Zone1 Do Ducks Exist?

Wow - you are bringing in a scientific explanation/reasoning in regards to Religious teachings. That's extremely contradictory.
Shrug, apparently not at the Catholic school I attended. We heard about Mendel and evolution as well, and there were obviously a few teachers/priests who also took an interest in Bible as Literature.
Nowhere in the Bible is that stated - trying to rewrite or to add personal interpretations towards the holy book is heresy - and you will go to hell for it.
Hogwash. The Catholic Church teaches each individual can take every word of the Bible literally if they wish or follow other, less literal, interpretations.
Religion is not up for debate amongst non-theologians (Theologians sanctioned exclusively by the Holy Roman Church) Protestant or any other Christian religious side-groups are going to hell - the first and therefore only true Christian religion is that of Rome (Paul) aka Holy Roman Church.
I take it you have not recently read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I take it you have not recently read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
You are confusing - modernized and updated heretic teachings - with the original teachings - and therefore altering the very substance that your belief is based upon.
A religion that needs to modernize/update it's teachings, only proofs that it propagated rubbish for millennia. (That is why this particular priest - reacted in the way I had described).

Example Galileo - his teachings were only acknowledged by the Church in 1757, 220 years after his condemnation of being a Heretic.
In 1992 he was "officially" rehabilitated by the Church - it just took them 450 years to acknowledge scientific facts. And now people like you propagate that the Church - Christianity has evolved.

So far Christianity has only evolved upon being faced with unavoidable ridicule by the scientific community and those people being aware of it.
Until 1960 it was even impossible in Europe for a Catholic to marry a Protestant and receive the blessings - afraid of loosing their flock - they again "updated" their teachings aka beliefs.

As such the teachings of e.g. Christianity are all one big lie - based onto self written works such as the Old and New testimony.
If one want's to believe into a superior being aka God - independent of institutional propagated beliefs, well that is a personal choice, whilst evading religious dogmas of those who came up with this God issue in the first place.
But there are and always will be people who can't help themselves, find explanations or take care of their own issues/problems - and this is were religion or religious beliefs kick in. As simple as that.

And every-time I enter a discussion with an e.g. Christian it ends up the same way - ahm ah no, and ahm ah yes, but it changed, but well yeah and no - But certainly there is a God.
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I testify to His existence. Absolutely, you and anyone else is free to ignore my testimony and the testimony of others. Not believing testimony does not eliminate God--it merely dismisses the testimony.

And what is "testimony"?

"Look, it's raining, that's proof there's a God"???
Well, I don't feel like delving into this worn out subject yet again, so all I will say here is that your OP begins with a fallacy for a premise, so, that leaves no way to logically argue to a valid conclusion. Basically, the premise of your OP is structured to DENY the existence of God, so, isn't really worth pursuing any farther. since its very nature is biased at the start.

I also asserted that ducks do not exist. Just focus on that portion. Others here can delve into the God part. You do the duck part. How do we prove ducks exist?
Example Galileo - his teachings were only acknowledged by the Church in 1757, 220 years after his condemnation of being a Heretic.
In 1992 he was "officially" rehabilitated by the Church - it just took them 450 years to acknowledge scientific facts. And now people like you propagate that the Church - Christianity has evolved.
There is more to the Galileo story and the dispute between him and the Church. Most of the Church hierarchy did not mind Galileo's theories or his expression of them. At the time of Galileo there were very few books and for this reason the Bible was prominent. Galileo insisted the Bible be changed to reflect his theories--for example, any account of the sun moving. The Church was just as insistent that to change the Bible would be heresy. The issue was not over what Galileo was writing, it was that he wanted the Bible to reflect his writing.

Printing presses were just coming into use at the time. Galileo's insistence that the Bible be changed probably wouldn't have happened if he had been able to imagine that his theory would be appearing in tens of thousands of books and therefore there was no need for the Church to print add it to the Bible.

Kind of interesting to study old arguments that were based on the realities of the world then compared to the realities now. There never would have been the fight between Church and Galileo if there only had been the means to Tweet in his day. Galileo wanted his theory known--not a bad idea, but what say you? Should the Church have changed the Bible to accommodate Galileo's wish?
As such the teachings of e.g. Christianity are all one big lie - based onto self written works such as the Old and New testimony.
That conclusion is over-simplified and probably over emphasizes the effect of science at the expense of translations and evolving language and cultures. Religion is a philosophy relating to behavior while science is the study of our physical world. The Church, in fact, encouraged science, Mendel a primary example of this.

The Protestant Reformation resulted in a split in the Church, with Reformers arguing that everyone could, in their own language, read, understand, and interpret the Bible for themselves. What was missing was the knowledge that the King James English was nothing like the original Hebrew. Some began to take literally which was not the intent of the original author or his original audience. Next, over the decades, the meaning and use of many words change, some dramatically.

