Do Democrats expect no backlash as they push the anti Whitey movement?

It seems that conservative reporters can't depend on Police protection in the people's republic of Oregon and old guys who wear MAGA hats risk assault in coffee shops. And yet it seems the politicians in Portland are determined to weed out (white) nationalists from law enforcement even though it isn't against the law (yet) to be White or a Nationalist. You have to go back to the purges in Germany and Russia to get a handle on the left wing philosophy these days.
Other than conquering this territory, founding this country, composing the most significant document the world has ever known and building the greatest nation on the planet...right?
America was more antisemitic than Soviets were. Actually America still is doing pogroms against Jews. Obviously communism civilized Russia, more than capitalism did for America.

America is doing progroms against Jews right now?

You are just a dishonest troll fool.

Yes, some of us think so.
The first pogrom in American history | Opinion

Sorry, that was quite a load of crap. You dont' start a serious piece with filler, and then bury the lead that far down.

A single shooter is not a pogrom and the writer knew that, that is why he was playing so coy with his stupid point.
Pogrom or not, outside of Palestine, these kind of attacks aren't happening to Jews.

Pogrom or not? So, just like that you drop that smear against America?

So, you weren't serious about it at all, if you drop it that fast.

What type of person, makes such a serious and vile accusation against a great nation, without being serious about it?

What type of anti-American bastard are you?
Democrats, slaves to their programming masters, faithfully carry out their masters' (media, politicians, think tanks) orders. :whip:
There will be a massive earthquake, splitting the state apart from the US, and it will drift aimlessly out into the Pacific. Only other solution to getting rid of them, is if they would secede from the US, as some there have suggested (but we wouldn't be that lucky)

I'd prefer repatriation, forced if necessary. That's US territory. No reason to permit it to be taken.

As to the former possibility, I don't think in that case it will float. :auiqs.jpg:
If we can disconnect Texas from all the fucking commies, I have no problem letting the "Union" break up.

Divorce is inevitable.

Why is Communism bad? Communism turned Russia into a superpower.

And killed 30 million Russians while the rest waited in lines.
The Nazi historians saying Soviets killed 30 million are very manipulative. These are famine deaths, which happened long before communism took over Russia. Actually the end of these kind of famines happened under Soviet rule. Russia has an enormous homeless problem that didn't exist under the Soviet era. Not much in Russia is better now.

You should read Solzhenitsyn.
What benefits ??? A trillion cut in taxes for mainly the 1% That benefit ? Farmers going bankrupt ?? That benefit ? Let him try to make a deal with China It's the right thing to do BUT can he please stop acting like an asshole??
You are lost on this subject, and really shouldn't be commenting here. Only a blithering idiot would support the Chinese unrestricted access to our market, that has been in force for the last 30 years. Looks like that would be you.

As for the taxes, all economic classes got tax cuts , and they are doing well for the economy, as is all the business deregulation and the large reduction of the corporate tax.

As for farmers, they are less than 1% of the US economy. Do you expect no hits in a trade war ? Nobody goes through any war of any kind, without taking some hits. That doesn't mean you don't wage the war. Would you like to have the US not fought World War II ? Got any idea what the result of that would have been ?

We are very lucky to have a president who, over time, will get all this "Made in China" trash out of our stores, and MAGA.

And out of our landfills.

The greeners should be hating the way trade has gone in the last 35 to 40 years. Consumerism on steroids has been poisoning this planet worse than anything.

We need to get back to the days when American products were being built to last. It's a win, win for the American worker's, our landfills, our job's returning, our products lasting, and the empowering of more Americans as a result of. Poisoning the environment over the love of cheap stuff is the dumbest thing this nation has ever done.
Lol once Trump is gone, you're going to learn what a real backlash looks like, snowflake.

What do you think you're going to do?
Things that you're media has spent decades making you shit your pants over, but are actually good for America.

If only we allow ourselves to be enslaved under a Marxist dictatorship, we will be so much happier. We'll have purpose in serving your masters....
If a marxist dictatorship happens, you'll be able to trace it back to the actions and behavior of the Trump administration.
Look, fuck Trump and all that shit, but have you seen the gaggle of Marxist dumbfucks leading the primaries of the DNC?

If you don't want a Marxist dictatorship, stop voting for the Goddamn commies.


Who said he doesn't want a Marxist dictatorship? :dunno:
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The model that the democrats operate under requires a scapegoat. In order to control the masses, the democrats whip up frenzied hatred. They need to have a focal point to target all of the hate they preach on. White people are the scapegoat, with the fascist press spewing hatred of whites 24/7 on the leftist hate networks of NBC and CNN.

We have to admit the fact that America today is where Berlin was in 1928, democrats are the Nazi party, and Whites are the New Jews. democrats VERY MUCH have a final solution in mind.
The Jews were a minority. Democrats are demonizing the majority. It's as if the Jews were demonizing the Germans.
Whites have little to be proud of.

Really stupid fuck?

Since you are a cock sucking racist pile of shit, you need to get rid of your computer, created by white men, the integrated circuit, invented by white , so no iPhoine either, Apple was started by two white men. Microsoft by three white men,

You dumb, racist fuck, who does your scumbag bigot ass give credit to for all the wonders around you? Go live in a cave, you anal gland.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The model that the democrats operate under requires a scapegoat. In order to control the masses, the democrats whip up frenzied hatred. They need to have a focal point to target all of the hate they preach on. White people are the scapegoat, with the fascist press spewing hatred of whites 24/7 on the leftist hate networks of NBC and CNN.

