Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

Hahaha…such a noble FEELZ so good to say huh?
Our border was aggressively defended and our immigration laws were to serve REAL Americans (think Operation Wetback) up until the 80’s when Reagan fucked us…’s no coincidence that since the flood gates to Mexico were opened our nation has been sliding down the shitter…..Weird huh?….Who would have thought….add 20-40 million disgusting thirworlders to our or ANY population and one can start counting the days to full shitholeism.
I’m sure you are descended from the “disgusting thirdworlders” of another era as well as likely are many of us. Pity.
Don’t deflect…if you’re going to respond you ought to atleast address the premise….playing stupid…is…well…stupid.
Ah, English. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
I’m sure you are descended from the “disgusting thirdworlders” of another era as well as likely are many of us. Pity.
Very few prior immigrants could have been described as third worlders. They came with trades and talents. Even those who came through Ellis Island had to prove they were self supporting. Many were deported.

What is coming here are women hoping to clean someone's house or be a prostitute. Men are looking to make their fortunes with the cartels selling drugs.

The problem at our southern border is not people following our laws and policies to actually immigrate here legally as they should.
It is the inflated number of people arriving at our border with no regard for the actual laws or responsible policies,
and the people who will do whatever they can to excuse or dismiss the difference.

We had illegal immigration for decades. During those decades American influence, standard of living, personal income, etc... has risen. The relationship has been mutually beneficial.
We had illegal immigration for decades. During those decades American influence, standard of living, personal income, etc... has risen. The relationship has been mutually beneficial.
When you have an invasion force this large there is no expectation of it being beneficial.
Actually every time they have tried to legislate for immigration the GOP have blocked it... And I note you didn't include Reagan as he had an actual sensible immigration policy which was getting what America needs from Mexico...

US needs a work force especially a service sector workforce... They also need seasonal workers too... US is runing at close to full employment...

GOP here want highly skilled to come to America and US citizens to do the manual jobs that the immigrates do today...... Think about that for a while..
The illegals aren't doing those jobs though. We keep hearing how they will do the jobs other Americans won't do, but despite having upward of 30 million illegals, about 4 million of which since Biden took office, and they keep saying we need these illegals to fill these jobs.

It's obvious they are not filling those jobs because we still have a labor shortage, despite millions of them coming here. So, that being the case...where are these illegals going? Likely bussed into the country where they just disappear...
One example: Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and business creation is fundamental to a healthy economy. Companies less than five years old create an average of 1.5 million new jobs for Americans each year.† Immigrants in particular play an important role in creating jobs as they are more likely to start a new business than the rest of the population.

One example: Approximately 5% of active duty military are immigrants.


I can think of no greater commitment to their adoptive
land. They take that solemn promise to heart, and, in all of
our wars, immigrants have fought side by side with Americans
with great valor.
Immigrants make up 5 percent of our military today. They
earn 20 percent of the Congressional Medals of Honor, and at
least 101 have made the ultimate sacrifice to our country in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
I understand they have also been awarded 150 bronze stars
for valor and gallantry in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2 silver
It's an extraordinary record.

Education: Immigrants and the U.S. Educational System
  • As of 2019, there are over 2.1 million immigrants working as teachers, professors, and other staffers in the U.S. education system. Together they make up more than 1 in 8 workers in the U.S. education sector.
  • In some sectors, they make up an even greater share. There are more almost 785,000 immigrants working at U.S. college and universities, making up more than 1 in 6 workers in higher education. Meanwhile, there are over 200,000 immigrants working in child care and day care services and more more than 1 out of 5 childcare workers are foreign-born.
  • Even though undocumented workers are largely barred from working at public education institutions, they still contribute to other sectors of the education system. This is particularly true for child and day care services, where almost 200,000 undocumented workers work and make up more than 4 percent of the workforce.
Interesting factoid: An increase of one percentage point in the share of immigrants aged 11-64 in the population increases the probability that natives aged 11-17 eventually complete 12 years of schooling by 0.3 percentage points. (The Impact of Immigration on the Educational Attainment of Natives)
A new study says that 16.6% of all healthcare professionals in the U.S. in 2016 were not born in the U.S. and almost 5% are not citizens.
A research letter published in JAMA reported that more than 1 in 4 physicians in the U.S. were born in another country and that many nurses, dentists, pharmacists, home health aides and a slew of other workers are also immigrants to the country.

Welfare - the vast majority of immigrants are not eligible for welfare and even green card holders have to wait for years even though they pay the same taxes into the system. For those that are eligible, they still use fewer services than native born people. As to whether they are “improving it” I’m not sure what metrics you would use to answer it.
Based on data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation, we find that immigrants consume 28 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits than native‐born Americans on a per capita basis. By comparison, immigrants consumed 21 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits in 2016 on a per capita basis. From 2016 to 2019, the underconsumption of welfare by immigrants relative to native‐born Americans widened by about 7 percentage points.

This can pretty much be answered by tbe above examples.

In addition, this which applies to immigrants as a whole, not just today’s immigrants. It actually isn’t possible to truly evaluate recent immigrants until they’ve had a chance to establish themselves.

