Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

Sure thing parrot.
I watch a lot of Fox and you never hear me parroting that crap, brainwashed functional moron. Politically of course. Western New York here is 72% Trump politics. Great people but total misinformed on politics . Our fine institutions did not become a conspiracy when your orange con man arrived....
Rinse and repeat. Your posts are useless. I bet you are too.
Just the truth ma'am... You Poor shNooks don't know anything about what's going on except for crap political propaganda. Poor America. Landslide 2024!
I watch a lot of Fox and you never hear me parroting that crap, brainwashed functional moron. Politically of course. Western New York here is 72% Trump politics. Great people but total misinformed on politics . Our fine institutions did not become a conspiracy when your orange con man arrived....

Just the truth ma'am... You Poor shNooks don't know anything about what's going on except for crap political propaganda. Poor America. Landslide 2024!
You watch Fox like I watch CNN MSNBC or any other leftists rag
One more time for the simple minded
At 10:01 pm est my time fox called Arizona that's why they caught so much shit.
Your linked video shows the Fox News coverage from about 9 PM to 11 PM and nowhere in that video does Fox News call Arizona.

They call Arizona in this video.

The time stamp is at 24 minutes in the video when they call Arizona. If you look at the click beneath the Fox logo in the bottom left, they do so at 11:20 PM EST.

Why do you continue to believe the falsehood when you are faced with overwhelming incontrovertible evidence?
You watch Fox like I watch CNN MSNBC or any other leftists rag
It's amazing how the Democrats can control the BBC and France 24 and DW German TV and all the other hundreds of journalistic outlets. But your crap is only here in the United States because only you GOP rubes are ignorant enough to believe it... The old silent majority ignoramuses are now the loudmouth brainwashed majority ignoramuses. Ikaramba....
You DAMN FUCKING LIAR, one answer out of TWENTY means the EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE from what you said.

You jackasses are PISS POOR LIARS, you get busted EVERY single fucking time.

You're just another lying leftard asswipe. Too bad you're so fucking stupid you think anyone's going to believe your bullshit.



Don't say another fucking word till you understand what that means, shit for brains.

This must be what it's like to tell a religious nutter that god doesn't exist. They become all unhinged and started throwing fits and tantrums. You wouldn't happen to be related to billyerock123 would you? :laugh:

“Every fraud claim I was asked to investigate was false.” - Trump lead investigator

How am I lying when all I did was simply link to what Trump's hired investigators concluded about the election being stolen? And we all know Trump always hires the best people. He continues to tell us this all the time. It seems I'm not the one who been busted here.
The Majority of Electors rejected your blob. I'm okay with that.

Stolen elections have consequences. The majority of YOUR side say the election was stolen.

You failed in your mission, cornholio.
Non-stolen elections result in 306>232 and Joe Biden as your daddy.

You don't really believe that silly boy.

306>232...Mission Accomplished.

Short term gains are so costly for those who engineer them.

You'll see!

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