It is misunderstanding--not lies--that cause most of the confusion and the arguments.
A religion that needs to modernize/update it's teachings, only proofs that it propagated rubbish for millennia. (That is why this particular priest - reacted in the way I had described).
Actually, it is not 'modernization' but a return to the basics--the bare bones--that is useful. Had your priest been well-versed in the original Hebrew, or had knowledge of how the definitions of certain words had changed, I doubt that he would have had trouble with your question. Note, the priests and nuns that taught me had no issue with the same type of question or others.
So far Christianity has only evolved upon being faced with unavoidable ridicule by the scientific community and those people being aware of it.
Then the scientific community needs to be aware of a couple of things. First, it is only a minority of Christians who take literally every word in the Bible. Most do not. Second, the scientific community should already be aware there is a vast difference between philosophy and science.
Until 1960 it was even impossible in Europe for a Catholic to marry a Protestant and receive the blessings - afraid of loosing their flock - they again "updated" their teachings aka beliefs.
Meanwhile, here in America in the early 1930s, by Catholic grandmother married an atheist. I did the same in the 1980s. No, such marriages are not encouraged and for good reason.
As such the teachings of e.g. Christianity are all one big lie - based onto self written works such as the Old and New testimony.
If one want's to believe into a superior being aka God - independent of institutional propagated beliefs, well that is a personal choice, whilst evading religious dogmas of those who came up with this God issue in the first place.
But there are and always will be people who can't help themselves, find explanations or take care of their own issues/problems - and this is were religion or religious beliefs kick in. As simple as that.
All throughout history, in every land, time, and culture, people have had experiences of God. These were no more ignored or dismissed than other knowledge. It was not fiction created by mankind, but a reality observed by mankind. Observations...something both religion and science have in common.

I believe it would be as much an error for people interested in religion to ignore advancements as it would be for people interested in science to ignore advancements. If there is no issue with knowledge of science advancing and changing, why should there be an issue with knowledge of religion advancing and changing?
That conclusion is over-simplified and probably over emphasizes the effect of science at the expense of translations and evolving language and cultures. Religion is a philosophy relating to behavior while science is the study of our physical world. The Church, in fact, encouraged science, Mendel a primary example of this.

The Protestant Reformation resulted in a split in the Church, with Reformers arguing that everyone could, in their own language, read, understand, and interpret the Bible for themselves. What was missing was the knowledge that the King James English was nothing like the original Hebrew. Some began to take literally which was not the intent of the original author or his original audience. Next, over the decades, the meaning and use of many words change, some dramatically.

It is misunderstanding--not lies--that cause most of the confusion and the arguments.
Ask Galileo how much the church encouraged his scientific studies
That conclusion is over-simplified and probably over emphasizes the effect of science at the expense of translations and evolving language and cultures. Religion is a philosophy relating to behavior while science is the study of our physical world. The Church, in fact, encouraged science, Mendel a primary example of this.

The Protestant Reformation resulted in a split in the Church, with Reformers arguing that everyone could, in their own language, read, understand, and interpret the Bible for themselves. What was missing was the knowledge that the King James English was nothing like the original Hebrew. Some began to take literally which was not the intent of the original author or his original audience. Next, over the decades, the meaning and use of many words change, some dramatically.

It is misunderstanding--not lies--that cause most of the confusion and the arguments.
It is certainly not a misunderstanding - the original texts of e.g. the new testimony are stated clear as crystal water can be.
Prime example - Jesus asked his brothers and sisters..... (it's clear as can be)

What? the blessed Mary had other kids too? if so from whom? such questions endanger the position of the church ultimately - next step (revising/personal interpretations of the original statement) oh no, it's brothers and sisters as in being followers of the same belief.
If so - the original statement would have been - and Jesus asked his followers....

Same goes for Noah and the Arc - old testimony - coming up with a child like story to point out as to what happens if someone dares to defy God or his will. (Essentially the will of those who claim to speak in his name).
This Christian guy (God) is the most revengeful, sinister and biggest mass-killer in mankind's self written history. And people belief and seek blessings and refuge towards such a "Creator"?
Again Science gives archeological hints - towards what actually might have happened in regards to this "Flood"

You want to belief in the existence of such a "revengeful, sinister and biggest mass-killer in mankind's" self written history? because someone told you God loves all his children? well it's your personal choice - and me being a tolerant person, I also tolerate anything that has no negative or detrimental effect on my beliefs or onto my life.

But please refrain from coming up with "misunderstanding" or that Christians have evolved by themselves via interpreting the written word of God as they feel to do in whatever way, just to please/comfort themselves towards a belief in God. So spare me your fruitless (Jehovah witness) attempts.

The topic of the thread is - proof that God exists - please feel free to do so
It is certainly not a misunderstanding - the original texts of e.g. the new testimony are stated clear as crystal water can be.
Prime example - Jesus asked his brothers and sisters..... (it's clear as can be)
Return to the original language which used a word that covered the specifics we break it down into today. 'Brethren' siblings, step-siblings, cousins (including second-third cousins)--all those included in a household arrangement. Why do you think it matters that they be full brother/sisters as we define them today?
What? the blessed Mary had other kids too? if so from whom? such questions endanger the position of the church ultimately - next step (revising/personal interpretations of the original statement) oh no, it's brothers and sisters as in being followers of the same belief.
If so - the original statement would have been - and Jesus asked his followers....
Apostolic tradition (in other words before the New Testament was formed) was that Mary had Jesus and then remained celibate. Kind of an odd thing to do at the time and therefore worthy of mention. Personally, I don't think it matters one way or the other. So I note, the king James English suggests Jesus had half-brothers and sisters. The original word was that Jesus grew up among kindred--which at the time included widely extended family members. It is also noted that when Jesus was dying on the cross, he entrusted his mother to John. This simply would not have been done in that society if Mary had birthed other children. She would have naturally been cared for by her second born son.

People have their own notions of what must have been and a great many say the King James Version written 1600 years later is obviously the correct account. Others give more credibility to Apostolic tradition which was collected and passed on immediately following the death of Christ. As the saying goes, Whichever floats your boat.

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