence?

I know you are desperately trying to gaslight and tell me what I didn't personally witness. What I personally witnessed was why fox caught so much flac.
It's amazing how the Democrats can control the BBC and France 24 and DW German TV and all the other hundreds of journalistic outlets. But your crap is only here in the United States because only you GOP rubes are ignorant enough to believe it... The old silent majority ignoramuses are now the loudmouth brainwashed majority ignoramuses. Ikaramba....
My goodness I triggered you so badly you had to quote the same post twice lol
I know you are desperately trying to gaslight and tell me what I didn't personally witness. What I personally witnessed was why fox caught so much flac.
What you claim to remember didn’t happen.

We have the actual board cast from the night showing they called Arizona at 11:20 PM EST like I said.

How do you explain the video proving you’re wrong?
Yeah, you, a fucking socialist, hates America. Hellooooo captain obvious!
Certainly not, hater dupe. You are the people disrespecting all our elected officials judges FBICIA DOJ election officials and volunteers, all without any evidence just babbling by your proven scumbag pundits and conspiracy nuts on the Internet. Socialists are simply for fair capitalism with a good safety net and the United States is the worst for that in the modern world by far as well as the by far the worst in inequality poverty upward mobility and homelessness. Thanks to 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and refusal to invest in infrastructure and our citizens. Socialism would mean no longer being the only modern country without good infrastructure and vacations a living wage healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave and mainly taxing the rich more than everyone else for God's sake. Which you know nothing about because you are a brainwashed functional ****. Boob lol...

The Socialists won in every other modern country years ago, although the brainwashed savage capitalist English speakers had to call Socialist Parties labor parties or liberals or Democrats or Social Democrats or Democratic Socialists etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. Try voting for what you want instead of against imaginary pedophiles and Nazis and COMMUNISTS....

Hint: Everyone who is for democracy and health care Etcetera is a socialist. Democrats are socialists. British propaganda is the worst. Napoleon was slightly taller than average and never said England was a nation of shopkeepers, he said they were a bunch of scumbag lying super capitalist swine LOL who had a channel..... The English had all the money and simply bought allies and never really helped them, just kept their capitalist advantages. They finally beat Napoleon with the 6th coalition for God's sake...
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Certainly not, hater dupe. You are the people disrespecting all our elected officials judges FBICIA DOJ election officials and volunteers, all without any evidence just babbling by your proven scumbag pundits and conspiracy nuts on the Internet. Socialists are simply for fair capitalism with a good safety net and the United States is the worst for that in the modern world by far as well as the by far the worst in inequality poverty upward mobility and homelessness. Thanks to 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and refusal to invest in infrastructure and our citizens. Socialism would mean no longer being the only modern country without good infrastructure and vacations a living wage healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave and mainly taxing the rich more than everyone else for God's sake. Which you know nothing about because you are a brainwashed functional ****. Boob lol...

The Socialists won in every other modern country years ago, although the brainwashed savage capitalist English speakers had to call Socialist Parties labor parties or liberals or Democrats or Social Democrats or Democratic Socialists etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. Try voting for what you want instead of against imaginary pedophiles and Nazis and COMMUNISTS....

Hint: Everyone who is for democracy and health care Etcetera is a socialist. That are socialists. Bush propaganda is the worst. Pull in was slightly taller than average and never said England was a nation of shopkeepers, he said they were a bunch of scumbag lying super capitalist swine LOL who had a channel..... The English had all the money and simply bought allies and never really helped them, just kept their capitalist advantages. They finally beat Napoleon with the 6th coalition for God's sake...

Absolutely certain little hater dupe. Your whole goal is to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA" That sounds like hate to anyone with a brain.

Which leaves you out.
Absolutely certain little hater dupe. Your whole goal is to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA" That sounds like hate to anyone with a brain.

Which leaves you out.
the New BS GOP is a lying corrupt POS and Democrats always have to fix their messes. Corrupt deregulation that ruins the world economy every time and the stupidest wars ever. You'll never even know.... The whole point is we are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich you ridiculous ignoramus.... The worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness is not a joke, perfect dupe of scumbag mega rich liars....and I'm 6'4", little numbrain...
Prove it lol....Pure crap that won't go anywhere in the real world.... The election steel and vaccine and global warming hoaxes are just ridiculous....
They are hoaxes just like Russia collusion. They lie to you and intimidate or arrest those who disagree. None of it is American. our country is run by lying traitors. A fact you seem to be fine with. That is on you stupid.
They are hoaxes just like Russia collusion. They lie to you and intimidate or arrest those who disagree. None of it is American. our country is run by lying traitors. A fact you seem to be fine with. That is on you stupid.
Russian collusion was so obvious anyone would see it on the news except for you fools watching Fox if you can handle that even LOL. Nothing changes the fact that the Russians did everything in their power to get the chaos and divisiveness that would come with a Trump victory and his idiot followers. And that Trump told them in his speech to go ahead and hack Hillary and spread her emails all over the place, which is how he won the election. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Not at all. Unless someone here can explain this differently. I stood in line 2 hours in 2020. I got inside and I had a lady assist me from beginning to end and my vote was entered. A few months later I look on my site and it only shows 2016 vote. No 2020 vote. I call the voting precinct and she patronizes me and tells me she remembers me (LIE!) and that everything was done correctly. If so, what happened to my vote?
Russian collusion was so obvious anyone would see it on the news except for you fools watching Fox if you can handle that even LOL. Nothing changes the fact that the Russians did everything in their power to get the chaos and divisiveness that would come with a Trump victory and his idiot followers. And that Trump told them in his speech to go ahead and hack Hillary and spread her emails all over the place, which is how he won the election. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
It was all lies. Durham just proved it was. The only thing obvious here is your stupidity.
Prove it lol....Pure crap that won't go anywhere in the real world.... The election steel and vaccine and global warming hoaxes are just ridiculous....

Indeed they are, yet YOU keep falling for them!

Now, go get your booster shot so you can kick the bucket and raise the collective IQ of the world by your demise.
I am what is RIGHT with America.

Calling out leftard bullshit.

Making the leftard asswipes eat their words.

Throwing the leftard howler shit right back in their faces.

Never was there a more deserving bunch of assclowns in all of American history.
You are what is wrong with America.

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