Do Liberals Have The Intellectual Honesty To Admit They've Been Screwed


Speaking of Socialized Medicine and Death Panels, Libtards in DC just voted to give Dr's The Right To KILL you!

But not if you are a criminal on Death
Row...nope....only if you are their patient!

D.C. physician-assisted suicide law goes into effect

Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?
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You believe in Evolution so just shut up.

Cons are so blind . They act as if someone who has no insurance, doesn't get sick! Reality doesn't work like that .

So we had this system everyone hated . Millions didn't have health insurance thru work , then get sick . They are treated (thanks to Ron Reagan) and the taxpayer gets the bill.

So the Dems came up with a a way to get those uncovered people covered. Since taxpayers get stuck anyway, why not make all pay in , since all the uncovered eventually will need medical help.
Cons are so blind . They act as if someone who has no insurance, doesn't get sick! Reality doesn't work like that .

So we had this system everyone hated . Millions didn't have health insurance thru work , then get sick . They are treated (thanks to Ron Reagan) and the taxpayer gets the bill.

So the Dems came up with a a way to get those uncovered people covered. Since taxpayers get stuck anyway, why not make all pay in , since all the uncovered eventually will need medical help.

Yes they did and it's called vote buying.

I'm 57 years old and until Commie Care came along, I had coverage my entire adult life even with my preexisting conditions. But the left doesn't worry about productive people who chose a responsible path in life. Screw those people. Take care of likely Democrat voters like the french fry maker, the shelf stocker, the pizza delivery guy who decided to have three kids before he could afford them.

Always talk about the low income people who got healthcare because of Commie Care and ignore the millions of us productive taxpayers that lost it because of the same policy.

But Oh! I should be so concerned about the non-productive people that may lose their handouts because of Republicans. So let me ask: Did any of those people give a shit about me or people like me after the libs passed Commie Care?

Because of this disaster created by the Democrats, I was forced to look into Commie Care. What to know what they told me? To keep my hospital and doctor, they only had one insurance company. That insurance company wanted 25% of my net pay. It came with a 7K deductible and a 7K out of pocket. No prescriptions, no dental care, and a $50.00 copay for doctors visits. It's like having no insurance at all.

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