Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

The information I provided isn’t from the distant past, nor are the individual stories.

I guess they are mostly “dark skinned”, why is that a problem for you since so many have contributed? Does it make you uncomfortable? Threaten you?

Top 10 Countries of Origin for Immigrants to the U.S. (2020)​

  1. Mexico — 100,325
  2. India — 46,363
  3. China — 41,483
  4. Dominican Republic — 30,005
  5. Vietnam — 29,995
  6. Philippines — 25,491
  7. El Salvador — 17,907
  8. Brazil — 16,746
  9. Cuba — 16,367
  10. South Korea — 16,244

If you go back 40 years, you are still going to find the largest group of immigrants to be from Latin America, Mexico and then Asia.
Hahaha….of course you’d provide KNOWN LEGAL immigration figures….hahaha…so predictable.
“Whoopsie, I just kinda fogot about the 20-40 million brown illegals that broke in against our will.”
The information I provided isn’t from the distant past, nor are the individual stories.

I guess they are mostly “dark skinned”, why is that a problem for you since so many have contributed? Does it make you uncomfortable? Threaten you?

Top 10 Countries of Origin for Immigrants to the U.S. (2020)​

  1. Mexico — 100,325
  2. India — 46,363
  3. China — 41,483
  4. Dominican Republic — 30,005
  5. Vietnam — 29,995
  6. Philippines — 25,491
  7. El Salvador — 17,907
  8. Brazil — 16,746
  9. Cuba — 16,367
  10. South Korea — 16,244

If you go back 40 years, you are still going to find the largest group of immigrants to be from Latin America, Mexico and then Asia.
Big deal.
They're all running away from their Brown dictators.
The questions were asked about “immigrants”, not “illegal immigrants” or “asylum seekers” and that was what I looked for. It’s difficult to get accurate data on the latter. But I can look for stories if you want.

I didn't mention illegal immigrants at all ... And if I had I would have identified them as Illegal Foreign Nationals.
I wouldn't expect you to find stories about Illegal Foreign Nationals that you would like to post ... Nor do I desire to.

I mentioned Asylum seekers and our southern border because it would be great if we could actually tie things together ... And the OP was discussing the border policy.
I was also careful to acknowledge the couple who did seek Asylum and eventually gain entry and become US Citizens.

I read all the stories, and as expected, they were wonderful and empowering examples of how immigrants following the existing policies,
and abiding by the current Immigration Law, can most certainly prove to be beneficial to our society.

I think that's a good place to start ... Those folks were some go-getters.
Look for more stories if you desire to ... I'll look too, and maybe we will find one that so impressively expresses
the benefits we gain from our current border policy.

We've had essentially the same border policy since the middle of the 1900's...during that time our nation's fortunes have grown exponentially resulting in the highest personal income, the broadest middle class, the richest nation on earth.

So it hasn't been that much of a detriment if any at all.
We've had essentially the same border policy since the middle of the 1900's...during that time our nation's fortunes have grown exponentially resulting in the highest personal income, the broadest middle class, the richest nation on earth.

So it hasn't been that much of a detriment if any at all.
Hahaha…such a noble FEELZ so good to say huh?
Our border was aggressively defended and our immigration laws were to serve REAL Americans (think Operation Wetback) up until the 80’s when Reagan fucked us…’s no coincidence that since the flood gates to Mexico were opened our nation has been sliding down the shitter…..Weird huh?….Who would have thought….add 20-40 million disgusting thirworlders to our or ANY population and one can start counting the days to full shitholeism.
Hahaha…such a noble FEELZ so good to say huh?
Our border was aggressively defended and our immigration laws were to serve REAL Americans (think Operation Wetback) up until the 80’s when Reagan fucked us…’s no coincidence that since the flood gates to Mexico were opened our nation has been sliding down the shitter…..Weird huh?….Who would have thought….add 20-40 million disgusting thirworlders to our or ANY population and one can start counting the days to full shitholeism.
Yeah, the American Indians said that 260 years ago.
There might be a bright spot yet. A border patrol supervisor said there has been a big increase in the number of Russian men between 20 and 45.
There might be a bright spot yet. A border patrol supervisor said there has been a big increase in the number of Russian men between 20 and 45.
Awesome….I’m looking forward to taking my white ass to the ER and saying (in my phony Russian accent) “Treat me for free and send the bill to those suckers they call American taxpayers…I’m an illegal Russian.”
Don’t deflect…if you’re going to respond you ought to atleast address the premise….playing stupid…is…well…stupid.
Playing stupid is the cornerstone of leftism. Pretending illegal aliens aren’t breaking our laws. Pretending Trump didn’t say “peacefully protest”. Pretending everything is racist. I could go on and on .

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