Do Democrats expect no backlash as they push the anti Whitey movement?

Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The model that the democrats operate under requires a scapegoat. In order to control the masses, the democrats whip up frenzied hatred. They need to have a focal point to target all of the hate they preach on. White people are the scapegoat, with the fascist press spewing hatred of whites 24/7 on the leftist hate networks of NBC and CNN.

We have to admit the fact that America today is where Berlin was in 1928, democrats are the Nazi party, and Whites are the New Jews. democrats VERY MUCH have a final solution in mind.

History repeating itself, only the Dem's have demonized 70% of the country as white racists.
What about all the white people Republicans hate?

college professors
And so many more

And how is it that white Republicans hate white gay people more than any other minority, even blacks Hispanics or Muslims?
Bait post.
They think if we push back that it furthers their point
This is what happens when public school become about diversity and feelings and accommodation rather than education and discipline.
That was English not Arabic
Looks like you're pretending to respond to the post. Would be easier to just not post. In any case, as I said, there's nothing wrong with shooting an unarmed person. It depends on the circumstances. If the person reaches into a pocket or car window (hands disappear), you have to shoot, to defend yourself.

Secondly, if a felon is running away, police have authorization to shoot him (in the back of course), to protect the community. This is law enforcement, not a duel.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The model that the democrats operate under requires a scapegoat. In order to control the masses, the democrats whip up frenzied hatred. They need to have a focal point to target all of the hate they preach on. White people are the scapegoat, with the fascist press spewing hatred of whites 24/7 on the leftist hate networks of NBC and CNN.

We have to admit the fact that America today is where Berlin was in 1928, democrats are the Nazi party, and Whites are the New Jews. democrats VERY MUCH have a final solution in mind.

History repeating itself, only the Dem's have demonized 70% of the country as white racists.
What about all the white people Republicans hate?

college professors
And so many more

And how is it that white Republicans hate white gay people more than any other minority, even blacks Hispanics or Muslims?

You are lying here have these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Lol once Trump is gone, you're going to learn what a real backlash looks like, snowflake.

They think if we push back that it furthers their point
This is what happens when public school become about diversity and feelings and accommodation rather than education and discipline.
Many groups for whom if were in any other circumstances, would usually hate each other, but what we have been seeing for quite sometime now is this uniting of strange bed fellows with one goal in mind, and that goal is to attack Christianity, and to drive all reminance of it out of the federal, state, and local governments. Why ? Because many radicals see Christianity as being the stopping block to all they want to do, and to all they want to change in this country. Sadly some groups are actually being used by others whom see them as gullible in the situation's.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?
Poor white supremacists....not the king of the hill anymore.
That was English not Arabic
Looks like you're pretending to respond to the post. Would be easier to just not post. In any case, as I said, there's nothing wrong with shooting an unarmed person. It depends on the circumstances. If the person reaches into a pocket or car window (hands disappear), you have to shoot, to defend yourself.

Secondly, if a felon is running away, police have authorization to shoot him (in the back of course), to protect the community. This is law enforcement, not a duel.
Interesting point, and it makes sense really.

If a cop finds himself in a struggle with what is deemed a very dangerous individual, and it's because the individual crossed the line in the attempted murder of the cop that fortunately didn't succeed, and the individual turns and runs to get away afterwards, then yes of course in the interest of protecting the innocent and community at large, it certainly justifies the stopping of that individual with all force nessesary.
The Regressive Left certainly has played a role, not only in the rise of this crap but in the election of Trump, with the way it has shoved PC and Identity Politics down the throat of the country. And no, they can't be surprised at the pushback (although I suspect it's a hell of a lot stronger than they imagined). They don't care. They think that between white left wingers and demographic changes it won't matter. That's why they're not putting any effort into actual race healing.
Lol once Trump is gone, you're going to learn what a real backlash looks like, snowflake.
I agree. This won't be about healing and progress, it will be about punishment and payback.
See, progress is inevitable. It always wins. It's up to the losers to heal themselves. And the nature of conservatism is to rage against progress.
Except white nationalism is the progress and the rage of your collective 25 IQ wannabe superheroes isn’t going to stop it.
The Regressive Left certainly has played a role, not only in the rise of this crap but in the election of Trump, with the way it has shoved PC and Identity Politics down the throat of the country. And no, they can't be surprised at the pushback (although I suspect it's a hell of a lot stronger than they imagined). They don't care. They think that between white left wingers and demographic changes it won't matter. That's why they're not putting any effort into actual race healing.
Lol once Trump is gone, you're going to learn what a real backlash looks like, snowflake.
I agree. This won't be about healing and progress, it will be about punishment and payback.
See, progress is inevitable. It always wins. It's up to the losers to heal themselves. And the nature of conservatism is to rage against progress.

