Do Liberals Care About MLK's Dark Side?

Like many people, Martin Luther King had a public side and a private side. His public side was commendable. His civil rights efforts were noble and needed. However, his private actions included assaulting one of his mistresses the night before he was shot, frequently cheating on his wife, swearing profusely (uncommon conduct for a clergyman), and cheating in college. If King had been white and had been conservative on even just a few major issues, I doubt that liberals would be willing to overlook his private actions.

Liberals were outraged in 1989 when MLK's close friend and fellow civil rights leader, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, published his book And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (New York: Harper Perennial, 1989). Most of the book said very positive things about King and his efforts, but it also contained some shocking revelations about King's private life. When Rev. Abernathy appeared on NBC's Today show following the release of the book, host Bryant Gumbel found it hard to contain his anger toward Abernathy for revealing King's dark side.

Abernathy detailed a particularly disturbing event that occurred the night before King was shot, an event that Abernathy witnessed with his own eyes because he was in the hotel room with King when it happened (pp. 434-436). One of King's mistresses came to confront him about something. An argument ensued. As the argument heated up, King "knocked her across the bed." Abernathy qualified that slightly by saying that "it was more of a shove than a real blow" (p. 436). However, Abernathy did not try to soften what came next:

She leapt up to fight back, and for a moment they were engaged in a full-blown fight, with Martin clearly winning. (p. 436)​

Now, can you imagine what liberals would be saying if one of Roy Moore's closest and long-time friends revealed that Moore had done the same thing--knocked/pushed a woman across a bed and then had a full-blown fight with her? Gloria Allred would be holding daily press conferences. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, etc., would be calling for whatever legal action could be taken against Moore. Or, just imagine if one of Donald Trump's closest friends revealed that Trump had engaged in such conduct.

In reading Abernathy's account of the incident, one gets the impression that this was not the first time King had used violence against a woman. The fact that King would knock/shove the woman and then physically fight with her in front of another person suggests that this was not the first time he had behaved in this manner. Significantly, Abernathy's account says nothing about King expressing remorse for what he had just done.

What if it were determined that Roy Moore had engaged in plagiarism when he wrote his dissertation in college? (Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King). Would his university still decline not to revoke his degree, as Boston University did in King's case? Would liberals say that was "fair under the circumstances"?

What if it were discovered that Roy Moore, while publicly professing to be a born-again Christian, used the vilest profanity on a regular basis in private? Would liberals ignore such hypocrisy?

What if one of Roy Moore's best friends revealed that Moore routinely cheated on his wife, as Abernathy revealed about MLK? Of course, most liberals could not care less about adultery or any other sexual sin, but when a conservative is found to have engaged in such conduct, they are quick to attack him or her.

As I said, I think Martin Luther King did a great service to the country with his civil rights efforts, but the seriously disturbing aspects of his private life make it hard to view him positively overall. I think Booker T. Washington was and is more deserving of a federal holiday than MLK.
Here is a New York Time list from today..comprehensive
Donald Trump’s Racism:
The Definitive List
Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.
The media often falls back on euphemisms when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive. And Trump himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, and he is still doing so.
Here, we have attempted to compile a definitive list of his racist comments – or at least the publicly known ones.

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List
Like many people, Martin Luther King had a public side and a private side. His public side was commendable. His civil rights efforts were noble and needed. However, his private actions included assaulting one of his mistresses the night before he was shot, frequently cheating on his wife, swearing profusely (uncommon conduct for a clergyman), and cheating in college. If King had been white and had been conservative on even just a few major issues, I doubt that liberals would be willing to overlook his private actions.

Liberals were outraged in 1989 when MLK's close friend and fellow civil rights leader, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, published his book And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (New York: Harper Perennial, 1989). Most of the book said very positive things about King and his efforts, but it also contained some shocking revelations about King's private life. When Rev. Abernathy appeared on NBC's Today show following the release of the book, host Bryant Gumbel found it hard to contain his anger toward Abernathy for revealing King's dark side.