We have to admit the fact that America today is where Berlin was in 1928, democrats are the Nazi party, and Whites are the New Jews. democrats VERY MUCH have a final solution in mind.
The Jews were a minority. Democrats are demonizing the majority. It's as if the Jews were demonizing the Germans.
Whites have little to be proud of.
They were great slave traders and now they worship an ass hole They're proud of that

Actually, it was your Beloved Muslim allies who ran the slave trade, you functionally illiterate dumbfuck.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

There is NO anti White Movement. It's all in your head, and I mean ALL between your ears.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The overwhelming majority of white people dont support white nationalism. That puts you in the smallest minority on the planet.

The population will still be 50% white, even after the 2040’s. There just won’t be a super majority of whites. This isn’t a problem for educated whites. Only stupid ones. Which is good for America, because the stupid ones will no longer be able to decide important elections
You must be one of those stupid whites because you are directly advocating for stupid black and browns to continue to decide elections.
History repeating itself, only the Dem's have demonized 70% of the country as white racists.
and the truth--the reality is THEY--the Dems/blacks/leftists-- are the racist bigots
Are we?? Let me give you a couple of personal experiences,,,Told to leave a bar because my black friend said he was African when asked Both of us were in the army,, drank at fountains that said white only ,used rest rooms where there were 2 for whites 1 for blacks,,movie theaters where blacks had to sit in balcony WTF do you call that ?
let me give you some FACTS
.....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites = they are more hateful per capita

And so what’s the rate that black people lynched white people versus white people lynching black people? Who’s done it more?
hahahah--and here are MORE facts
blacks 13% of the population --whites 67%
white on black murders = 229
black on white murders = 500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Stand your ground

Black people aren’t allowed to stand their ground
I don’t understand the GOP’s cry of “hate whitey.

Especially when there’s so many white people in the Democratic Party.

And they’re all the white people that Republicans loath and fear and really really hate with a passion.
I don’t understand the GOP’s cry of “hate whitey.

Especially when there’s so many white people in the Democratic Party.

And they’re all the white people that Republicans loath and fear and really really hate with a passion.
If Republicans really hated Democrats as much as they should then red states would kick Democrats out and attack them when they campaigned.

Which is what inbred Democrats do to Republicans in blue states.
I don’t understand the GOP’s cry of “hate whitey.

Especially when there’s so many white people in the Democratic Party.

And they’re all the white people that Republicans loath and fear and really really hate with a passion.
If Republicans really hated Democrats as much as they should then red states would kick Democrats out and attack them when they campaigned.

Which is what inbred Democrats do to Republicans in blue states.
What do You think is happening now? Not states. Cities. What do you think is happening in Portland, Berkeley, New York? The democrats are politically cleansing their cities of Republicans. Which is a good thing. The democrat controlled cities are open sewers filled with disease. They are a heartbeat away from epidemic and quarantine.
I don’t understand the GOP’s cry of “hate whitey.

Especially when there’s so many white people in the Democratic Party.

And they’re all the white people that Republicans loath and fear and really really hate with a passion.
If Republicans really hated Democrats as much as they should then red states would kick Democrats out and attack them when they campaigned.

Which is what inbred Democrats do to Republicans in blue states.
What do You think is happening now? Not states. Cities. What do you think is happening in Portland, Berkeley, New York? The democrats are politically cleansing their cities of Republicans. Which is a good thing. The democrat controlled cities are open sewers filled with disease. They are a heartbeat away from epidemic and quarantine.
Every city is a Democrat controlled city, THAT is the problem.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The overwhelming majority of white people dont support white nationalism. That puts you in the smallest minority on the planet.

The population will still be 50% white, even after the 2040’s. There just won’t be a super majority of whites. This isn’t a problem for educated whites. Only stupid ones. Which is good for America, because the stupid ones will no longer be able to decide important elections
You must be one of those stupid whites because you are directly advocating for stupid black and browns to continue to decide elections.
I look at White people and people of color and I see American citizens.

You look at Republicans and you see Nazis.

We just see things different. Except when it comes to Republicans.
Congressional Democrats publicly revel over the “fewer Whites” mantra; they openly bad mouth Whitey and are celebrated for such while people lose their lifes and careers for the same sort of things if directed at ‘people of color’....Aren’t Democrats begging for “White Nationalism” to expand and take root? Are they sure they want that?

The model that the democrats operate under requires a scapegoat. In order to control the masses, the democrats whip up frenzied hatred. They need to have a focal point to target all of the hate they preach on. White people are the scapegoat, with the fascist press spewing hatred of whites 24/7 on the leftist hate networks of NBC and CNN.

We have to admit the fact that America today is where Berlin was in 1928, democrats are the Nazi party, and Whites are the New Jews. democrats VERY MUCH have a final solution in mind.
The Jews were a minority. Democrats are demonizing the majority. It's as if the Jews were demonizing the Germans.
Whites have little to be proud of.

Other than conquering this territory, founding this country, composing the most significant document the world has ever known and building the greatest nation on the planet...right?
Exactly right.... The left attempting to wash this fact away, really just shows how idiotic they actually are. How anyone takes the modern day democratic party seriously is amazing these days.

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