Do liberals live what they preach?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.
Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.
Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point
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You LIE!
To quote one of your own
Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.)

Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point[/QUOTE]
I donate to the pantry and to the church that gives to the needy. I do have a complaint. Many show up for free stuff in 30k SUVs, $500 Apple phones and designer clothing...
They are not needy.......only greedy...........
You LIE!
To quote one of your own
Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.)

Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point

I pay taxes, if I don't and you can't prove it, I will let you pay my tax bill next tax season, sound like a good bet?

they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything

Try again, this time with real English...
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They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Liberals yes. Progressives no. Progs are elitists, they think they're better than everybody else and they are scum.
Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point

what a bizarre post...

liberals are the "elite" but don't pay taxes? really? then why are blue states putting more into the federal system than they're taking out... while red states put in less than they take.

liberals do not say the MIDDLE CLASS doesn't pay enough taxes. we POINT OUT that the top 1% and your corporatist masters don't pay their fair share.

what mansions? the top 1% yes. last i checked, most of the top 1% isn't so big on economic fairness or conservation. so what are you babbling about?

not sure what you're babbling about in terms of what people eat either.

who sucks at tipping? not me. so what are you talking about? :cuckoo:

helping others? yes... the right tithes to their churches. and? would you like a medal?

get the point?

now stop just making up whatever you feel like.

thanks for another hack thread, gramps.
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They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

they will spend your last dollar on helping others
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

they will spend your last dollar of helping others

so you're out of dough from a liberal today?
Most expect the 'giving' (more like taking) to come from those they vilify... the liberal elites already have it, don't earn true income, and THEN they call on the highest earners to 'give' more into the inefficient and corrupt system

Me... I give meat from hunting to the soup kitchen in Frederick... I give away most of the veggies I grow in my yard... my wife and I give food, clothing, and money to the battered women shelter, as she was a battered wife in her first marriage... but we have to give less thank before to other charities because (you guessed it) our tax burden has gone up because the entitlements and handouts thru government have gone up... and funny how the increased entitlement spending leaves us with not less, but MORE people and more of a % of people on the government dole... it is trickle up poverty, thanks to liberal policy, at it's finest
They'll champion the "cause" of gay men, and then use the term teabagger as an epithet. And then - get this - they'll confuse the term teabagger with TEA partier.

Doesn't that mean they're both hypocritical and stupid?
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.
Why don't you ask liberals what they do? You know, really sit down and talk TO someone who has an opinion that differs from your own - not AT them.

Or is it just easier to make assumptions with no information and rant about that?
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

Conservatives hand them old, unwanted food.

Liberals will put them through job training. As long as Conservatives don't block it:

Senate Republicans blocked legislation Wednesday that would have established a $1 billion jobs program putting veterans back to work tending to the country's federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.
Why don't you ask liberals what they do? You know, really sit down and talk TO someone who has an opinion that differs from your own - not AT them.

Or is it just easier to make assumptions with no information and rant about that?

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

Conservatives hand them old, unwanted food.

Liberals will put them through job training. As long as Conservatives don't block it:

Senate Republicans blocked legislation Wednesday that would have established a $1 billion jobs program putting veterans back to work tending to the country's federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.

do you have any solutions to problems, that dont involve govenrment?

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