Do any of you Fence-sitters / Moderates/ Independents see yourselves voting for RFK in 2024? Does he make you feel giddy at all?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’m not exactly sure why I feel the way I do but it seems like RFK has some appeal to those scared of conflict and or stuck in never-never land. He seems to toe the line on sensitive issues, he seems level headed and he seems to choose his words wisely….all traits that I feel never-never landers could embrace. Am I on the right track?
I’m not exactly sure why I feel the way I do but it seems like RFK has some appeal to those scared of conflict and or stuck in never-never land. He seems to toe the line on sensitive issues, he seems level headed and he seems to choose his words wisely….all traits that I feel never-never landers could embrace. Am I on the right track?

He's a loon.

That's why he appeals to you, and why Republicans support him and Democrats do not.
I certainly could see myself voting for him. And do in the dem primary if given the chance
It's rather sit on a fence lined with razor wire than side with a repugnant shit stain like you.
Ignorant fools always expose themselves…
”I’ll show you, I’ll vote against you and fuck myself.”

hahaha dumbmotherfuckers aren’t they Dont Taz Me Bro ?
Just because one does not support the candidates of the (R) or (D) party does not make you a fence sitter. It just means you don't like the candidates presented and you aren't a slave to either party.
Just because one does not support the candidates of the (R) or (D) party does not make you a fence sitter. It just means you don't like the candidates presented and you aren't a slave to either party.
A fence-sitter is one who sits on the fence afraid to engage and watches others play the game.
You know, like that fat, slow, nerdy kid with no athleticism did when you played ball.

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