Do black people realize that it was an insult to Barack Obama

Heres the is the typical black voter. Its not even debatable..........these folks have been brainwashed from birth that the GOP represents "whitey" and they'll put you in the poor house and hang you on a tree................

THATS the culture................. [ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

Blacks checked out on the GOP forever long over 50% of them were unemployed, they'd still vote for Obama!!:D Black poverty has INCREASED in the past 4 matters not to a vast majority of blacks.
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Heres the is the typical black voter. Its not even debatable..........these folks have been brainwashed from birth that the GOP represents "whitey" and they'll put you in the poor house and hang you on a tree................

THATS the culture................. Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Blacks checked out on the GOP forever long over 50% of them were unemployed, they'd still vote for Obama!!:D Black poverty has INCREASED in the past 4 matters not to a vast majority of blacks.
Watching the video, but the video that was more interesting to me was the one where they were questioning the Obama voters, and they didn't know anything about government much or government affairs, but they knew everything about Sarah Palin and her teenage daughter who was pregnant at the time. Amazing!

It just goes to show how effective hollywood and the media are when they have it in for anyone in this nation, and therefore they jointly want to dictate who we have in power for them and their personal goals involved, and it is not for the electorate at large in this nation to be represented anylonger if they have their way. In fact it apears that the media uses it's power to prey upon the uneducated, and to pursue the results in which they want, only to have used the uneducated to get what they want, and then dump them when they got what they wanted.
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

You speak for the President of the United States?
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

You speak for the President of the United States?
You cut up my words or somebody did, and expect me to answer any questions based upon my words after being cut up ? Don't think so....Go back and bring forth all of my words spoken in context of in concerns to that which was written above, and then I might not have to answer your question, because it will have been answered for you in the original.

You see this is how people get confused, is when someone cuts up someones words, by trying to suggest something else by the words once being cut up like this or to put words into someones mouth by such a method as is used, but then it confuses someone who comes in late into a discussion, only to make them apear lost when they ask such a thing as this oopa doopa guy just asked.
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Heres the is the typical black voter. Its not even debatable..........these folks have been brainwashed from birth that the GOP represents "whitey" and they'll put you in the poor house and hang you on a tree................

THATS the culture................. Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Blacks checked out on the GOP forever long over 50% of them were unemployed, they'd still vote for Obama!!:D Black poverty has INCREASED in the past 4 matters not to a vast majority of blacks.

I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, regardless of skin tone or whatever...

but, jeez... every time I see sumpin' like this... (and I see it alot...)

I can't help but think to myself "goddamn dumbshit jigaboos..."
Blacks vote for blacks.

It's a fact of life. :cool:

That's why Michael Steele was a senator. And Lynn Swann was governor.

Blacks vote for democrats... 90%+ every time... no matter who's got what skin color on the ballot...

sure, some of 'em may make informed decisions before they cast their ballot...

but for the majority, it's simply dumbshit jigaboos being herded to the polls...
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Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.

also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.
Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.

also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

good point... mebbe true...

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.

hmmm... am I the only one who's noticed that Obama's ears are nearly identical to GWB's ears...?
Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.

also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.
Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.
Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.

also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.
Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.

"more" does not mean "all". i did not suggest any reason why it went the way it did.

what i think is that you are a racist and that you are bitter because obama lost. he is our president. get over it.

it was the same with kennedy. a lot of catholics voted for him and a lot of non-catholics voted against him and ran a fear mongering campaign about our country being taken over by the pope in rome.

obama was elected by the american people and represents the american people and i would hope that, after a bitterly devisive campaign, the american people can do what they have done in the past, come together, and support our country and our president instead of hoping for his failure so the republicans have a head start in 2016 and ellect marco rubio our first latino president.

i would expect the UFW would not endorse him.
Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.

also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

good point... mebbe true...

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.

hmmm... am I the only one who's noticed that Obama's ears are nearly identical to GWB's ears...?

probably one of the very, very few.
also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.
Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.

"more" does not mean "all". i did not suggest any reason why it went the way it did.

what i think is that you are a racist and that you are bitter because obama lost. he is our president. get over it.

it was the same with kennedy. a lot of catholics voted for him and a lot of non-catholics voted against him and ran a fear mongering campaign about our country being taken over by the pope in rome.

obama was elected by the american people and represents the american people and i would hope that, after a bitterly devisive campaign, the american people can do what they have done in the past, come together, and support our country and our president instead of hoping for his failure so the republicans have a head start in 2016 and ellect marco rubio our first latino president.

i would expect the UFW would not endorse him.
Why do you think of me as a racist or make this charge against me, when we all now know that something went on here, and we have all seen the rehtoric or the videos and the news that tells us that something went on here, so are you saying that the American people shouldn't look into these things, even though these things may come back to adversely affect them in many different ways, and may even show up in the form of reverse racism being promoted down the line if these things are not looked into ?
Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.

