Do Conservatives know what health insurance is?

The lefts obsession with "profits" is pathetically amusing.....
As long as you can stick the taxpayer with every money losing, bankrupt, ineffecient, deficit expanding ponzi scheme run by incompetent civil servants its all good.....

For the people !!!! Lmfao
i've put thought to posts to you before and you dance around and scream at people like you or they are 12. i'm not 12, so i'm not going to talk to someone who acts that way.

You don't want to be treated like a child, yet that is how you act. Remember, you were the one who arrogantly responded to my post, not vice-versa. I brought down the hammer on you after you had already planted your flag on arrogant ground. So you have no one to blame for feeling like a piece of crap but yourself. Grow up.
In the basement? Never to touch the consumer economy again? LOL!

Probably not. If it's stashed overseas, it's just sitting there not doing anything. If it's given to top executives, they stash it overseas, and do nothing with it. Just like I said before, this is the part of the thread where you say they will trickle-down while simultaneously saying you don't believe in trickle-down. It's just you talking in circles...or if you prefer, mental masturbation.

Oh no! I guess mean rich guy income and taxes never touch the consumer economy again?

Not really. As we learned from the Bush Tax Cuts, when given extra income, the wealthy save it, they don't spend it. So you say you don't believe trickle-down is real, yet here you are arguing that very thing.

That's why I call you out for cognitive dissonance. And that's why your posts are just attempts at self-gratification so you don't have to come to terms with the fact that you're not as clever or informed as you think you are.

If it's stashed overseas, it's just sitting there not doing anything.

Let me know when you can show a hospital stashed their IV upcharge overseas.

If it's given to top executives, they stash it overseas, and do nothing with it.

First, they'd have to pay income taxes on it. Then they have to pay taxes on their investment income.
Is this how all the rich guys buy their big expensive homes, by never spending their hidden money?

Just like I said before, this is the part of the thread where you say they will trickle-down

Wow, we've come a long way from your moronic claim that garnished paychecks remove money from the consumer economy. DERP!
You should get a job and pay your own way in the world!

You don't know shit about me, but I know plenty about you. Like how this shitty post of yours is just projection, and that you're the one without a job and you feel so fucking bad for yourself the only thing you can do is project that insecurity out on others...all in service of your fucking ego.

Get over yourself.
As long as you can stick the taxpayer with every money losing, bankrupt, ineffecient, deficit expanding ponzi scheme run by incompetent civil servants its all good.....For the people !!!! Lmfao

You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about.
You should get a job and pay your own way in the world!

You don't know shit about me, but I know plenty about you. Like how this shitty post of yours is just projection, and that you're the one without a job and you feel so fucking bad for yourself the only thing you can do is project that insecurity out on others...all in service of your fucking ego.

Get over yourself.
I do not have a job! That's why I can chat all day! Ewe need a job so you can feel like standing on your own two feet.
Health insurance does insure me..

So now you're playing the not-so-clever game of goalpost shifting. That you (singular) suddenly change what you (plural) was intended. Health insurance insures you (singular) against what? Financial ruin. If you incur more health care costs than you pay in premiums, you have already stated that is welfare. So you prove my OP correct when I say that Conservatives don't know what health insurance actually is, what insurance companies do, and how it relates to your health care delivery. And you prove my post about your cognitive dissonance correct when you simultaneously say health insurance is and isn't welfare.

Allowing people to get "insurance" after they get sick isn't health insurance. It's welfare.

No, it's health insurance. You said so yourself. And pre-ACA anything can be considered a pre-existing condition. That was the problem. So you are either denying that it was a problem, or you are denying what health insurance is. So which is it? Where is your denial?

That sounds like insurance to me.

Like I said, your definition of "insurance" seems to change depending on how your argument is faring. You say it's welfare, then you say it isn't, then you say it is, then you say it isn't. I think that's all by design so you can fatigue the conversation so you don't have to admit you've been full of shit this entire time.

Your anecdotes are very convincing.

So this is the denial I mentioned earlier. The denial that insurers would routinely deny care, kick people off coverage, practice rescission, or inflate premiums pre-ACA. In order for your shitty argument to make sense, you have to deny the reality of the system prior to Obamacare. So we cannot have a discussion about this until you get over yourself and accept the truth of what was happening before Obamacare that prompted its creation. You make the active choice to deny that because of your ego. There's no other reason.

Insurance is different than welfare. You haven't figured that out yet.

I have not figured out your fluid, ever-changing, goalpost-shifting belief system. You simultaneously say insurance is welfare, and that it's not welfare. So what that says to me is that you don't know what insurance is at all, and your denial of the reality pre-ACA is the proof.

Obamacare allowing pre-existing conditions to buy coverage the day before they need expensive care means Obamacare is not insurance.

