Do liberals live what they preach?

They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

How wonderful of you, but beware of posting your righteousness on message boards the good book says, else you won't be rewarded later on in heaven, or something like that.
One in my family, one of kinder disposition than I, volunteers one day a week at a local food bank.

This gentle person (softie, I opine) observes that the volunteer workers are almost exclusively conservative whilst the customers are all liberals.

Of course just an observation in one small community but might there be others amongst us who have direct knowledge of the ratio in their area?

I found the same thing on Habitat for Humanity projects in 14 years of two weeks per year in my involvement.

Not a liberal/Democrat in sight, but on one occasion in Florida I saw Jimmy Carter appearing for a photo op. Swing somebody else's hammer, maybe twice, have picture with that famous smile and then vamoose, like a typical Democrat.

Looks like you were waiting for an opportunity to brag about what wonderful things you did for humanity two weeks a year.
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

How wonderful of you, but beware of posting your righteousness on message boards the good book says, else you won't be rewarded later on in heaven, or something like that.

The good book?

Whatever dude. I don't fall for that crap but I DO believe in actually helping others rather than just bullshitting about it.

I see that most of the loudest complainers on here are on here so much that actually helping is a physical impossibility.
Most expect the 'giving' (more like taking) to come from those they vilify... the liberal elites already have it, don't earn true income, and THEN they call on the highest earners to 'give' more into the inefficient and corrupt system

Me... I give meat from hunting to the soup kitchen in Frederick... I give away most of the veggies I grow in my yard... my wife and I give food, clothing, and money to the battered women shelter, as she was a battered wife in her first marriage... but we have to give less thank before to other charities because (you guessed it) our tax burden has gone up because the entitlements and handouts thru government have gone up... and funny how the increased entitlement spending leaves us with not less, but MORE people and more of a % of people on the government dole... it is trickle up poverty, thanks to liberal policy, at it's finest

And another wonderful right winger trolling for admiration. Like a bunch of little kids wanting to be praised.
One in my family, one of kinder disposition than I, volunteers one day a week at a local food bank.

This gentle person (softie, I opine) observes that the volunteer workers are almost exclusively conservative whilst the customers are all liberals.

Of course just an observation in one small community but might there be others amongst us who have direct knowledge of the ratio in their area?

I found the same thing on Habitat for Humanity projects in 14 years of two weeks per year in my involvement.

Not a liberal/Democrat in sight, but on one occasion in Florida I saw Jimmy Carter appearing for a photo op. Swing somebody else's hammer, maybe twice, have picture with that famous smile and then vamoose, like a typical Democrat.

Looks like you were waiting for an opportunity to brag about what wonderful things you did for humanity two weeks a year.

As opposed to YOU bragging about what OTHERS dont do.

There is no shame in being proud of helping others. You jackasses DEMAND help and then ehen stories of help given are told you bitch some more.

You have no heart or honor.

Ps. Shove your proverbs up your ass.
Here's a clue, Einstein. When people accept old food, take it home and eat it, it is not unwanted.

And you better tell your buddy Barry that he made a mistake when he eliminated the work requirement for you and your welfare roommates.


Maine Faces $7 Million in Fines for Failing to Meet Welfare Work Requirements (State of Maine)
Maine Faces $7 Million in Fines for Failing to Meet Welfare Work Requirements (State of Maine) -
Did you know that when I said Barry, I wasn't referring to Maine? I was referring to the federal government.

Ron interprets with wooden literalism (wouldn't that make him a young-earth creationist and an Originalist i.e., a conservative), and you don't interpret.
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

How wonderful of you, but beware of posting your righteousness on message boards the good book says, else you won't be rewarded later on in heaven, or something like that.

The good book?

Whatever dude. I don't fall for that crap but I DO believe in actually helping others rather than just bullshitting about it.

I see that most of the loudest complainers on here are on here so much that actually helping is a physical impossibility.

