Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

The Know-Nothing Idiot Virus infects every few generations of stupid mother fucker weaklings. America ALWAYS proves stronger.
The Know-Nothing Idiot Virus infects every few generations of stupid mother fucker weaklings. America ALWAYS proves stronger.
It’s sad that an uber intelligent educator CAN’T expand on his feel-good theories and sell us on his ideology…you Libs can never show us the data as it relates to today’s ‘immigrants’ and their impact on American society…make us want to embrace desperate, illiterate thirdworlders….stop with the Lib shit…the “but but but….euro immigrants!”
It’s sad that an uber intelligent educator CAN’T expand on his feel-good theories and sell us on his ideology…you Libs can never show us the data as it relates to today’s ‘immigrants’ and their impact on American society…make us want to embrace desperate, illiterate thirdworlders….stop with the Lib shit…the “but but but….euro immigrants!”
Sure sure, loser. Here's a primer for you.

The Unseen Economics of Illegal Immigration - Cornell Roosevelt Institute
How does it benefit low wage American workers?
3.) Effect on the jobs of native United States citizens
This effect tends to be the most contentious factor in the debate over illegal immigration — the perceived loss of jobs and diminished income frequently trouble many voters. However, it is important to realize the complimentary effect that illegal immigration has upon the job market. According to the Hamilton Project study, "Based on a survey of the academic literature, economists do not tend to find that immigrants cause any sizeable decrease in wages and employment of U.S.-born citizens and instead may raise wages and lower prices in the aggregate." The economy does not operate in a zero-sum fashion; instead work done by illegal immigrants may serve as the infrastructure for future job positions as well as magnify the importance of current jobs.
3.) Effect on the jobs of native United States citizens
This effect tends to be the most contentious factor in the debate over illegal immigration — the perceived loss of jobs and diminished income frequently trouble many voters. However, it is important to realize the complimentary effect that illegal immigration has upon the job market. According to the Hamilton Project study, "Based on a survey of the academic literature, economists do not tend to find that immigrants cause any sizeable decrease in wages and employment of U.S.-born citizens and instead may raise wages and lower prices in the aggregate." The economy does not operate in a zero-sum fashion; instead work done by illegal immigrants may serve as the infrastructure for future job positions as well as magnify the importance of current jobs.
"Based on a survey of academic literature?" Really? None pf the economists I've ever read say that. You also failed to provide a source for this idiocy. The laws of economics say that increasing the supply of something will cause the price to decrease. No legitimate economist could honestly claim that vast hoards of low wage immigrants will have no negative effect on wages.

Only a fucking moron would make such a claim.
The OP’s question was on immigration in general, not just illegal. And yes, they rail against legal immigration too, just ask the OP.
Not in general, you point to the op as evidence, but look around, you dont really hear people on the right opposed to legal immigration.
"Based on a survey of academic literature?" Really? None pf the economists I've ever read say that. You also failed to provide a source for this idiocy. The laws of economics say that increasing the supply of something will cause the price to decrease. No legitimate economist could honestly claim that vast hoards of low wage immigrants will have no negative effect on wages.

Only a fucking moron would make such a claim.
You think our labor market is zero sum?

GDP is zero all the time?

3.) Effect on the jobs of native United States citizens
This effect tends to be the most contentious factor in the debate over illegal immigration — the perceived loss of jobs and diminished income frequently trouble many voters. However, it is important to realize the complimentary effect that illegal immigration has upon the job market. According to the Hamilton Project study, "Based on a survey of the academic literature, economists do not tend to find that immigrants cause any sizeable decrease in wages and employment of U.S.-born citizens and instead may raise wages and lower prices in the aggregate." The economy does not operate in a zero-sum fashion; instead work done by illegal immigrants may serve as the infrastructure for future job positions as well as magnify the importance of current jobs.
Sorry Humberto, I hate to hurt your feelings with this pesky data.
Sorry Humberto, I hate to hurt your feelings with this pesky data.
Why does FAIR fail to take into account the impact on GDP?
Why does FAIR fail to take into account the impact on GDP?
I suppose they don’t want to play retard semantics…I suppose they know that most Americans don’t benefit from GDP, they know that most Americans don’t even know what GDP is.
I wonder what Mollie Tibbetts thinks of the impact your 21st century slaves have on GDP?
I suppose they don’t want to play retard semantics…I suppose they know that most Americans don’t benefit from GDP, they know that most Americans don’t even know what GDP is.
I wonder what Mollie Tibbetts thinks of the impact your 21st century slaves have on GDP?
First, GDP lifts all boats in our economy. And it’s sad that you view your fellow…er forget that. You’re right most maga fuckups don’t understand GDP.

Second, the family of Mollie would like you to shut the fuck up.
First, GDP lifts all boats in our economy. And it’s sad that you view your fellow…er forget that. You’re right most maga fuckups don’t understand GDP.

Second, the family of Mollie would like you to shut the fuck up.
That's a nonsensical statement. GDP isn't an action. It's a measure, dumbass.

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