Do Conservatives know what health insurance is?

It is a product made and sold for profit by the private industry that is forced on Americans by our government. You're welcome

Right, because no single person can reasonably afford $33K it costs to perform an appendectomy. So we have health insurance so people don't die of a burst appendix, nor do they go broke paying for the appendectomy.

How are you supposed to afford that if you don't have enough cash in your savings account?

But they can afford cars that cost 25K.


So all sick people have $25,000 cars?

You tell me.

Do all sick people have 33 K medical bills.
It is a product made and sold for profit by the private industry that is forced on Americans by our government. You're welcome

Right, because no single person can reasonably afford $33K it costs to perform an appendectomy. So we have health insurance so people don't die of a burst appendix, nor do they go broke paying for the appendectomy.

How are you supposed to afford that if you don't have enough cash in your savings account?

By buying an insurance policy....duh
How many times are you going to move the goalposts before you realize you've made a fool of yourself?

I haven't moved anything. You're the one confused as to what health insurance is, what insurance companies actually do, and how it relates to health care delivery.
You asked a question, I gave you a 100% accurate answer yet you call me confused? Lol

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :spinner:

Derp fits.
You really are one stupid son-of-a-bitch.

No, you guys are stupid because you don't know what health insurance is, and you never have. That's why you can't articulate a replacement plan. Because you lack the brain power to understand it. Whether or not you're being deliberately obtuse is a whole other question.

You get a big medical bill and they will put you on a payment program.

Right...they garnish your wages. That's the "payment plan". And when you pay cash, you're paying over-inflated prices that are in the chargemaster. Or they give you a discount, but that discount just gets paid by those on insurance, who have taken personal responsibility.

Thanks for making my point, dickhead. You get a bill for 33K, you sell your car and pay off the hospital.

Math is hard for your guys.

$25K =/= $33K.

So you're still $8K in the hole.
By buying in insurance policy....duh

OK, but you can't buy an insurance policy in the back of an ambulance as you're taken to Moneybags General Hospital. Conservatives seem to think that health insurance isn't necessary. Then when confronted with a scenario like appendicitis, which strikes quickly and suddenly and needs immediate medical care, suddenly they think going bankrupt is the solution.
Who said they were free asshole ?

Conservatives seem to think they're free. Conservatives don't seem to understand what health insurance actually is, what insurance companies actually do, and how what they do relates to health care delivery.

That's why they couldn't come up with a replacement plan after 7 years of posturing. Because they simply don't know what they're talking about.

So what gives?

I am not interested in what you think people "seem to think".

You have no evidence of your claims about insurance.

It's not conservatives who didn't come up with a plan. It was republicans. They are not the same and you are a moron.

What gives ?

You are clueless.

You might be embarrassed to admit it, but yes, they are the same.
You buy car insurance, you can get all different kinds.

Used to be you could buy a catastrophic plan (and spare me the junk plan bullshit...never existed until Obama fucked up the roll out) for 75/month.

Now they call the same thing a bronze plan and want 400/month for it.
Might wanna close this thread too.. You are like dotcom 2.0
Gramps ended this thread with post #2
You asked a question, I gave you a 100% accurate answer yet you call me confused? Lol

You said a piece of paper, but you failed to actually understand what that piece of paper signifies. The "service" an insurance company provides is administration. For some reason, you don't want to admit that. Why?
It is a product made and sold for profit by the private industry that is forced on Americans by our government. You're welcome

Right, because no single person can reasonably afford $33K it costs to perform an appendectomy. So we have health insurance so people don't die of a burst appendix, nor do they go broke paying for the appendectomy.

How are you supposed to afford that if you don't have enough cash in your savings account?

But they can afford cars that cost 25K.


So all sick people have $25,000 cars?

You tell me.

Do all sick people have 33 K medical bills.

Lots do. What happens to those that do have 33k or higher med bills, but don't have a $25,000 car to sell?
Who said they were free asshole ?

Conservatives seem to think they're free. Conservatives don't seem to understand what health insurance actually is, what insurance companies actually do, and how what they do relates to health care delivery.

That's why they couldn't come up with a replacement plan after 7 years of posturing. Because they simply don't know what they're talking about.

So what gives?

I am not interested in what you think people "seem to think".

You have no evidence of your claims about insurance.

