Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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And this still does not answer the question as to why and how you made the claim you made.

Government workers have a different attitude than most of working America.
Go to a post office.
And observe. Forms are all filled out by hand, 15 boxes to Guam means you filling out all 15 to the same place. By hand. Long lines because they are on mandated breaks. All the time in the world to complete transactions. But that's just an example, most government agencies work that way, including the VA.
the PO i worked at didnt operate that way.....but maybe the wealthier areas are different than the lower class places....
Sorry but ALL post offices work that way. There is no provision to use computers to print out shipping labels, like UPS or FedEx. It's all done in the antiquated way. and I've been in line at post offices in many places.
Currently, 22 million Americans are employed at the local, state and federal level.

Yes, the Government creates a hell of a lot of jobs
They didnt create a single job.
Instead 22M Americans who would otherwise be working in the private sector building this country's wealth were hired by the gov't, where they subsist on the wealth of others.

22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
Move those goalposts!

Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs
Nope, not a single one. They rob jobs from other employers.
You made the accusation. It must be so wonderful to not have to back up an accusation with facts.

What the hell does that mean?
Please find someone that cares about you walk it through.

Government workers have a different attitude than most of working America.
Go to a post office.
And observe. Forms are all filled out by hand, 15 boxes to Guam means you filling out all 15 to the same place. By hand. Long lines because they are on mandated breaks. All the time in the world to complete transactions. But that's just an example, most government agencies work that way, including the VA.
Currently, 22 million Americans are employed at the local, state and federal level.

Yes, the Government creates a hell of a lot of jobs
They didnt create a single job.
Instead 22M Americans who would otherwise be working in the private sector building this country's wealth were hired by the gov't, where they subsist on the wealth of others.

22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
All employees of the taxpayers.
Do those corporations that get government contracts fall under your guide line.
Government money, you know.

Currently, 22 million Americans are employed at the local, state and federal level.

Yes, the Government creates a hell of a lot of jobs
They didnt create a single job.
Instead 22M Americans who would otherwise be working in the private sector building this country's wealth were hired by the gov't, where they subsist on the wealth of others.

22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
All employees of the taxpayers.
Money in the private sector that is invested in one business takes money away from any other business that might have wanted/needed that investment. What's the difference?

Get it?

You obviously have never taken a course in economics. You are very ignorant on the subject.

Government expenditures are very inefficient uses of earned money due to the political nature of determining how the money is being spent. Private businesses have to spend the money in an efficient manner or they go out of business.

A great example of that is General Motors. That company wasn't worth shit and turned out a product that very few people wanted. In steps that turdbrain Obama who gives them billions of taxpayer's dollars in order to pay back the filthy ass inefficient UAW for the campaign contributions he got from them. The billions of dollars that was given away could have been used to buy good and services that the taxpayers wanted. Instead it went to inefficient shitheads that couldn't make a profit on their own. Jobs were "saved" but at a great cost that exceed what the the more efficient private industry would have produced with the same amount of money.

U.S. government says it lost 11.2 billion on GM bailout Reuters

U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout

When the government spends money on a tank or M-16 it doesn't produce a commodity that is useful to the people that had to give up money in order to fund the commodity. It is necessary because of the nature of defense but it takes money out of the productive economy.

When a shithead bureaucrat uses taxpayer's money to fund a bridge to nowhere or give money to a foreign country or subsidize bloated union wages, gives welfare or gives money to Solundra they have taken money out of the productive economy and introduced a significant loss.

You really need to take a course in economics so you don't look like a fool when you post on an internet discussion forum. It is embarrassing to have to educate you on some very basic economic principles.

So what? The so-called $11.2 billion lost is chump change compared to how the survival of the American auto industry has benefited the American economy. Just imagine if the government had allowed GM to die - which would have had a far-reaching negative economic impact beyond just GM. Don't you people ever think outside your partisan bubble?

Think about "Opportunity Costs"...

GM would have died, but the industry would have bought the assets and retooled. The only thing that happened was the UAW got billions in GM stock and donated millions to the Democrats and Obama.
Probably one third of the people employed in this country are either directly or indirectly employed by the Government

You bet your ass they create jobs

Hey! You know what would GREAT? If only the government would hire EVERYONE!

Then all would be roses and lollipops.
I had a recent experience where I had a severe heating loss and the Dr said it was possibly due to a minor stroke. I went to Costco and got some hearing aids. There were three people at the hearing aid counter, a sales associate and two hearing technicians with separate sound proof rooms for testing hearing.
The Technician(1) used the computer to test my hearing loss, did the fitting routine and had the sales associate (2) order my hearing aids. A week later I went back and the Tech gave me detailed verbal instructions on the use, care and cleaning of the hearing aids and I paid the sales associate a couple of thousand dollars. Only 2 people were required for this to happen.

I then ran into a fellow veteran who told me he had a hearing problem and got FREE hearing aids from the VA. I made an appointment at the VA Medical center and went for a hearing test. The receptionist (1)checked me in, a technician (2) tested my hearing, another technician (3) did a routine fitting and I was told to come back in a week. When I returned, a technician (2) and a Dr (5) checked that they fit and that they worked, then another technician (4) gave me and a group of fellow vets an hour of detailed instructions on the use, care and cleaning of the hearing aids. I checked out with a different receptionist. (6)

I have no problem with the VA, but it took a staff of 6 to accomplish what a staff of 2 had done at Costco. So, the government certainly does create, and create, and create jobs.

You were lucky to get service from the VA. As we have seen lately veterans have died waiting for their free government health care.

I refuse to go to a VA facility. I would rather pay the money out of pocket than to put up with their bureaucracy.

I could have saved a few thousand dollars a couple of years ago on a procedure by going to the VA but I would probably still be waiting to get treated.

I have been going to a VA clinic for 15 years after it took me a few months to get qualified. They are quite efficient in some areas, but with the number of people on their staff, they should be. The last time I went to the big VA Medical Hospital I had a 20 minute wait for a Rx and I stood in the hall and counted the folks going back and forth. I counted 28 patients and 76 employees. They were easy to identify since they all wore picture ID badges.
I have worn out my original VA ID and have tried to get it replaced twice. The first time after standing in line for 15 minutes, I was told everyone would get a new one within the next month. That was in 2013, and I didn't get one. Last year when I went for my hearing aids, the machine that made ID's was broken. The only place you can get one is at the VA Medical center since they don't make them at the VA clinic
I get good response from their web site when I ask a question, and my overall experience at the VA has actually been very good.
Currently, 22 million Americans are employed at the local, state and federal level.

Yes, the Government creates a hell of a lot of jobs
They didnt create a single job.
Instead 22M Americans who would otherwise be working in the private sector building this country's wealth were hired by the gov't, where they subsist on the wealth of others.

22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
Move those goalposts!

Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs
Nope, not a single one. They rob jobs from other employers.

You only need so many employees to build a fighter jet, but if you don't build that plane, nobody gets a job building that plane.
They didnt create a single job.
Instead 22M Americans who would otherwise be working in the private sector building this country's wealth were hired by the gov't, where they subsist on the wealth of others.

22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
Move those goalposts!

Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs
Nope, not a single one. They rob jobs from other employers.

You only need so many employees to build a fighter jet, but if you don't build that plane, nobody gets a job building that plane.
22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
Move those goalposts!

Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs
Nope, not a single one. They rob jobs from other employers.

You only need so many employees to build a fighter jet, but if you don't build that plane, nobody gets a job building that plane.

You're claiming the government doesn't create any jobs. The government orders a fighter jet, it creates the jobs to build that plane. Jobs that didn't otherwise exist.
Government workers have a different attitude than most of working America.
Go to a post office.
And observe. Forms are all filled out by hand, 15 boxes to Guam means you filling out all 15 to the same place. By hand. Long lines because they are on mandated breaks. All the time in the world to complete transactions. But that's just an example, most government agencies work that way, including the VA.
the PO i worked at didnt operate that way.....but maybe the wealthier areas are different than the lower class places....
Sorry but ALL post offices work that way. There is no provision to use computers to print out shipping labels, like UPS or FedEx. It's all done in the antiquated way. and I've been in line at post offices in many places.
sure they i said the one i worked out of kept up with the Jones....but then they had wealthy customers and generated a lot of money....and if your PO doesnt have the new stuff....blame Congress for not letting them modernize....
Go to a post office.
And observe. Forms are all filled out by hand, 15 boxes to Guam means you filling out all 15 to the same place. By hand. Long lines because they are on mandated breaks. All the time in the world to complete transactions. But that's just an example, most government agencies work that way, including the VA.
the PO i worked at didnt operate that way.....but maybe the wealthier areas are different than the lower class places....
Sorry but ALL post offices work that way. There is no provision to use computers to print out shipping labels, like UPS or FedEx. It's all done in the antiquated way. and I've been in line at post offices in many places.
sure they i said the one i worked out of kept up with the Jones....but then they had wealthy customers and generated a lot of money....and if your PO doesnt have the new stuff....blame Congress for not letting them modernize....
What system did you use? I'm not in a poor area by any stretch.
Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs

There is no doubt there are a bunch of people employed by the government. That is not in question. That is a no brainer.

The question that you obviously don't understand is "were the jobs created"?

You don't create jobs by taking money out of the private sector and using it in the government sector because the jobs in the private sector are lost. At best it is just a transfer but the reality with government corruption and inefficiency is that jobs are lost in the transfer.

This inconvenient thingy about government being funded by taxation and debt makes it a whole different economic model.

Go take a course in economics so you will understand stuff like this.
Currently, 22 million Americans are employed at the local, state and federal level.

Yes, the Government creates a hell of a lot of jobs
They didnt create a single job.
Instead 22M Americans who would otherwise be working in the private sector building this country's wealth were hired by the gov't, where they subsist on the wealth of others.

22 million employees performing valid functions serving the country. Teachers, cops, firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists......
Move those goalposts!

Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs
Nope, not a single one. They rob jobs from other employers.

Not even close...the government performs vital functions. Many of which the private sector benefits from immensely
Not only are there 22 million directly employed by the government, but all Defense industry jobs are created by the government as well as millions of construction jobs building and maintaining roads, bridges, dams, schools, government buildings, airports and countless other projects

Yo bet the government creates jobs

There is no doubt there are a bunch of people employed by the government. That is not in question. That is a no brainer.

The question that you obviously don't understand is "were the jobs created"?

You don't create jobs by taking money out of the private sector and using it in the government sector because the jobs in the private sector are lost. At best it is just a transfer but the reality with government corruption and inefficiency is that jobs are lost in the transfer.

This inconvenient thingy about government being funded by taxation and debt makes it a whole different economic model.

Go take a course in economics so you will understand stuff like this.

The private sector is part of We the people and benefit from government services such as roads, infrastructure, communications, educated workers, security, fire protection, patent protections, protections from unfair business practices, a stable dollar......
You only need so many employees to build a fighter jet, but if you don't build that plane, nobody gets a job building that plane.

But if the taxes are not collected to pay for the jet because the airplane was not needed then other jobs would have been funded in the private sector with the money.

The government didn't create a single job. They just transfer the jobs from the private sector to the government sector.

You really don't understand economics, do you?

No wonder Moon Bats elect dickheads like Obama. They are sorely lacking in the education to make a ration decision at the polls.
The private sector is part of We the people and benefit from government services such as roads, infrastructure, communications, educated workers, security, fire protection, patent protections, protections from unfair business practices, a stable dollar......

You didn't understand a damn word I said, did you?

It is not a question of if the government employs people (rarely for the right reason). They do.

It is a question of does the government create jobs and the answer to that is no because the money for the government jobs comes out of the private sector where other jobs would have been created.

Go take a course in economics so you will understand stuff like this. Stop acting acting like a dumbass.
The private sector is part of We the people and benefit from government services such as roads, infrastructure, communications, educated workers, security, fire protection, patent protections, protections from unfair business practices, a stable dollar......

You didn't understand a damn word I said, did you?

It is not a question of if the government employs people (rarely for the right reason). They do.

It is a question of does the government create jobs and the answer to that is no because the money for the government jobs comes out of the private sector where other jobs would have been created.

Go take a course in economics so you will understand stuff like this. Stop acting acting like a dumbass.
And the private sector benefits immensely from that government. They cannot function without it.
And observe. Forms are all filled out by hand, 15 boxes to Guam means you filling out all 15 to the same place. By hand. Long lines because they are on mandated breaks. All the time in the world to complete transactions. But that's just an example, most government agencies work that way, including the VA.
the PO i worked at didnt operate that way.....but maybe the wealthier areas are different than the lower class places....
Sorry but ALL post offices work that way. There is no provision to use computers to print out shipping labels, like UPS or FedEx. It's all done in the antiquated way. and I've been in line at post offices in many places.
sure they i said the one i worked out of kept up with the Jones....but then they had wealthy customers and generated a lot of money....and if your PO doesnt have the new stuff....blame Congress for not letting them modernize....
What system did you use? I'm not in a poor area by any stretch.
i did not use it i worked there but the people in the lobby had all the modern up to date shit,they also had 3 Congressional people whose areas interlaced there.....but yet they actually closed that office down even though it was the most profitable office in the area....even the people going to an area hearing did not stop it from closing......and here is the real kicker.....the PO bought the building and land for 10 million around 1999....and sold it for 4 million ......and they wonder why they are run so badly....

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