“Immigrants contribute disproportionately to innovation. They’re [responsible for] 16 percent of the inventor population, but 22 percent of the total patents, and roughly the same number if we’re looking at citations.”
This is all great, and you've shown how Immigration can benefit our country, but.youre talking about legal immigration..and I've not seen anyone on the right in opposition to legal immigration. It's the illegal immigration they rail against.
This is all great, and you've shown how Immigration can benefit our country, but.youre talking about legal immigration..and I've not seen anyone on the right in opposition to legal immigration. It's the illegal immigration they rail against.
The OP’s question was on immigration in general, not just illegal. And yes, they rail against legal immigration too, just ask the OP.
We had illegal immigration for decades. During those decades American influence, standard of living, personal income, etc... has risen. The relationship has been mutually beneficial.

That's what I meant when I was referring to ...
"people who will do whatever they can to excuse or dismiss the difference"

You didn't need to tell me again, you nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

When you have an invasion force this large there is no expectation of it being beneficial.
I would ask you to actually think before you write but we all know that isn't going to happen.

So I'll ask these rhetorical questions:

Do you think that people who come here come here for jobs?

Do you think that the people who hire them see some benefit to hiring them?

Do you think that both the persons who come here and the people who hire them both benefit from the arrangement?

I don't expect honest answers since honesty isn't something you guys know the first thing about so I'll just finish with this; you're an idiot.

That's what I meant when I was referring to ...
"people who will do whatever they can to excuse or dismiss the difference"

You didn't need to tell me again, you nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

This is what I meant when I stated that we've had a mutually beneficial arrangement on the border for decades. And nothing you've posted has contradicted that fact.
This is what I meant when I stated that we've had a mutually beneficial arrangement on the border for decades. And nothing you've posted has contradicted that fact.

I don't care what you stated nor whether or not you might have the desire to support a mutually beneficial criminal enterprise.
That's the point, you silly nitwit ... :thup:

Wait...are they coming for opportunity...or escaping persecution? Seems the story changes...often...

They are coming because they believe they have been promised a nice home, a good job, new car, full medical care, fully paid educational benefits and generous welfarits.
I would ask you to actually think before you write but we all know that isn't going to happen.

So I'll ask these rhetorical questions:

Do you think that people who come here come here for jobs?

Do you think that the people who hire them see some benefit to hiring them?

Do you think that both the persons who come here and the people who hire them both benefit from the arrangement?

I don't expect honest answers since honesty isn't something you guys know the first thing about so I'll just finish with this; you're an idiot.
Some people who come here come for jobs. Some come here because Americans are known to be easy robbery victims,

Some people who hire them do so because they accept deficiencies because they don't pay much.

The millions that are coming here now aren't all interested in working as cheap labor. They are coming from all over the world. No those Africans, Afghans, Iraqis or Russians aren't interested in being field hands or washing dishes.
Very few prior immigrants could have been described as third worlders. They came with trades and talents. Even those who came through Ellis Island had to prove they were self supporting. Many were deported.
Untrue. Some groups had trade skills and talents, many others had no more skills than those coming now. The Irish Potato Famine created a huge exodus out of Ireland, an impoverished rural country under British rule that many at the time would called a “third world shithole”. These were mostly poor agricultural people, but like most immigrants, including today, willing to work. The third wave of immigration included large numbers of eastern and Southern Europeans, many of them peasants who had been pushed off their land by mechanization. Again, very like many we see today.

What is coming here are women hoping to clean someone's house or be a prostitute. Men are looking to make their fortunes with the cartels selling drugs.
When the Irish immigrated, many of the woman worked as cleaners and maids. As for the rest, b.s.
Untrue. Some groups had trade skills and talents, many others had no more skills than those coming now. The Irish Potato Famine created a huge exodus out of Ireland, an impoverished rural country under British rule that many at the time would called a “third world shithole”. These were mostly poor agricultural people, but like most immigrants, including today, willing to work. The third wave of immigration included large numbers of eastern and Southern Europeans, many of them peasants who had been pushed off their land by mechanization. Again, very like many we see today.

When the Irish immigrated, many of the woman worked as cleaners and maids. As for the rest, b.s.
When the Irish immigrated here they brought an unbelievable amount of crime, violent crime and organized crime including criminal networks. The violence that the Irish brought caused them to be rejected from wherever they went. NO IRISH was a common sign.

One of the worst gangs was The Dead Rabbits. They excelled in robbery, pick pocketing, street brawling and murder for hire. The Dead Rabbits caused a two day riot in New York that was so violent the police collapsed. The riot had to be put down by state police.

The Irish formed one of the most violent and deadly prison gangs in the country, The Bluebirds. They murdered their way in prisons from coast to coast. Over the next hundred plus years the once ethnic Irish pure prison gangs started recruiting among all whites in prison. The Bluebirds are now the Aryan Brotherhood.

The Irish did not come here are poor hard working immigrants. Some did. Some came to be successful criminals.

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