Do blacks deserve due process? City Mgr fired for suggesting police deserve due process

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!
Due process is a legal term moron..

Was the City Manager charged with a crime??

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!
The city manager was removed via board vote. On the surface this is legal if they had cause. It is possible other issues could have existed to cause this termination. This we do not know. I would not want to be the city defending against a wrongful termination if this were the sole reason for termination. I do not know how the city charter treats this job if the city manager serves at the pleasure of this board there may be no recourse.

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!
Due process is a legal term moron..

Was the City Manager charged with a crime??

He was fired for saying he wants due process to decide what to do about the policewoman.

"Before leaving the podium, Elliott noted that Boganey, as city manager, had the authority to determine whether the officer would be fired. Boganey noted that he would not take immediate action to remove the officer.

“All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline,” Boganey said. “This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

When pressed on whether he personally felt the officer should be fired, Boganey again called for due process.

“If I were to answer that question, I’d be contradicting what I said a moment ago — which is to say that all employees are entitled to due process and after that due process, discipline will be determined,” Boganey said. “If I were to say anything else, I would actually be contradicting the idea of due process.”

His being fired was not justifiable.

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!
Due process is a legal term moron..

Was the City Manager charged with a crime??

He was fired for saying he wants due process to decide what to do about the policewoman.

"Before leaving the podium, Elliott noted that Boganey, as city manager, had the authority to determine whether the officer would be fired. Boganey noted that he would not take immediate action to remove the officer.

“All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline,” Boganey said. “This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

When pressed on whether he personally felt the officer should be fired, Boganey again called for due process.

“If I were to answer that question, I’d be contradicting what I said a moment ago — which is to say that all employees are entitled to due process and after that due process, discipline will be determined,” Boganey said. “If I were to say anything else, I would actually be contradicting the idea of due process.”

His being fired was not justifiable.

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!

That's how things work in Dem Nazi land.
Those behind the steal

Black democrats
Zionist jews

Are not for due process because they are

Anti free speech
Anti truth
Anti american

And being opposed to due process is the sum of the three

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!
Due process is a legal term moron..

Was the City Manager charged with a crime??

Due process is a civil right guaranteed by the seventh amendment, dipshit.
drowned liberty1.jpg
The Mayor was obviously in over his head today. At today's news conference, lacked any semblance of confidence, let activists bloviate, and made up shit as the presser went on.
He sounded like a Black Sgt. Schulz, "I know nothing!!".

According to this article one city says NO.

No due process for you.
No civil rights for you.

Thank the left for this insane culture rot!
Due process is a legal term moron..

Was the City Manager charged with a crime??
um you don't need to be charged with a crime to have Due's whenever the Govt wants to take your life, liberty or property. There are different levels of Due Process depending on what the Govt wishes to take

As far as public employment, see Bd. of Regents of State Colleges v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564 (1972)
In Roth, the United States Supreme Court held that, where public employees have a property right or property interest in their continued employment, the employer may not terminate the employee without certain due process protections.

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