Do black people realize that it was an insult to Barack Obama

Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.

If you believe the part in bold type, why would you bother starting this thread instead of a thread questioning why whites, Latinos, and other groups voted for Obama, since blacks as a group don' have the voting numbers to swing the election? Why, after his first four years, did groups that Republicans should have been able to count on not come through. That is the issue.
Yes those are issues also, but hey one issue at a time right... I am just worried that people are voting skin color and not principles or on the important issues, but nice try on your part to deflect though, I mean where as you were trying to work some magic dust here.

Well, your original "question" was asked and answered a long time ago, even though it really was NOT a question, so let's reflect. Your original "question" was whether black people realized it was an insult to President Obama that black people voted for him only on the basis of color. Let's dissect that "question".

First....people would have to assume that all, or even most black people voted for President Obama because he is black. It has been proven many times over in this thread that blacks tend to vote for the Democratic candidate, no matter what race the candidate is, since 1964. It has also been suggested that a fair number of whites voted for Senator McCain and for Governor Romney simply because President Obama is black. Same mentality. So should Senator McCain or Governor Romney be embarrassed to receive those votes?

Second, you assume that President Obama is or was insulted. Unproven and unprovable.

So, the answer to your "question" is hypothetical at best, but certainly moot.
Also, if you're going to cite the "Obamaphone lady", there are videos of Romney supporters ranting how they want a "real American" in the White House, not some illegal immigrant Muslim from Kenya.

On one side you have the ignorant cell phone woman. On the other side you have Donald Trump and his "issues". Again, idiots balancing idiots. The mentalities cancel each other out.
Good points..

Thank you, sir.
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

I would think that just by Obama being elected twice shows that we have made great progress getting past skin color.
If no whites voted for obama he loses both elections. Over 30% of whites voted for obama the second time...the first time it was much many white votes would he have gotten years prior...I dont think its as bad as your making it out to be myself
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

I would think that just by Obama being elected twice shows that we have made great progress getting past skin color.
If no whites voted for obama he loses both elections. Over 30% of whites voted for obama the second time...the first time it was much many white votes would he have gotten years prior...I dont think its as bad as your making it out to be myself
Yes, yes, yes, we got that, but why did blacks vote for him in such large numbers, and the other groups in marginal numbers that balanced each other out ? It is that many may wonder still, if they did it because of him being black, and what does this blackness mean to them, along with his intelect and attributes combined ? Does him being black still play a role for the blacks in their thinking or maybe for the ones whom think this way maybe ? I just want everyone to become Americans is my quest for this nation finally, and I think many want the same things also for the nation...

A good man can become one of the greatest Presidents of all, and at anytime within the history of this great nation, if he would just serve his country, and not that of a man for whom wishes that he would only serve him. (beagle9 2012) Think about it..
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All depends on the person voting, why they voted (the reasons), and what part does the person's race play in the whole process according to them. Then you just take the numbers and multiply them once these findings are confirmed, in order to get an understanding as to what goes on, could have went on or might be going on in elections like this.

If people have long standing gripes they need understood or worked on, then it best they get them out in the open to all who are true Americans (color blind), in order to get help on, while at the same time they can help others also, in order to help them understand more about these sorts of things.
Its quite plain that a huge majority of blacks are raised in a culture that teaches that whites exist to keep blacks down. Of course they are ALWAYS going to go 95% for the black candidate. These same people think racism is only about white racism.
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to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

I would think that just by Obama being elected twice shows that we have made great progress getting past skin color.
If no whites voted for obama he loses both elections. Over 30% of whites voted for obama the second time...the first time it was much many white votes would he have gotten years prior...I dont think its as bad as your making it out to be myself
Yes, yes, yes, we got that, but why did blacks vote for him in such large numbers, and the other groups in marginal numbers that balanced each other out ? It is that many may wonder still, if they did it because of him being black, and what does this blackness mean to them, along with his intelect and attributes combined ? Does him being black still play a role for the blacks in their thinking or maybe for the ones whom think this way maybe ? I just want everyone to become Americans is my quest for this nation finally, and I think many want the same things also for the nation...

A good man can become one of the greatest Presidents of all, and at anytime within the history of this great nation, if he would just serve his country, and not that of a man for whom wishes that he would only serve him. (beagle9 2012) Think about it..

My God, this has been asked and answered a multitude of times.(See posts 68 & 82 in this thread) Because he was the Democratic nominee. Black voters have voted for Democratic presidential candidates in numbers exceeding 80% since 1964. If Hillary Clinton had been the Democratic nominee in 2008,more than 80% of black voters would have voted for her. If Dennis Kusinich (sp?) had been the nominee in 2008, he would have received more than 80% of the black vote. The history on this is crystal clear for those who choose to see it.
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Blacks vote for blacks.

It's a fact of life. :cool:

You couldn't be more wrong. Blacks vote for Democrats. Run Alan Keyes against Hillary in 2016, and Hillary would take over 90% of the Black vote, guaranteed.
Can't remember now, but what stands out against Alan Keyes for you ? I have heard him speak, and I remember liking him, but I may have missed something...Thanks
Obama's only qualification for president in 2008 was his skin color. :cool:

His skin color is what convinced so many whites to vote for him in 2008? Sorry, but I'm not buying that.

Sunni Ma's pov would only be true if black voters held the all important swing vote in national elections. Last I looked that wasn't even close to being true.
Hmmmm, are we getting away from exactly what percentage of blacks voted for Obama (97%?), and this as to why they did in 08, and possibly again in 2012? Yes there are many other factors involved in an election of course, but did the blacks as a group vote skin color mostly, and was this wise is what people are wondering about in regards to that group of Americans ? Could be, and yes it could also be that they feel he is the ultimate canidate for them, because he is "black" (understanding of their struggles) and a democrat president (who could be instrumental in fixing alot of their struggles or issues), so this is the way that they saw it all I think. This put's alot of pressure on a candiate that has been chosen in such numbers like this by one group to represent them, but he must represent all in the nation fairly and while being color blind at the same time, or it will be a tough thing to get the right canidate again for certain issues to be handled or delt with in the future, especially if other important nationwide issues are ignored in an unbalanced way. This is the balancing act that one has to deal with as the President for all in the nation (regardless of color or gender), where as while on the tight wire, one must look at all the angles all of the time or the fall will come next.
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I don't recall who it was, but I remember that someone said reelecting Obama said more about racial progress in America than electing him in the first place. The reasoning was that it's a lot easier to elect someone who is a blank canvass you can paint your hopes and dreams on to any extent, than to vote for someone who has drawn lines in the sand.
Blacks vote for blacks.

It's a fact of life. :cool:

They didn't vote for Jesse Jackson or Herman Cain or Al Sharpton.
They would have still done so maybe, but was it that they thought that these cats would fall short so why push such canidates whom would fall short to begin with ? Like people say, and also the blacks say themselves (we all are smarter than that). It may be that they knew that these possibilities wouldn't fulfill their expectations in what could get done for them or maybe they knew that they would be to radical of a choice to attempt to push such choices in and against the tide that was coming and going in America, otherwise only to be let down by these choices in the end. People have to be certain when they do something, and undoubtedly they weren't certain about these figure heads making it for them, so they let them be until maybe another day or maybe not.
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