Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

It really is. The more we move forward into mechanization, the more the slope forehead democrats try to sell us on the need for service and agricultural workers. It's over. Even McDonald's is moving toward total automation.

What we really have is a southern border under the complete control of a narco terrorist state.
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It really is. The more we move forward into mechanization, the more the slope forehead democrats try to sell us on the need for service and agricultural workers. It's over. Even McDonald's is moving toward total automation.

What we really have is a southern border under the complete control of a narco terrorist state.
Mechanization has been happening for a 150+ years fool. Apparently, you never met Ely and his cotton gin.

Your second point is just Qwatter republic bullshit.
Mechanization has been happening for a 150+ years fool. Apparently, you never met Ely and his cotton gin.

Your second point is just Qwatter republic bullshit.
Past mechanization didn't have the computing power or the same degree of automation as we have today. Technology has always reduced the need for human labor and in the not-too-distant future, it's going to replace most if not all menial jobs, including many white-collar professions. Artificial intelligence is now able to detect cancer in CT scans better than human specialists.

Mechanization has been happening for a 150+ years fool. Apparently, you never met Ely and his cotton gin.

Your second point is just Qwatter republic bullshit.
For 150 years mechanization has been ending industries. There are no more buggy whip factories. The corner blacksmith has been gone for a number of years. Field workers and hand harvesting is just about gone. Fast food is moving fast in automating.

Our demand for the illiterate and unskilled is confined to the narco industry of drug distribution, prostitution and murder.
For 150 years mechanization has been ending industries. There are no more buggy whip factories. The corner blacksmith has been gone for a number of years. Field workers and hand harvesting is just about gone. Fast food is moving fast in automating.

Our demand for the illiterate and unskilled is confined to the narco industry of drug distribution, prostitution and murder.

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American capitalists love their cheap, desperate, hungry, illegal immigrant labor.
But but but….Democrats who love the open border and more desperate, illiterate dark people claim to hate capitalists and capitalism…no?
Liberals say they believe the US has borders but do not believe anyone is a trespasser.
I say that since Mexico is rich in oil, we take over Mexico since no one wants to live there anyway,
In all seriousness we are at a point where we must enter Mexico to police their borders, airports and sea ports to slow the flow of illegals and drugs at our border. The border patrol is at a breaking point and very well may just say fuk it next year.
Do today’s immigrants improve and enhance America for Americans?
One example: Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and business creation is fundamental to a healthy economy. Companies less than five years old create an average of 1.5 million new jobs for Americans each year.† Immigrants in particular play an important role in creating jobs as they are more likely to start a new business than the rest of the population.

Are todays immigrants making America a safer more productive nation, are they improving our public education, our healthcare and welfare systems, are they improving our institutions all together?

One example: Approximately 5% of active duty military are immigrants.


I can think of no greater commitment to their adoptive
land. They take that solemn promise to heart, and, in all of
our wars, immigrants have fought side by side with Americans
with great valor.
Immigrants make up 5 percent of our military today. They
earn 20 percent of the Congressional Medals of Honor, and at
least 101 have made the ultimate sacrifice to our country in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
I understand they have also been awarded 150 bronze stars
for valor and gallantry in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2 silver
It's an extraordinary record.

Education: Immigrants and the U.S. Educational System
  • As of 2019, there are over 2.1 million immigrants working as teachers, professors, and other staffers in the U.S. education system. Together they make up more than 1 in 8 workers in the U.S. education sector.
  • In some sectors, they make up an even greater share. There are more almost 785,000 immigrants working at U.S. college and universities, making up more than 1 in 6 workers in higher education. Meanwhile, there are over 200,000 immigrants working in child care and day care services and more more than 1 out of 5 childcare workers are foreign-born.
  • Even though undocumented workers are largely barred from working at public education institutions, they still contribute to other sectors of the education system. This is particularly true for child and day care services, where almost 200,000 undocumented workers work and make up more than 4 percent of the workforce.
Interesting factoid: An increase of one percentage point in the share of immigrants aged 11-64 in the population increases the probability that natives aged 11-17 eventually complete 12 years of schooling by 0.3 percentage points. (The Impact of Immigration on the Educational Attainment of Natives)
A new study says that 16.6% of all healthcare professionals in the U.S. in 2016 were not born in the U.S. and almost 5% are not citizens.
A research letter published in JAMA reported that more than 1 in 4 physicians in the U.S. were born in another country and that many nurses, dentists, pharmacists, home health aides and a slew of other workers are also immigrants to the country.

Welfare - the vast majority of immigrants are not eligible for welfare and even green card holders have to wait for years even though they pay the same taxes into the system. For those that are eligible, they still use fewer services than native born people. As to whether they are “improving it” I’m not sure what metrics you would use to answer it.
Based on data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation, we find that immigrants consume 28 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits than native‐born Americans on a per capita basis. By comparison, immigrants consumed 21 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits in 2016 on a per capita basis. From 2016 to 2019, the underconsumption of welfare by immigrants relative to native‐born Americans widened by about 7 percentage points.
Is the quality of life improving for Americans as a result of todays immigrants?
This can pretty much be answered by tbe above examples.

In addition, this which applies to immigrants as a whole, not just today’s immigrants. It actually isn’t possible to truly evaluate recent immigrants until they’ve had a chance to establish themselves.

