Zone1 Do Ducks Exist?

Same goes for Noah and the Arc - old testimony - coming up with a child like story to point out as to what happens if someone dares to defy God or his will. (Essentially the will of those who claim to speak in his name).
This Christian guy (God) is the most revengeful, sinister and biggest mass-killer in mankind's self written history. And people belief and seek blessings and refuge towards such a "Creator"?
Again Science gives archeological hints - towards what actually might have happened in regards to this "Flood"
Why was Noah considered righteous? What was the theme throughout the story? What was the main thing the people were doing wrong?
They did encourage his studies. They were against adding his studies to the Bible, which at the time Galileo said was a theory.
Stop this nonsense - Galileo in 1633 was forced to recant his scientific research - upon being threatened with excommunication and to be burned at the stake as a Heretic
He was placed under the jurisdiction of the inquisition till his death.

Again spare me your futile attempts to justify your errant beliefs - and proof that God exists.
You want to belief in the existence of such a "revengeful, sinister and biggest mass-killer in mankind's" self written history? because someone told you God loves all his children? well it's your personal choice - and me being a tolerant person, I also tolerate anything that has no negative or detrimental effect on my beliefs or onto my life.
People of the time did not blame God. They looked at themselves and saw that they were in the wrong--so wrong that right struck back. (Might be the first time mankind noted that a force of wrong they had set in motion causes an equal and opposite reaction from a force of right). What was the specific wrong the people observed was taking place among themselves?
But please refrain from coming up with "misunderstanding" or that Christians have evolved by themselves via interpreting the written word of God as they feel to do in whatever way, just to please/comfort themselves towards a belief in God. So spare me your fruitless (Jehovah witness) attempts.
I have zilch interest in converting you, so if that is your fear, relax. We see things from different perspectives and I happen to be interested in your perspective. Changing your perspective to my perspective is no good at all. If that should ever happen, I would cease discussing these matters with you. I want your perspective. You can't have mine if it changes yours.
The topic of the thread is - proof that God exists - please feel free to do so
As I have said many times. There is no proof. Proof is a factor of the physical world, not the spiritual world. One must be willing to let go of "proof" and step beyond the physical to explore what is spiritual. Are there philosophical proofs?
People have their own notions of what must have been and a great many say the King James Version written 1600 years later is obviously the correct account. Others give more credibility to Apostolic tradition which was collected and passed on immediately following the death of Christ. As the saying goes, Whichever floats your boat.
People of the time did not blame God. They looked at themselves and saw that they were in the wrong--so wrong that right struck back. (Might be the first time mankind noted that a force of wrong they had set in motion causes an equal and opposite reaction from a force of right). What was the specific wrong the people observed was taking place among themselves?
Blaming God at that time would have brought you with absolute certainty onto the Pyre.
In order to pacify it's flock - the church blamed Jews and Heretics (those placing questions) for everything

Again spare me your futile attempts to justify your errant beliefs - and proof that God exists.
Again spare me your futile attempts to justify your errant beliefs - and proof that God exists.
Very well, so a sad farewell on my part. I was enjoying our discussion. I'll not bother you again.
As I have said many times. There is no proof.
Thanks - that settles it.

As for your excuse via philosophy e.g. Buddhism is entirely based onto philosophy and they have never and are not in need to retract or update their philosophy in 2500 years,
because original teachings of Buddhism never came up with a God - therefore Buddhism is a nontheistic religion - but teaches reincarnation in order to reach the ultimate stage of enlightenment. (the perfect stage of a human being so as to say).
They did encourage his studies. They were against adding his studies to the Bible, which at the time Galileo said was a theory.
No they charged him with heresy and kept him under house arrest for years

On April 12, 1633, chief inquisitor Father Vincenzo Maculano, appointed by Pope Urban VIII, launched an inquisition of Galileo and ordered the astronomer to appear in the Holy Office to begin trial.

Galileo was ordered by the Church’s Commissary General to abandon his Copernican ideas and not to defend or teach them in any way.

On June 22, 1633, Galileo was ordered to kneel as he was found “vehemently suspected of heresy.” He was forced to “abandon completely the false opinion” of Copernicanism, and to read a statement, in which he recanted much of his life’s work.
Galileo was an elderly, blind man still under house arrest when a then little-known poet, John Milton, visited him 1638. Milton later referred to his visit with the scientist as he argued against licensing and censorship in a speech to English Parliament in 1644.

The poet warned his countrymen, “this was it which had damped the glory of Italian wits; that nothing had been there written now these many years but flattery and fustian. There it was that I found and visited the famous Galileo grown old, a prisoner to the Inquisition, for thinking in Astronomy otherwise than the Franciscan and Dominican licencers thought.”

Does that sound to you like the Church encouraged Galileo's scientific studies?

And Galileo never said his scientific papers or theories should be added to the bible. The Catholic Church in all their paranoia would not stand for anything that contradicted the bible.

and Galileo wasn't the only one
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well, this one no longer exists.

It's more like saying, "Prove that love exists".

I am fully prepared to prove that ducks exist. I am not prepared to prove that love exists. I am not prepared to prove that God exists. Hopefully when I complete my presentation those who want to prove that God exists will copy my methodology.
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