Abernathy detailed a particularly disturbing event that occurred the night before King was shot, an event that Abernathy witnessed with his own eyes because he was in the hotel room with King when it happened (pp. 434-436). One of King's mistresses came to confront him about something. An argument ensued. As the argument heated up, King "knocked her across the bed." Abernathy qualified that slightly by saying that "it was more of a shove than a real blow" (p. 436). However, Abernathy did not try to soften what came next:

She leapt up to fight back, and for a moment they were engaged in a full-blown fight, with Martin clearly winning. (p. 436)​

Now, can you imagine what liberals would be saying if one of Roy Moore's closest and long-time friends revealed that Moore had done the same thing--knocked/pushed a woman across a bed and then had a full-blown fight with her? Gloria Allred would be holding daily press conferences. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, etc., would be calling for whatever legal action could be taken against Moore. Or, just imagine if one of Donald Trump's closest friends revealed that Trump had engaged in such conduct.

In reading Abernathy's account of the incident, one gets the impression that this was not the first time King had used violence against a woman. The fact that King would knock/shove the woman and then physically fight with her in front of another person suggests that this was not the first time he had behaved in this manner. Significantly, Abernathy's account says nothing about King expressing remorse for what he had just done.

What if it were determined that Roy Moore had engaged in plagiarism when he wrote his dissertation in college? (Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King). Would his university still decline not to revoke his degree, as Boston University did in King's case? Would liberals say that was "fair under the circumstances"?

What if it were discovered that Roy Moore, while publicly professing to be a born-again Christian, used the vilest profanity on a regular basis in private? Would liberals ignore such hypocrisy?

What if one of Roy Moore's best friends revealed that Moore routinely cheated on his wife, as Abernathy revealed about MLK? Of course, most liberals could not care less about adultery or any other sexual sin, but when a conservative is found to have engaged in such conduct, they are quick to attack him or her.

As I said, I think Martin Luther King did a great service to the country with his civil rights efforts, but the seriously disturbing aspects of his private life make it hard to view him positively overall. I think Booker T. Washington was and is more deserving of a federal holiday than MLK.
Here is a New York Time list from today..comprehensive
Donald Trump’s Racism:
The Definitive List
Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure.
He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.
The media often falls back on euphemisms when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive. And Trump himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, and he is still doing so.
Here, we have attempted to compile a definitive list of his racist comments – or at least the publicly known ones.

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List

Like many people, Martin Luther King had a public side and a private side. His public side was commendable. His civil rights efforts were noble and needed. However, his private actions included assaulting one of his mistresses the night before he was shot, frequently cheating on his wife, swearing profusely (uncommon conduct for a clergyman), and cheating in college. If King had been white and had been conservative on even just a few major issues, I doubt that liberals would be willing to overlook his private actions.

Liberals were outraged in 1989 when MLK's close friend and fellow civil rights leader, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, published his book And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (New York: Harper Perennial, 1989). Most of the book said very positive things about King and his efforts, but it also contained some shocking revelations about King's private life. When Rev. Abernathy appeared on NBC's Today show following the release of the book, host Bryant Gumbel found it hard to contain his anger toward Abernathy for revealing King's dark side.

Abernathy detailed a particularly disturbing event that occurred the night before King was shot, an event that Abernathy witnessed with his own eyes because he was in the hotel room with King when it happened (pp. 434-436). One of King's mistresses came to confront him about something. An argument ensued. As the argument heated up, King "knocked her across the bed." Abernathy qualified that slightly by saying that "it was more of a shove than a real blow" (p. 436). However, Abernathy did not try to soften what came next:

She leapt up to fight back, and for a moment they were engaged in a full-blown fight, with Martin clearly winning. (p. 436)​

Now, can you imagine what liberals would be saying if one of Roy Moore's closest and long-time friends revealed that Moore had done the same thing--knocked/pushed a woman across a bed and then had a full-blown fight with her? Gloria Allred would be holding daily press conferences. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, etc., would be calling for whatever legal action could be taken against Moore. Or, just imagine if one of Donald Trump's closest friends revealed that Trump had engaged in such conduct.

In reading Abernathy's account of the incident, one gets the impression that this was not the first time King had used violence against a woman. The fact that King would knock/shove the woman and then physically fight with her in front of another person suggests that this was not the first time he had behaved in this manner. Significantly, Abernathy's account says nothing about King expressing remorse for what he had just done.