“Immigrants contribute disproportionately to innovation. They’re [responsible for] 16 percent of the inventor population, but 22 percent of the total patents, and roughly the same number if we’re looking at citations.”
One example: Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and business creation is fundamental to a healthy economy. Companies less than five years old create an average of 1.5 million new jobs for Americans each year.† Immigrants in particular play an important role in creating jobs as they are more likely to start a new business than the rest of the population.

One example: Approximately 5% of active duty military are immigrants.


I can think of no greater commitment to their adoptive
land. They take that solemn promise to heart, and, in all of
our wars, immigrants have fought side by side with Americans
with great valor.
Immigrants make up 5 percent of our military today. They
earn 20 percent of the Congressional Medals of Honor, and at
least 101 have made the ultimate sacrifice to our country in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
I understand they have also been awarded 150 bronze stars
for valor and gallantry in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2 silver
It's an extraordinary record.

Education: Immigrants and the U.S. Educational System
  • As of 2019, there are over 2.1 million immigrants working as teachers, professors, and other staffers in the U.S. education system. Together they make up more than 1 in 8 workers in the U.S. education sector.
  • In some sectors, they make up an even greater share. There are more almost 785,000 immigrants working at U.S. college and universities, making up more than 1 in 6 workers in higher education. Meanwhile, there are over 200,000 immigrants working in child care and day care services and more more than 1 out of 5 childcare workers are foreign-born.
  • Even though undocumented workers are largely barred from working at public education institutions, they still contribute to other sectors of the education system. This is particularly true for child and day care services, where almost 200,000 undocumented workers work and make up more than 4 percent of the workforce.
Interesting factoid: An increase of one percentage point in the share of immigrants aged 11-64 in the population increases the probability that natives aged 11-17 eventually complete 12 years of schooling by 0.3 percentage points. (The Impact of Immigration on the Educational Attainment of Natives)
A new study says that 16.6% of all healthcare professionals in the U.S. in 2016 were not born in the U.S. and almost 5% are not citizens.
A research letter published in JAMA reported that more than 1 in 4 physicians in the U.S. were born in another country and that many nurses, dentists, pharmacists, home health aides and a slew of other workers are also immigrants to the country.

Welfare - the vast majority of immigrants are not eligible for welfare and even green card holders have to wait for years even though they pay the same taxes into the system. For those that are eligible, they still use fewer services than native born people. As to whether they are “improving it” I’m not sure what metrics you would use to answer it.
Based on data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation, we find that immigrants consume 28 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits than native‐born Americans on a per capita basis. By comparison, immigrants consumed 21 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits in 2016 on a per capita basis. From 2016 to 2019, the underconsumption of welfare by immigrants relative to native‐born Americans widened by about 7 percentage points.

This can pretty much be answered by tbe above examples.

In addition, this which applies to immigrants as a whole, not just today’s immigrants. It actually isn’t possible to truly evaluate recent immigrants until they’ve had a chance to establish themselves.

“Immigrants contribute disproportionately to innovation. They’re [responsible for] 16 percent of the inventor population, but 22 percent of the total patents, and roughly the same number if we’re looking at citations.”
I'm sure that you are willing to lend someone who can't speak English and has no accounting or economics background a few hundred thousand dollars to start a business.
Just how stupid are you?
There isn't border at El Paso?

I suppose that you're for universal income then.
No, communists aren't for UBI, that's a capitalist ploy to keep capitalism on "life-support" as they figure out how to cull the herd. Communists are for turning for-profit production into non-profit production. High-communism, according to Karl Marx, is a society without a state (or a really small state), without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. High communism, is distinct from the primitive communism of the past:



High communism is dependent upon advanced technology. High automation, making production as drudgery free as possible, mostly requiring human supervision than labor-intensive work. High communism leads to this:





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High-communism. It's when the consumer/worker, takes control of the means of production (facilities, robots, artificial intelligence, automation systems, supercomputers..etc) and employs it to produce all of the products and services that he or she consumes and uses. Society and its production of goods and services is no longer dependent upon the pursuit of profits or markets. Things are made for their use not to sell in a marketplace because there are no markets or money. We work 20 hours weekly supervising the robots, and monitoring the system, and in return we get everything. Advanced automation technology eliminates scarcity and creates extreme abundance. Robots and autonomous systems work 24/7, producing everything, without getting tired. We have the computers to do the accounting and logistical work.

In the beginning, there will be more labor-intensive work, as we transition from capitalism into this new world of automation, but eventually, people will only work a few hours weekly and they will enjoy a very high standard of living. The government will be under the control of the working class or proletariat. The alternative to all of the above is what we see in the movie Elysium:

There will be a class of people (the current 5% of the population that is of the wealthy owner class/employer ruling elite), that will live as gods i.e. tech-lords, while the remaining 95% of the population is consigned to serfdom and inevitably, to the compost heap. So we have a choice. We allow the current ruling class to own all of the robots, artificial intelligence, facilities, and machinery of production, rendering most of humanity useless, or we take the reins of power and own all of the technology/means of production, together, collectively. Our attitude should be, either we all own it together, or no one owns it. Since the wealthy capitalist class will most likely not relinquish their power without a fight, that will require that generation to through force of arms, take ownership of the state and technology. Society with its production will have to re-organize itself. Marx calls that the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT/DICTATORSHIP OF THE WORKING-CLASS. Every state is a dictatorship, serving the interests of one class over another.

The people will rule and own everything together. Technology will eventually eliminate for-profit production/capitalism, requiring us to adopt a non-profit, democratized form of production.
UBI is for chumps.


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