See, the problem is; what you twisted fucks call “progress” isn’t progress at all....See Mexifornia and the super shithole it has become under REGRESSIVE rule.
California's doing great. Sorry your flyover wasteland is boring.

California doesn’t have 20 years left.
When you have a segment of America shit on their whole lives why not try and lift them up ? Doesn't trump try to lift farmers up by sending them many billions to make up for his dumb tariffs ,his trade war?
Blacks are NOT shit on their whole lives. This is perhaps the most ridiculous myth in America. They get Affirmative Action, and are given special privileges over whites. They jump to the front of the line, even when they're lesser qualified.

Do you think this started yesterday ? It's been going on for 58 years. Every black person 79 years old and younger, has been an adult when AA was in force. Very few blacks living today are old enough to have lived as an adult in the Jim Crow era, and been discriminated against by it.

All this AA has made whites be the discriminated-against race. They are who need to be lifted up. I walk around in my local VA hospital and out of 200 people working there, it's hard to find a single white person.
Doesn't trump try to lift farmers up by sending them many billions to make up for his dumb tariffs ,his trade war?
So you think it's cool to give China unrestricted access to the massive/wealthy US MARKET ? So they can flood our stores with THEIR goods, instead of our Made in USA stuff ?

4 US presidents have allowed this lunacy to go on for 30 years, knocking US businesses out of the market in their own country, and you support that ? This is another example of information-deprived liberals, victimized by liberal OMISSION media, being lost on politics and economics.

Thank you President Trump for finally taking action to stop the Chinese assault on the US economy. And thank you for taking Mexico to task too, who has been attacking our economy in a different way, by sending us their not best people, to steal our jobs, and raid our economy for now $30 Billion/year, in remittances$$$ (Mexico's #1 source of income) Another thing the liberal media carefully omits telling clueless liberals.
And your hero doesn't mind giving us a depression in order to TRY and achieve his aims??? What a guy
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

And your hero doesn't mind giving us a depression in order to TRY and achieve his aims??? What a guy
So you are willing to sell your country out for greed or short term benefits ????? What a guy !!!!!!!
And your hero doesn't mind giving us a depression in order to TRY and achieve his aims??? What a guy
So you are willing to sell your country out for greed or short term benefits ????? What a guy !!!!!!!
What benefits ??? A trillion cut in taxes for mainly the 1% That benefit ? Farmers going bankrupt ?? That benefit ? Let him try to make a deal with China It's the right thing to do BUT can he please stop acting like an asshole??
And your hero doesn't mind giving us a depression in order to TRY and achieve his aims??? What a guy
So you are willing to sell your country out for greed or short term benefits ????? What a guy !!!!!!!
What benefits ??? A trillion cut in taxes for mainly the 1% That benefit ? Farmers going bankrupt ?? That benefit ? Let him try to make a deal with China It's the right thing to do BUT can he please stop acting like an asshole??
Short term benefits by letting China continue like they were doing, until it finally weakens this nation to the point of it being ripe for the picking. Then what ?? Like I said the sell out of this nation from within ain't no good thing, and now we're having to fix it.
The Regressive Left certainly has played a role, not only in the rise of this crap but in the election of Trump, with the way it has shoved PC and Identity Politics down the throat of the country. And no, they can't be surprised at the pushback (although I suspect it's a hell of a lot stronger than they imagined). They don't care. They think that between white left wingers and demographic changes it won't matter. That's why they're not putting any effort into actual race healing.
Lol once Trump is gone, you're going to learn what a real backlash looks like, snowflake.
I agree. This won't be about healing and progress, it will be about punishment and payback.
See, progress is inevitable. It always wins. It's up to the losers to heal themselves. And the nature of conservatism is to rage against progress.

But in the search for progress, both sides seem to want to burn the whole world down. Let's marginalize everyone. Let's alienate everyone. That'll be fun, right? I'm not so sure this is the 'progress' we need.

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