It's not conservatives who didn't come up with a plan. It was republicans. They are not the same and you are a moron.

What gives ?

You are clueless.

You might be embarrassed to admit it, but yes, they are the same.

They are not.....

If they were, you'd really be screwed out of your government goodies.
It is a product made and sold for profit by the private industry that is forced on Americans by our government. You're welcome

Right, because no single person can reasonably afford $33K it costs to perform an appendectomy. So we have health insurance so people don't die of a burst appendix, nor do they go broke paying for the appendectomy.

How are you supposed to afford that if you don't have enough cash in your savings account?

But they can afford cars that cost 25K.


So all sick people have $25,000 cars?

You tell me.

Do all sick people have 33 K medical bills.

Lots do. What happens to those that do have 33k or higher med bills, but don't have a $25,000 car to sell?

You set up a payment program.

Most of the time, hospitals will work with people.

If it is to much, they often reduce the bill.

I've had several friends work the processd and come out with a "fair" settlement.
You asked a question, I gave you a 100% accurate answer yet you call me confused? Lol

You said a piece of paper, but you failed to actually understand what that piece of paper signifies. The "service" an insurance company provides is administration. For some reason, you don't want to admit that. Why?
This has to be a goal for you? To move the goalposts with every single post you make. Is this a new authorized troll tactic or just something idiots do when they've lost?
I am not interested in what you think people "seem to think".

You should, because you're the ones unable to grasp the fundamental basics of health insurance. Whether that is deliberate or not is an entirely different question.

IYou have no evidence of your claims about insurance.

What claims have I made? Health insurance companies do nothing more than administration. You even admitted that. So why is having a private company do that administration necessary? That's the question that belies your lack of understanding what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how it relates to delivery of health care.

It's not conservatives who didn't come up with a plan. It was republicans. They are not the same and you are a moron.

They are the same thing. Conservative = Republican = Teabag = "Libertarian" = Klansman

Same shit, different polish.
On Fox 'n' Friends, Brian Kilmeade lamented that healthy people pay for sick people.

That is literally what health insurance is.

Congrats to the not-presently-on-fire for paying for firefighters.

No insurance, all insurance, is the spreading of risk not the redistribution of money.

Which is why it used to be people who posed greater risk paid higher premiums

But the democrats somewhere along the line confused health insurance with health care
You buy car insurance, you can get all different kinds.

Health care is a necessity, a car isn't. You can go without a car, but you cannot go without health care.

Used to be you could buy a catastrophic plan (and spare me the junk plan bullshit...never existed until Obama fucked up the roll out) for 75/month.

Universally, catastrophic plans had lifetime caps, which means once you reach whatever the cap is, you are on the hook for everything else. So if you get prostate cancer, which costs upwards of half a million dollars to treat, once you reach your catastrophic plan lifetime cap (which averaged around $200K), you're fucked. So you might think you're clever buying a catastrophic plan, until the lifetime cap kicks in. Then you go bankrupt or die. So a catastrophic plan isn't actually a catastrophic plan at all. That's why 60% of bankruptcies pre-ACA were medical related, and the majority of those folks had insurance plans like the one you are claiming you had.

Now they call the same thing a bronze plan and want 400/month for it.

No they don't. Catastrophic plans and Bronze plans couldn't be more different.
I am not interested in what you think people "seem to think".

You should, because you're the ones unable to grasp the fundamental basics of health insurance. Whether that is deliberate or not is an entirely different question.

Keep repeating this unsupported claim and you might actually talk yourself into thinking you are right.

Everyone else can see you are a moron.

Conservatives know insurance better than you do...while they are sleeping.
They are the same thing. Conservative = Republican = Teabag = "Libertarian" = Klansman

Same shit, different polish.

Well use that same logic to say that:

Democrats = left wingers = Socialists = Communists = mooches = Terrorists

But I know that it isn't true.

Why don't you shove your Saul Alinsky talking points and think for your self.
It is a product made and sold for profit by the private industry that is forced on Americans by our government. You're welcome

What is the product? I mean, physically, what is the product an insurance company makes?
A document of financial guarantees.

Are you daft?
rhetorical question?
He's done it 4 or five times now. In his latest post he's rambling about "healthcare"
Moving that goalpost ever so slowly

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