What if it were determined that Roy Moore had engaged in plagiarism when he wrote his dissertation in college? (Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King). Would his university still decline not to revoke his degree, as Boston University did in King's case? Would liberals say that was "fair under the circumstances"?

What if it were discovered that Roy Moore, while publicly professing to be a born-again Christian, used the vilest profanity on a regular basis in private? Would liberals ignore such hypocrisy?

What if one of Roy Moore's best friends revealed that Moore routinely cheated on his wife, as Abernathy revealed about MLK? Of course, most liberals could not care less about adultery or any other sexual sin, but when a conservative is found to have engaged in such conduct, they are quick to attack him or her.

As I said, I think Martin Luther King did a great service to the country with his civil rights efforts, but the seriously disturbing aspects of his private life make it hard to view him positively overall. I think Booker T. Washington was and is more deserving of a federal holiday than MLK.
Here is a New York Time list from today..comprehensive
Donald Trump’s Racism:
The Definitive List
Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure.
He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.
The media often falls back on euphemisms when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive. And Trump himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, and he is still doing so.
Here, we have attempted to compile a definitive list of his racist comments – or at least the publicly known ones.

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List

Welcome to ignore. Not every thread need be a Trump thread.

Trump is All Darkness
I don't give a care about MLK one whey or the other....He did his job and paid the price for his actions with his life, more than I would do....

Seems like anyone doing anything is a lot more than you would do. How about learning to spell "whey", that may help...but probably too much work.
If we are going to diss MLK for his flaws then don't bitch when the leftwits condemn our founders because of their flaws.

To do that, liberals will have to find examples of founding fathers who claimed to be clergymen, who routinely cheated on their wives, who routinely used raunchy language in private, who cheated to get their degree, and who got into a "full-blown fight" with a mistress. Good luck with that.
If we are going to diss MLK for his flaws then don't bitch when the leftwits condemn our founders because of their flaws.

To do that, liberals will have to find examples of founding fathers who claimed to be clergymen, who routinely cheated on their wives, who routinely used raunchy language in private, who cheated to get their degree, and who got into a "full-blown fight" with a mistress. Good luck with that.
I think owning slaves is a bit worse than any of that don't you?

My point is you are playing Democrat games with logic like this. We are all flawed human beings to one degree or another.

To me MLK Day represents a celebration of the ideals of equal treatment & freedom not a celebration of the man himself.
I don't give a care about MLK one whey or the other....He did his job and paid the price for his actions with his life, more than I would do....

Seems like anyone doing anything is a lot more than you would do. How about learning to spell "whey", that may help...but probably too much work.
In what whey would it help? You wood still be the same person...
If we are going to diss MLK for his flaws then don't bitch when the leftwits condemn our founders because of their flaws.

To do that, liberals will have to find examples of founding fathers who claimed to be clergymen, who routinely cheated on their wives, who routinely used raunchy language in private, who cheated to get their degree, and who got into a "full-blown fight" with a mistress. Good luck with that.
According to the Bible we are all sinners and need forgiveness, so it would be illogical to assume that any human could exist without sin...
I don't give a care about MLK one whey or the other....He did his job and paid the price for his actions with his life, more than I would do....

Seems like anyone doing anything is a lot more than you would do. How about learning to spell "whey", that may help...but probably too much work.
In what whey would it help? You wood still be the same person...

It would help others understand what you're trying to say. And they wouldn't think you're from one of those shithole countries. So it would be your secret.
I don't give a care about MLK one whey or the other....He did his job and paid the price for his actions with his life, more than I would do....

Seems like anyone doing anything is a lot more than you would do. How about learning to spell "whey", that may help...but probably too much work.
In what whey would it help? You wood still be the same person...

It would help others understand what you're trying to say. And they wouldn't think you're from one of those shithole countries. So it would be your secret.
Shithole countries like Okiehoma or Arkanass?
They left off that Trump has a bad doo...
Dark Side? what? he loved dark chocolate cake?
If he is not a racist why haven't more black ho's not shown up to expose Trump?
whats a black hoe? I thought all garden hoes were made out of pine trees
the black hoe is also categorized as the black hoer...

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