Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

What do you consider to be benefit?
Do today’s immigrants improve and enhance America for Americans?
Are todays immigrants making America a safer more productive nation, are they improving our public education, our healthcare and welfare systems, are they improving our institutions all together?
Is the quality of life improving for Americans as a result of todays immigrants?
It’s not bizarre at all, it’s the history of our country.
Yes! The history of our country is letting 10 of millions of ILLEGAL aliens in without so much as a medical examination then let them disobey legal court orders.

Leftists are absolute morons.
It’s not bizarre at all, it’s the history of our country.
I like where you’re going with that….you’re right, “the history” of our nation is clear….America and Americans have benefitted from caucasian and Asian immigrants.
The little game you’re going to play here can be destroyed with facts, reason and common sense. But go ahead and play with yourself.
By all means try to destroy our immigration history and crap on the Statue of Liberty.
I like where you’re going with that….you’re right, “the history” of our nation is clear….America and Americans have benefitted from caucasian and Asian immigrants.
So, the south didn't benefit from importing their "labor force"?

Or sports team of today aren't better?


Notice…..not one Democrat has said…….“yes, I believe America and Americans should be the clear beneficiaries of immigration and our border policies.”
Why do you think that is?
I think we should adopt the Immigration policies of Mexico.
Do today’s immigrants improve and enhance America for Americans?
Are todays immigrants making America a safer more productive nation, are they improving our public education, our healthcare and welfare systems, are they improving our institutions all together?
Is the quality of life improving for Americans as a result of todays immigrants?
Do cowardly, FEELZ weaklings repeat the same stupid post over and over again endlessly?
It’s quite sad that you people believe that desperate, illiterate thirdworlders can improve and enhance our once great first world nation….it’s actually bizarre as hell.
It really is. The more we move forward into mechanization, the more the slope forehead democrats try to sell us on the need for service and agricultural workers. It's over. Even McDonald's is moving toward total automation.

What we really have is a southern border under the complete control of a narco terrorist state.

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