That's not what Obamacare is or does. Obamacare has an open enrollment period. Which you would know if you actually knew anything you're talking about, or did the hard work of knowing it. So you can't just hop onto Obamacare at any given time. Because Obamacare is merely a marketplace where insurers offer plans. And insurers have enrollment periods specifically to prevent what you're saying. But you don't know that because you don't know what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how it relates to your actual health care. You don't even know the first thing about the law, let alone how insurance works, how you enroll in it, and when you enroll in it. Seriously, what is your excuse for being this uninformed? Is it an active choice you make? Is it not? What gives?

Yes, allowing people to steal my premiums makes it welfare, not insurance.

So again, you don't seem to know what health insurance is. At this point, I think you're deliberately not understanding it because you're too afraid to admit you're not as smart as you think you are.

If you allow me to pay $200 only after my appendix burst then yes, that would be stealing someone else's premiums. If I was enrolled in the plan and then at some point in the future my appendix burst, that's not stealing.

So you're a dumb-dumb who obviously has never had to buy health insurance for yourself, otherwise you would know that you cna't get insurance anytime you want. There are open-enrollment periods. For the plans on the exchanges, the period runs from October through January. If you choose to not get insurance, then you're fucked because you can't pick it up mid-year, and you have to pay a fine.

our confusion between actual insurance and welfare or stealing is amusing considering your OP.

No, the problem is you have standards that seem to change depending on how your argument is faring. Then you pretend it doesn't when we can all take a look at the thread and see for ourselves. I mean, you don't even know the fundamental basics of how to actually get health insurance. You obviously have never had to get it for yourself, choosing instead to have someone else do it for you because you're too lazy to bother with understanding it. Heck, you didn't even know about enrollment periods. Your entire argument hinges on the belief that you can just hop onto the exchanges any time and pick up coverage. But that's not even remotely true. So you just made it up in order to fit the false narrative you're constructing in your equally false argument.

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Let me know when you can show a hospital stashed their IV upcharge overseas.

Just look at the massive profits these providers have. Then look at wage stagnation for workers. Then try to tell me that the money "trickled down" into the economy while saying you don't believe in trickle-down, even though that is what you're arguing.

First, they'd have to pay income taxes on it. Then they have to pay taxes on their investment income.

Do they, though? How much does Donald Trump pay in taxes -OH RIGHT he won't release his tax returns. Of course. So again, here you are, arguing that trickle-down happens when we both know it doesn't, yet you continue on this denial and delusion why? Obviously it's because you don't want to have to admit to me that you've been full of shit this whole time. So you just dig in harder to preserve your own fragile, glass menagerie of an ego. Get over yourself.

s this how all the rich guys buy their big expensive homes, by never spending their hidden money?

They buy their big expensive homes from other rich people. is that helping the economy? Oh right, it isn't.

Wow, we've come a long way from your moronic claim that garnished paychecks remove money from the consumer economy. DERP!

It does remove money from the consumer economy, and we've only gotten to this point because you refuse to accept reality.
Sure I do comrade, why the pussified teenage response ??? Lol

No, you don't. Even you know you don't. This is just you trying to make yourself feel better because the only thing that matters to you is self-gratification. There are better ways to get off, you know...
The profits are so massive insurers have been leaving the exchanges in droves.......

This douche is about as clueless as they come...
The profits are so massive insurers have been leaving the exchanges in droves.......

They are leaving the exchanges because you stupid Conservatives destroyed the risk corridors that used unused premiums to cover unexpected costs to insurers who paid out more than they took in. That was alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you guys who did that. You deliberately destroyed the risk corridors because you knew it would lead to insurers leaving the exchanges, which you could then misrepresent as a failure of the law and not of your own shitty policy.

Oh, and let's also not forget that some of the insurers leaving the exchanges aren't doing so because they're losing money...that's just what they lie about. The reality is that some of them, like Aetna, were leaving exchanges in retaliation for not being allowed to merge with other insurers to create massive TBTF insurance companies.

TThis douche is about as clueless as they come...

It's pretty obvious you don't know anything you're talking about.
Hey, who could have predicted that the only way the commiecare ponzi scheme could survive would be
massive tax increases and higher premiums for the folks that actually pay.....

On Fox 'n' Friends, Brian Kilmeade lamented that healthy people pay for sick people.

That is literally what health insurance is.

Congrats to the not-presently-on-fire for paying for firefighters.

I had to go to the doctor.

I paid $90 office visit and like $70 meds.

No, I don't have health insurance.

I do pay cash, though.
Hey, who could have predicted that the only way the commiecare ponzi scheme could survive would be massive tax increases and higher premiums for the folks that actually pay.....Besides EVERYONE

Obamacare has been around for 7 years and isn't going anywhere. Conservatives have tried their hardest to undermine the law and then misrepresent those failures of the law and not of their own shitty policy of deliberate sabotage.

Also, the fact that after 7 years of screaming about Obamacare they haven't produced a viable alternative undermines their arguments about Obamacare. Or it means they're just incredibly lazy. Or it means they've been posturing. Or all the above.
I had to go to the doctor.
I paid $90 office visit and like $70 meds.
No, I don't have health insurance.
I do pay cash, though.

Great. So what happens if you get appendicitis? You got $33K laying around? I doubt it.

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