Do Democrats ever complain about the unpaid income taxes on earnings paid to illegals? What happened to “pay your fair share”?

Fine with me

Give them temporary work visas and let them make fair wages, pay taxes and get benefits
well yeah people with visas are required to pay taxes too…but so are illegals

but i think the OP was talking about “fair share” - they obviously are all required to pay taxes, illegal or visas…

and this is about the money they are investing overseas that isn’t being taxed for that transaction.
well yeah people with visas are required to pay taxes too…but so are illegals

but i think the OP was talking about “fair share” - they obviously are all required to pay taxes, illegal or visas…

and this is about the money they are investing overseas that isn’t being taxed for that transaction.
Make their employers pay taxes too
Make their Make their employers pay taxes too
well they do…or are required by law to

but, currently the tax rate is 10.5 percent on businesses foreign transactions…the dems want to raise it to over 16 percent

so are you saying they should be paying that percent on these billions they are investing overseas?
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Start that thread….this one is about why you and the rest of the FSA doesn’t seem to want your cut of that $40B the cockroaches sent home to Mehico?
View attachment 585871
If they are here legally (and your article makes no mention of them being illegal) then what business is it of yours what they do with their money?
Wetbacks> Illegal Aliens> Undocumented Immigrants> Immigrants> Dreamers> Migrants
Connect the dots.
Problem is your “connecting the dots” is producing 1+1=5.

Migrants also commonly refers to people here on non-immigrant visas for temporary work. Since data is readily available on their earnings, and your article doesn’t reference undocumented whatsoever, it is what it is about and you are outraged over people earning money legally and having the right to do what they want with it.
Problem is your “connecting the dots” is producing 1+1=5.

Migrants also commonly refers to people here on non-immigrant visas for temporary work. Since data is readily available on their earnings, and your article doesn’t reference undocumented whatsoever, it is what it is about and you are outraged over people earning money legally and having the right to do what they want with it.

What percentage of working “migrants” are working on the books with income taxes being withheld?
Remember, you Lefties tell us daily that they earn their income from white republicans hiring them to pour concrete….do you think that evil white republican is witholding taxes and sending it in to the treasury?
Foreign criminals sent a record $40B in cash home to Mehico and I haven’t heard a peep from the FSA / “PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE” coalition.
Am I missing something?

They won't hurt illegals, they need them too badly to bring across the border so they can give them voting rights so they will vote democrat.

Besides they don't want to bring attention to illegals as they keep bringing them into America. They want everyone focused on covid, climate change and racism.

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