Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

I'm sure that you are willing to lend someone who can't speak English and has no accounting or economics background a few hundred thousand dollars to start a business.
Just how stupid are you?
That’s what Coyote and the left does…they all know of one Nigerian doctor with his own practice or an Indian with a 7-11 so they self-manipulate and pretend that must mean that those hoards of subhumans treading water across the Rio Grande are going to benefit Americans. That‘s how low they think of Americans….our society improves as we add desperate, illiterate thirdworlders to it.
I like where you’re going with that….you’re right, “the history” of our nation is clear….America and Americans have benefitted from caucasian and Asian immigrants.
I like where you’re going with that….you’re right, “the history” of our nation is clear….America and Americans have benefitted from caucasian and Asian immigrants.

But but but….Democrats who love the open border and more desperate, illiterate dark people claim to hate capitalists and capitalism…no?
Both Dems and Pubs love their cheap labor. It's all just a game. Communists would be strict on illegal immigration, but wouldn't interfere with those Latin American countries, allowing them to run their nations how they choose. We would allow those countries to develop, hence their citizens wouldn't want to come here to our country. They would stay over there, in theirs. They would develop their own countries.

What about the other 30+ million?
It's obvious these people had an education.
Both Dems and Pubs love their cheap labor. It's all just a game. Communists would be strict on illegal immigration, but wouldn't interfere with those Latin American countries, allowing them to run their nations how they choose. We would allow those countries to develop, hence their citizens wouldn't want to come here to our country. They would stay over there, in theirs. They would develop their own countries.
No nation South of the Border would welcome a poor US citizen.

Cool heartfelt one-off stories….now give us the numbers we should care about…what percentage of todays dark immigrants are doing good things for America and Americans?
How are they improving our healthcare, our education, our welfare and institutions?
Or do they believe that Mexico, Mexico’s people, other nations and the people of other nations are suppose to benefit?
What is the general opinion of the Republican Party with regard to the aforementioned questions?
I ask because I don’t recall anyone ever asking our politicians such a thing and I don’t recall any politician having the guts to discuss their opinions on the matter.

Any politician will tell you how their ideas will serve America or Americans, whether or not they will.

Of course ... The Establishment in Congress tried to nail that down with the bipartisan Gang of Eight (immigration) ...
and the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.

It was pretty much a bunch of garbage ... And few cried when Speaker Boehner let that load of crap shrivel up and expire in the House.

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Cool heartfelt one-off stories….now give us the numbers we should care about…what percentage of todays dark immigrants are doing good things for America and Americans?
How are they improving our healthcare, our education, our welfare and institutions?
View attachment 742605
So you are moving the goal posts to just “dark” immigrants yet showing a graph that is for all immigrants? I already answered your questions, not interested in playing to your bigotry.
So you are moving the goal posts to just “dark” immigrants yet showing a graph that is for all immigrants? I already answered your questions, not interested in playing to your bigotry.
Facts are bigotry?
The bigot is you by allowing yourself to be brainwashed by the people who pay your salary.
So you are moving the goal posts to just “dark” immigrants yet showing a graph that is for all immigrants? I already answered your questions, not interested in playing to your bigotry.
Todays immigrants are dark immigrants….everybody sane knows we are talking about todays immigrants. Why are you afraid to look deeper into the data? Why do you need to lean on the caucasian immigrants of years past to sell your ideas?


Remarkably ... Not a single one of the stories you posted involved anyone showing up at our southern border and claiming Asylum.
However ... Abe and Aster Giorgis Dalu from Ethiopia did show up at a checkpoint in Germany
and request Asylum in West Berlin.

Todays immigrants are dark immigrants….everybody sane knows we are talking about todays immigrants. Why are you afraid to look deeper into the data? Why do you need to lean on the caucasian immigrants of years past to sell your ideas?
The information I provided isn’t from the distant past, nor are the individual stories.

I guess they are mostly “dark skinned”, why is that a problem for you since so many have contributed? Does it make you uncomfortable? Threaten you?

Top 10 Countries of Origin for Immigrants to the U.S. (2020)​

  1. Mexico — 100,325
  2. India — 46,363
  3. China — 41,483
  4. Dominican Republic — 30,005
  5. Vietnam — 29,995
  6. Philippines — 25,491
  7. El Salvador — 17,907
  8. Brazil — 16,746
  9. Cuba — 16,367
  10. South Korea — 16,244

If you go back 40 years, you are still going to find the largest group of immigrants to be from Latin America, Mexico and then Asia.
And why wouldn’t they….free shit begging barely legal voters with roots in shithole nations have handed Coyote Lesh and the libs Mexifornia, Loon York, NM, NV, AZ and much of TX on a silver platter.
Speak English please.

Remarkably ... Not a single one of the stories you posted involved anyone showing up at our southern border and claiming Asylum.
However ... Abe and Aster Giorgis Dalu from Ethiopia did show up at a checkpoint in Germany
and request Asylum in West Berlin.

The questions were asked about “immigrants”, not “illegal immigrants” or “asylum seekers” and that was what I looked for. It’s difficult to get accurate data on the latter. But I can look for stories if you want.

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