Like you don't yourself..Not only just post every day, but put up OP threads that you maintain daily...
Most expect the 'giving' (more like taking) to come from those they vilify... the liberal elites already have it, don't earn true income, and THEN they call on the highest earners to 'give' more into the inefficient and corrupt system

Me... I give meat from hunting to the soup kitchen in Frederick... I give away most of the veggies I grow in my yard... my wife and I give food, clothing, and money to the battered women shelter, as she was a battered wife in her first marriage... but we have to give less thank before to other charities because (you guessed it) our tax burden has gone up because the entitlements and handouts thru government have gone up... and funny how the increased entitlement spending leaves us with not less, but MORE people and more of a % of people on the government dole... it is trickle up poverty, thanks to liberal policy, at it's finest

And another wonderful right winger trolling for admiration. Like a bunch of little kids wanting to be praised.

You just can't stand when people put their money where their mouth is huh. A foreign concept to you apparently.

Bottom line you can't piss n moan about "righties" being selfish then condemn them when they prove you wrong.

Your hatred for the right is best kept in the dark where reality isnt exposed
Last edited:
Here's a clue, Einstein. When people accept old food, take it home and eat it, it is not unwanted.

And you better tell your buddy Barry that he made a mistake when he eliminated the work requirement for you and your welfare roommates.


Maine Faces $7 Million in Fines for Failing to Meet Welfare Work Requirements (State of Maine)
Maine Faces $7 Million in Fines for Failing to Meet Welfare Work Requirements (State of Maine) -
Did you know that when I said Barry, I wasn't referring to Maine? I was referring to the federal government.

Ron interprets with wooden literalism (wouldn't that make him a young-earth creationist and an Originalist i.e., a conservative), and you don't interpret.

The governor of each state determines the work for welfare requirements and funding to implement them...

HHS announced that states can propose pilot programs, which can include changes to how qualified welfare recipients are counted. If HHS approves a state’s program, it will grant a waiver from federal work-activity requirements. For instance, HHS suggests, states could propose “projects that demonstrate superior employment outcomes” if work-activity participation rate requirements are dropped and replaced by other measurements of “employment outcome.”

Fact Check: Does Obama Want to ?Gut? Welfare Reform? - ABC News

I use facts, while you use opinions..
Most expect the 'giving' (more like taking) to come from those they vilify... the liberal elites already have it, don't earn true income, and THEN they call on the highest earners to 'give' more into the inefficient and corrupt system

Me... I give meat from hunting to the soup kitchen in Frederick... I give away most of the veggies I grow in my yard... my wife and I give food, clothing, and money to the battered women shelter, as she was a battered wife in her first marriage... but we have to give less thank before to other charities because (you guessed it) our tax burden has gone up because the entitlements and handouts thru government have gone up... and funny how the increased entitlement spending leaves us with not less, but MORE people and more of a % of people on the government dole... it is trickle up poverty, thanks to liberal policy, at it's finest

And another wonderful right winger trolling for admiration. Like a bunch of little kids wanting to be praised.

You just can't stand when people put their money where their mouth is huh. A foreign concept to you apparently.

Bottom line you can't piss n moan about "righties" being selfish then condemn them when they prove you wrong.

Your hatred for the right is best kept in the dark where reality isnt exposed

I am a liberal and donate yet you still consider liberals to not put their money where their mouth is, even my 84 year old liberal mother in law donates her time at a soup kitchen at her church, damn your myopic B.S.
Did you know that when I said Barry, I wasn't referring to Maine? I was referring to the federal government.

Ron interprets with wooden literalism (wouldn't that make him a young-earth creationist and an Originalist i.e., a conservative), and you don't interpret.

The governor of each state determines the work for welfare requirements and funding to implement them...

HHS announced that states can propose pilot programs, which can include changes to how qualified welfare recipients are counted. If HHS approves a state’s program, it will grant a waiver from federal work-activity requirements. For instance, HHS suggests, states could propose “projects that demonstrate superior employment outcomes” if work-activity participation rate requirements are dropped and replaced by other measurements of “employment outcome.”
Fact Check: Does Obama Want to ?Gut? Welfare Reform? - ABC News

I use facts, while you use opinions..
My mistake. Barry has been claiming authority to waive work requirements.

the principle still holds.
And another wonderful right winger trolling for admiration. