Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

Before this whole "gay" lifestyle thing became a fad, Most doctors, phychiatrists, and educators were very much of the opinion that homosexuality was an abnormality --- an outward manifestation of a dysfunctional individual.

Some people murder. Would you blame God for that action? Have you never wanted to kill someone? However, the responsible person sees that such a thing is not what God would have one do........... Sex is not the end all of emotional love. Christ died on the cross for our sins because He first loved us. This perfect example never involved sex. It involved commitment. A mother doesn't face labor to have a baby because she's a sadist. She does it because she loves the baby she has been carrying around for months.....

The popular acceptance of homosexuality is turning everything inside out. And what was once considered very sound moral judgment is now cast aside as though it never existed. Good is now bad and bad is accepted as good. But the end results have not been shown to be any less valid.

Segregation was once considered Constitutional as well.

As usual, you changed the subject because you just got owned. LN asked a straight forward question - some people MURDER. Do you blame God for that action?

As usual, you know you're wrong but you're far too immature (not to mention arrogant) to just admit it. So instead, you turn to "segregation" as if that had anything to do with what is being discussed.

There is nothing worse than a disingenuous asshole. Why do you even bother coming here if you can't have an honest discussion? Just to be a troll? Just because you believe you can convince people to follow you like the pied piper in your quest for your radical libtard agenda of living off of the government? :cuckoo:

wasting your time Rotty.....Jones does not converse.........he tries to make it seem like he knows what he is talking about.....but yet just cant seem to reply to what is said about his you said....WHY does this dipshit even come here?.....whats the point?....
The actions associate with the natural (or god given) attractions are the only choice. Why should we, as consenting adults, not act on those attractions as long as they are with other consenting adults?

And no one's telling you you can't.

But you want to deny equality to those consenting adult relationships based on either 1)it's icky or 2) god told me to.

You're losing and will continue to lose in public opinion and a court of law.

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A lie repeated is still a lie.
Gays are not denied any rights available to anyone else. I've proven this many times. What they want are special rights and they can't have them.
How many states have enacted definitions of marriage in their state constitutions? No, we are not losing.
That I don't believe in your god makes me "a sad and pitiful human being"?

What's sad is that the fucking Catholic Pope has more understanding of what makes people "sad and pitiful" than you do, Fishy.

Earlier you claimed that God made you gay and then you deny his existence. You are a walking contradiction.

the fact that you have to jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality is proof that you are continually trying to justify your behavior to yourself and others, and that deep down inside you know that you are wrong.

I actually feel sorry for you.

I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

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You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?
Legal consent Puppy. Legal, civil marriage not the vows you make to Bessie in the barn.

I'm not running from anything. I've addressed Polygamy. I'm neither for or against it. From a legal standpoint, I simply don't see it working.

Exactly - you're 100% dead-set against it. But if you admit that, it shows that you are not only a hypocrite, but also the "insensitive bigot" that you accuse everyone else of being.

The fact is, the precious "COURT" ruling that you love to scream now means that we MUST as a nation recognize 1 jerk being married to 13 women. You'd know that if you were actually informed on the item you support (just fellow Dumbocrat Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the filth in Washington from that party, Seawytch here didn't read the suit before she supported it).

Way to go homosexuals - pat yourselves on the back for a job well done just further fucking this nation.

No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

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So now it comes down to how much will have to be changed on the paperwork?
Earlier you claimed that God made you gay and then you deny his existence. You are a walking contradiction.

the fact that you have to jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality is proof that you are continually trying to justify your behavior to yourself and others, and that deep down inside you know that you are wrong.

I actually feel sorry for you.

I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

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You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?
Then Senator Larry Craig came from a defective egg or sperm?

Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

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You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?
Then Senator Larry Craig came from a defective egg or sperm?

Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who cares about Larry Craig?
Legal consent Puppy. Legal, civil marriage not the vows you make to Bessie in the barn.

I'm not running from anything. I've addressed Polygamy. I'm neither for or against it. From a legal standpoint, I simply don't see it working.

Exactly - you're 100% dead-set against it. But if you admit that, it shows that you are not only a hypocrite, but also the "insensitive bigot" that you accuse everyone else of being.

The fact is, the precious "COURT" ruling that you love to scream now means that we MUST as a nation recognize 1 jerk being married to 13 women. You'd know that if you were actually informed on the item you support (just fellow Dumbocrat Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the filth in Washington from that party, Seawytch here didn't read the suit before she supported it).

Way to go homosexuals - pat yourselves on the back for a job well done just further fucking this nation.

No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

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Sadly, it does (and sadly, you don't even know that despite supporting it). The DOMA suit was brought by a gay woman who was not even married in the U.S. - she was married in Canada. Thus the ruling now creates the precedence that we MUST recognize the marriage of foreigners, including muslims with 52 wives.

So glad that you forge ahead supporting things that you are ill-informed on. Any wonder why this nation is on the verge of collapse when we have Dumbocrats like this running around screaming support for things they don't understand? :eusa_whistle:
Exactly - you're 100% dead-set against it. But if you admit that, it shows that you are not only a hypocrite, but also the "insensitive bigot" that you accuse everyone else of being.

The fact is, the precious "COURT" ruling that you love to scream now means that we MUST as a nation recognize 1 jerk being married to 13 women. You'd know that if you were actually informed on the item you support (just fellow Dumbocrat Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the filth in Washington from that party, Seawytch here didn't read the suit before she supported it).

Way to go homosexuals - pat yourselves on the back for a job well done just further fucking this nation.

No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

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So now it comes down to how much will have to be changed on the paperwork?

See what I mean? Your average Dumbocrats view has always been "as long as I get mine, fuck everybody else". How ironic that they claim to be all about "society" - but that's only their cause to bilk the system. Once they get theirs, fugetaboutit....

That's why they say, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist"
Earlier you claimed that God made you gay and then you deny his existence. You are a walking contradiction.

the fact that you have to jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality is proof that you are continually trying to justify your behavior to yourself and others, and that deep down inside you know that you are wrong.

I actually feel sorry for you.

I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

Spelling errors courtesy of auto-correct

You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?

I was born gay. When have I ever contradicted that statement?

I don't know what combination of genetic and invitro environmental factors led to my being over on the gay side of the sexuality scale. What difference does it make in a free country?

What the fuck is your infatuation with my life? Do you ask anyone else's spouses to post in order to prove their existence?
Exactly - you're 100% dead-set against it. But if you admit that, it shows that you are not only a hypocrite, but also the "insensitive bigot" that you accuse everyone else of being.

The fact is, the precious "COURT" ruling that you love to scream now means that we MUST as a nation recognize 1 jerk being married to 13 women. You'd know that if you were actually informed on the item you support (just fellow Dumbocrat Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the filth in Washington from that party, Seawytch here didn't read the suit before she supported it).

Way to go homosexuals - pat yourselves on the back for a job well done just further fucking this nation.

No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

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So now it comes down to how much will have to be changed on the paperwork?

To deny it is a factor is to deny reality.
I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

Spelling errors courtesy of auto-correct

You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?

I was born gay. When have I ever contradicted that statement?

I don't know what combination of genetic and invitro environmental factors led to my being over on the gay side of the sexuality scale. What difference does it make in a free country?

What the fuck is your infatuation with my life? Do you ask anyone else's spouses to post in order to prove their existence?

Actually I think you're really a 300lb black transexual named Roscoe.
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No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

Spelling errors courtesy of auto-correct

So now it comes down to how much will have to be changed on the paperwork?

See what I mean? Your average Dumbocrats view has always been "as long as I get mine, fuck everybody else". How ironic that they claim to be all about "society" - but that's only their cause to bilk the system. Once they get theirs, fugetaboutit....

That's why they say, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist"

No, that's your attitude. You think marriage makes you special and giving access to others makes you somehow less special. That's your personal inadequacies.

If Polygamist successfully challenge prior case law and the SCOTUS for the right to marry, I won't give a shit either way.
You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?

I was born gay. When have I ever contradicted that statement?

I don't know what combination of genetic and invitro environmental factors led to my being over on the gay side of the sexuality scale. What difference does it make in a free country?

What the fuck is your infatuation with my life? Do you ask anyone else's spouses to post in order to prove their existence?

Actually I think you're really a 300lb black transexual named Roscoe.

Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.
Exactly - you're 100% dead-set against it. But if you admit that, it shows that you are not only a hypocrite, but also the "insensitive bigot" that you accuse everyone else of being.

The fact is, the precious "COURT" ruling that you love to scream now means that we MUST as a nation recognize 1 jerk being married to 13 women. You'd know that if you were actually informed on the item you support (just fellow Dumbocrat Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the filth in Washington from that party, Seawytch here didn't read the suit before she supported it).

Way to go homosexuals - pat yourselves on the back for a job well done just further fucking this nation.

No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

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Sadly, it does (and sadly, you don't even know that despite supporting it). The DOMA suit was brought by a gay woman who was not even married in the U.S. - she was married in Canada. Thus the ruling now creates the precedence that we MUST recognize the marriage of foreigners, including muslims with 52 wives.

So glad that you forge ahead supporting things that you are ill-informed on. Any wonder why this nation is on the verge of collapse when we have Dumbocrats like this running around screaming support for things they don't understand? :eusa_whistle:

You do realize that the US recognizes marriages from other countries, right?

I understand just fine. I understand you've lost this "culture war" and it's made you slightly insane.
So now it comes down to how much will have to be changed on the paperwork?

See what I mean? Your average Dumbocrats view has always been "as long as I get mine, fuck everybody else". How ironic that they claim to be all about "society" - but that's only their cause to bilk the system. Once they get theirs, fugetaboutit....

That's why they say, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist"

No, that's your attitude. You think marriage makes you special and giving access to others makes you somehow less special. That's your personal inadequacies.

If Polygamist successfully challenge prior case law and the SCOTUS for the right to marry, I won't give a shit either way.
Yeah, marriage is special. Too special to be used for gay relationships.
I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

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You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?

I was born gay. When have I ever contradicted that statement?

I don't know what combination of genetic and invitro environmental factors led to my being over on the gay side of the sexuality scale. What difference does it make in a free country?

What the fuck is your infatuation with my life? Do you ask anyone else's spouses to post in order to prove their existence?

No, you were not. Unless you have some chromosomal abnormalities or have had some hormonal deficiencies for your whole life.
Nope, those are very often not natural.

The issue is not a polarization of "natrural-chosen", it is much more complicated, but it is in no way comparable, for example, to race, no matter how much you would like it to be.
You act on your natural drives as much as on your programmed ones in choosing your attractions.

An innate trait is an innate trait no matter how badly you wish do deny equality to one (or more) of them.

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there is no innate trait for homosexuality. or heterosexuality. or bisexuality. It is a complex combination of anatomy/physiology and the most important influence of social structures.

sexual identification and sexual preference is way more influenced by social construction than biology.

Denying it does not change it.

here is a very brief summary on the very wide scope of sexual field interactions of today ( mostly on the social side of the story, since medical is too complicated to discuss on a message board):

Introducing the New Sexuality Studies: 2nd Edition - Google Books

What you posted does not support your hypothesis that "sexual preference is way more influenced by social construction than biology"
I never claimed god made me gay.

I'm gay. Why do YOU "jump into every thread that discusses any aspect of homosexuality"?

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You said that you were born that way. was it a defective sperm cell or a defective egg?

Because its fun to destroy your arguments. I enjoy making you look like the lying hypocrite that you are.

BTW, why don't you ever let your partner get on the keyboard? Is there really such a person or is your entire existence made up?

I was born gay. When have I ever contradicted that statement?

I don't know what combination of genetic and invitro environmental factors led to my being over on the gay side of the sexuality scale. What difference does it make in a free country?

What the fuck is your infatuation with my life? Do you ask anyone else's spouses to post in order to prove their existence?

no you were not born gay, you were born delusional
An innate trait is an innate trait no matter how badly you wish do deny equality to one (or more) of them.

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there is no innate trait for homosexuality. or heterosexuality. or bisexuality. It is a complex combination of anatomy/physiology and the most important influence of social structures.

sexual identification and sexual preference is way more influenced by social construction than biology.

Denying it does not change it.

here is a very brief summary on the very wide scope of sexual field interactions of today ( mostly on the social side of the story, since medical is too complicated to discuss on a message board):

Introducing the New Sexuality Studies: 2nd Edition - Google Books

What you posted does not support your hypothesis that "sexual preference is way more influenced by social construction than biology"

yes, it DOES.

it tells it straight from the very first page.
No, I'm not "dead set" against it, I'm saying that I simply don't see it working from a legal standpoint because there are more than two parties involved. Nothing more than a word or two on a license has to change for gays to have equal access to civil marriage. That would not be true of Polygamy.

The DOMA ruling means nothing of the sort.

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Sadly, it does (and sadly, you don't even know that despite supporting it). The DOMA suit was brought by a gay woman who was not even married in the U.S. - she was married in Canada. Thus the ruling now creates the precedence that we MUST recognize the marriage of foreigners, including muslims with 52 wives.

So glad that you forge ahead supporting things that you are ill-informed on. Any wonder why this nation is on the verge of collapse when we have Dumbocrats like this running around screaming support for things they don't understand? :eusa_whistle:

You do realize that the US recognizes marriages from other countries, right?

I understand just fine. I understand you've lost this "culture war" and it's made you slightly insane.

And YOU do realize that they are also inferior to us, right? WHY do YOU wish to bring us down to their level?

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