"more" does not mean "all". i did not suggest any reason why it went the way it did.

what i think is that you are a racist and that you are bitter because obama lost. he is our president. get over it.

it was the same with kennedy. a lot of catholics voted for him and a lot of non-catholics voted against him and ran a fear mongering campaign about our country being taken over by the pope in rome.

obama was elected by the american people and represents the american people and i would hope that, after a bitterly devisive campaign, the american people can do what they have done in the past, come together, and support our country and our president instead of hoping for his failure so the republicans have a head start in 2016 and ellect marco rubio our first latino president.

i would expect the UFW would not endorse him.
Why do you think of me as a racist or make this charge against me, when we all now know that something went on here, and we have all seen the rehtoric or the videos and the news that tells us that something went on here, so are you saying that the American people shouldn't look into these things, even though these things may come back to adversely affect them in many different ways, and may even show up in the form of reverse racism being promoted down the line if these things are not looked into ?

oh come on. anybody who comments on the "obamaphone lady" without condemning it as a racist peace of political garbage in the most vigorous of manner and instead says "i'm watching it but what i found more interesting..." is a racist.

what went on? people went out and voted in what they believed to be their own self interest, as they always have. did obama's race play a part in it, of course it did.

i liked the man because he spoke irish..."is feidir linn" which, in american, means "si, se puede" i believe.

this country is the greatest country in the world for one embraces diversity and always has in her own way, not always perfectly but eventually always.

are there black bigots out there? are there stupid blacks, racist blacks, intoleraant blacks? sure there are. but that makes them no different from a lot of us.

ya know, i remember my son's first day of middle school. i go into the auditorium and painted on the wall opposite the entrance was this huge painting so it hit you right in the face was a portrait of the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. and all i could think was "oh no.i ain't ready for this fight".

so i struggled to my seat and sat down, looked up at the opposite wall, and damned if malcolm x was looking down on me and i knew right then and there i was going to be alright and was in good hamds.

just tone it down a little and you will be OK.
Also, if you're going to cite the "Obamaphone lady", there are videos of Romney supporters ranting how they want a "real American" in the White House, not some illegal immigrant Muslim from Kenya.
Also, if you're going to cite the "Obamaphone lady", there are videos of Romney supporters ranting how they want a "real American" in the White House, not some illegal immigrant Muslim from Kenya.
Yes all that is out there too, but we want our elections to be fair and honest always for the American people, and we want them to represent all in this nation as Americans, and we want our elections not being about certain colors/race or cultures to be looked after or represented in an unbalanced way by anyone that is elected to that office, but some think that it should be about these sorts of things these days instead. It really is amazing as to what is going on these days, and I hope that we can all get a grip somehow soon.
Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.

also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.
Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.

If you believe the part in bold type, why would you bother starting this thread instead of a thread questioning why whites, Latinos, and other groups voted for Obama, since blacks as a group don' have the voting numbers to swing the election? Why, after his first four years, did groups that Republicans should have been able to count on not come through. That is the issue.
Also, if you're going to cite the "Obamaphone lady", there are videos of Romney supporters ranting how they want a "real American" in the White House, not some illegal immigrant Muslim from Kenya.

On one side you have the ignorant cell phone woman. On the other side you have Donald Trump and his "issues". Again, idiots balancing idiots. The mentalities cancel each other out.
also, i bet more white folk voted against obama because he was black than black folk voted for him because he was black.

me, i had to vote for him...those irish ears gave the game away. if he would have campaigned on that, he would have won by a landslide.
Wrong, cuz Obama wouldnot be the President if it had went the way in which you say that it did or that it could have.. The blacks are still a minority in this nation, and so Obama was put into office by whites, blacks, latino's, and many more groups who got together and voted this guy in, but what is being discussed here is why people voted Obama into office, and was it the reason for the majority of blacks that he would represent them better because he was black also ?

Did they even look at his record of the last four years and begin to wonder about how effective he was for all of America, and would he be hamstrung again (held back) because of his radical views and changes in which he seems so intent on doing, but due to the checks and balances we have on power, he will be stopped from changing this nation in these radical way's, so where does that leave everybody now ? Another waisted four years, and us deeper in debt with no end in sight.

If you believe the part in bold type, why would you bother starting this thread instead of a thread questioning why whites, Latinos, and other groups voted for Obama, since blacks as a group don' have the voting numbers to swing the election? Why, after his first four years, did groups that Republicans should have been able to count on not come through. That is the issue.
Yes those are issues also, but hey one issue at a time right... I am just worried that people are voting skin color and not principles or on the important issues, but nice try on your part to deflect though, I mean where as you were trying to work some magic dust here.
Also, if you're going to cite the "Obamaphone lady", there are videos of Romney supporters ranting how they want a "real American" in the White House, not some illegal immigrant Muslim from Kenya.

On one side you have the ignorant cell phone woman. On the other side you have Donald Trump and his "issues". Again, idiots balancing idiots. The mentalities cancel each other out.
Good points..

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