Do any Presidents drive ever? If I were the President I would make the secret


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2018
service sit in the back and drive my own limo. Anyone who told me no would walk
Do any Presidents drive ever?

For security reasons, only after they are out of office. But to this

very day, Obama still makes runs to the store to pick up milk and

eggs for Michelle on his 3-speed Lady Schwinn. I understand

he is a real traffic stopper.

service sit in the back and drive my own limo. Anyone who told me no would walk
Sometimes that has unintended consequences.

The Pope goes to New York. He is picked up at the airport by a limousine. He looks at the beautiful car and says to the driver, ''You know, I hardly ever get to drive. Would you please let me?''
The driver is understandably hesistant and says, ''I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm supposed to do that.''
But the pope persists, ''Please?''

The driver finally lets up. ''Oh, all right, I can't really say no to the pope.''
So the pope takes the wheel, and boy, is he a speed demon! He hits the gas and goes around 100 mph in a 45 zone. A policeman notices and pulls him over.

The cop walks up and asks the pope to roll down the window. Startled and surprised, the young officer asks the pope to wait a minute. He goes back to his patrol car and radios the chief.

Cop: ''Chief, I have a problem.''
Chief: ''What sort of problem?''
Cop: ''Well, you see, I pulled over this guy for driving way over the speed limit but it's someone really important.''
Chief: ''Important like the mayor?''
Cop: ''No, no, much more important than that.''
Chief: ''Important like the governor?''
Cop: ''Wayyyyyy more important than that.''
Chief: ''Like the president?''
Cop: ''More.''
Chief: ''Who's more important than the president?''
Cop: ''I don't know, but he's got the pope DRIVING for him!''
service sit in the back and drive my own limo. Anyone who told me no would walk
Sometimes that has unintended consequences.

The Pope goes to New York. He is picked up at the airport by a limousine. He looks at the beautiful car and says to the driver, ''You know, I hardly ever get to drive. Would you please let me?''
The driver is understandably hesistant and says, ''I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm supposed to do that.''
But the pope persists, ''Please?''

The driver finally lets up. ''Oh, all right, I can't really say no to the pope.''
So the pope takes the wheel, and boy, is he a speed demon! He hits the gas and goes around 100 mph in a 45 zone. A policeman notices and pulls him over.

The cop walks up and asks the pope to roll down the window. Startled and surprised, the young officer asks the pope to wait a minute. He goes back to his patrol car and radios the chief.

Cop: ''Chief, I have a problem.''
Chief: ''What sort of problem?''
Cop: ''Well, you see, I pulled over this guy for driving way over the speed limit but it's someone really important.''
Chief: ''Important like the mayor?''
Cop: ''No, no, much more important than that.''
Chief: ''Important like the governor?''
Cop: ''Wayyyyyy more important than that.''
Chief: ''Like the president?''
Cop: ''More.''
Chief: ''Who's more important than the president?''
Cop: ''I don't know, but he's got the pope DRIVING for him!''

Some people like being driven, but for me there would be no sense being rich and famous without a car to drive. Think of the chicks you could pick up, and Obama could drive to the gay section of town and be real popular
service sit in the back and drive my own limo. Anyone who told me no would walk
Sometimes that has unintended consequences.

The Pope goes to New York. He is picked up at the airport by a limousine. He looks at the beautiful car and says to the driver, ''You know, I hardly ever get to drive. Would you please let me?''
The driver is understandably hesistant and says, ''I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm supposed to do that.''
But the pope persists, ''Please?''

The driver finally lets up. ''Oh, all right, I can't really say no to the pope.''
So the pope takes the wheel, and boy, is he a speed demon! He hits the gas and goes around 100 mph in a 45 zone. A policeman notices and pulls him over.

The cop walks up and asks the pope to roll down the window. Startled and surprised, the young officer asks the pope to wait a minute. He goes back to his patrol car and radios the chief.

Cop: ''Chief, I have a problem.''
Chief: ''What sort of problem?''
Cop: ''Well, you see, I pulled over this guy for driving way over the speed limit but it's someone really important.''
Chief: ''Important like the mayor?''
Cop: ''No, no, much more important than that.''
Chief: ''Important like the governor?''
Cop: ''Wayyyyyy more important than that.''
Chief: ''Like the president?''
Cop: ''More.''
Chief: ''Who's more important than the president?''
Cop: ''I don't know, but he's got the pope DRIVING for him!''

Some people like being driven, but for me there would be no sense being rich and famous without a car to drive. Think of the chicks you could pick up, and Obama could drive to the gay section of town and be real popular
he'd do live demonstrations where he emulates a Hoover vacuum cleaner.
service sit in the back and drive my own limo. Anyone who told me no would walk

I don't think the President's relationship with the Secret Service works that way. They try to accommodate him as much as they can without compromising his safety, but where that's concerned, he shuts his hole and they make the call.

The President's limo is driven by an agent who has special training in advanced evasive driving maneuvers, in case that becomes necessary. The President sits in the back with his detail, where they can cover him with their own bodies to protect him. In an emergency, they sometimes don't even bother to talk to him. They just move him bodily where they need him to be to keep him safe.

I'm not sure if I could have negotiated that course at that speed going forward...

And the final stop was impressive.

Yeah, I believe the point of the training is that the driver can make that limo stand up and dance Swan Lake if necessary to protect the President. The Secret Service may be the only group of government employees actually concerned with doing their job well. ;)
The requirements to drive a presidents limo are strict and demand perfection. I'm gonna guess it's why we don't see presidents driving themselves around, Rosy.

The requirements to drive a presidents limo are strict and demand perfection. I'm gonna guess it's why we don't see presidents driving themselves around, Rosy.

What is the number of presidents killed or injured in a presidential limo that wasn't a convertible like the retard drunk presidents

The requirements to drive a presidents limo are strict and demand perfection. I'm gonna guess it's why we don't see presidents driving themselves around, Rosy.

What is the number of presidents killed or injured in a presidential limo that wasn't a convertible like the retard drunk presidents


Exactly! Because they all have had professional, Secret Service-trained drivers. Thank you for grasping the point.
bill Clinton said the white house was the crown jewel of the federal penitentiary system
bill Clinton said the white house was the crown jewel of the federal penitentiary system

He gets zero sympathy. He either knew what he was getting into and decided he wanted the job badly enough to accept the limitations it brings, or he was an idiot, since it's pretty obvious to anyone who thinks about it just how circumscribed life is as President of the United States.
The requirements to drive a presidents limo are strict and demand perfection. I'm gonna guess it's why we don't see presidents driving themselves around, Rosy.

What is the number of presidents killed or injured in a presidential limo that wasn't a convertible like the retard drunk presidents


Exactly! Because they all have had professional, Secret Service-trained drivers. Thank you for grasping the point.
You mean like the trained driver that JFK had?

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