Do Democrats believe that immigrants and our border policies are suppose to be of crystal clear benefit to America and Americans?

We've had essentially the same border policy since the middle of the 1900's...during that time our nation's fortunes have grown exponentially resulting in the highest personal income, the broadest middle class, the richest nation on earth.

So it hasn't been that much of a detriment if any at all.

The problem at our southern border is not people following our laws and policies to actually immigrate here legally as they should.
It is the inflated number of people arriving at our border with no regard for the actual laws or responsible policies,
and the people who will do whatever they can to excuse or dismiss the difference.

Have roundups throughout the country deporting anyone here illegally.

We have ICE or the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement under its parent agency The Department of Homeland Security.
It has well over 20,000 agents, albeit 1,300 plus of those are lawyers ... And a budget of around $7.6 billion.

But rest assured they a dedicated to their task of removing Illegal Foreign Nationals.
In 2020 alone they arrested and deported a pant-load of Illegal Foreign Nations.

After those Illegal Foreign Nationals committed more than ...
1,800 homicide related offenses, 1,600 kidnappings, 3,800 robberies, 37,000 assaults, and 10,000 sex crimes ... In the United States of America.

They have roundups ... I think the timing is bit off.

Or do they believe that Mexico, Mexico’s people, other nations and the people of other nations are suppose to benefit?
What is the general opinion of the Republican Party with regard to the aforementioned questions?
I ask because I don’t recall anyone ever asking our politicians such a thing and I don’t recall any politician having the guts to discuss their opinions on the matter.

Well they aren't immigrants, they are illegals.

And no they dont believe they benefit America, they believe it benefits them because they do the bidding of the world economic forum. And the world economic forum said western countries countries be taking in poor people from poor countries.

They are pushing quite a few of the world economic forums ideas. Everything from western countries taking in poor people en mass, to not owning anything and being happy.

Like apple is a part of the world economic forum and apple is implementing a subscription service to their iPhone which means you'll rent your phone forever and never own it.

The democrats of this forum believe what they are told to believe.

We are at war with Eurasia and they believe we have always been at war with Eurasia. Yesterday, we were at war with Eastasia and they believed that we had always been at war with Eastasia.

The problem at our southern border is not people following our laws and policies to actually immigrate here legally as they should.
It is the inflated number of people arriving at our border with no regard for the actual laws or responsible policies,
and the people who will do whatever they can to excuse or dismiss the difference.


This type of common sense,reason and fact cannot permeate the leftist skull.
Actually every time they have tried to legislate for immigration the GOP have blocked it... And I note you didn't include Reagan as he had an actual sensible immigration policy which was getting what America needs from Mexico...

US needs a work force especially a service sector workforce... They also need seasonal workers too... US is runing at close to full employment...

GOP here want highly skilled to come to America and US citizens to do the manual jobs that the immigrates do today...... Think about that for a while..
Democrat immigration legislation is always designed to increase it, not decrease it. Why would any sane person want that? The last thing this country needs is more immigrants.
Democrat immigration legislation is always designed to increase it, not decrease it. Why would any sane person want that? The last thing this country needs is more immigrants.
But but but….”OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH”…..that’s why ALL diverse communities are dangerous, disgusting super-shitholes.

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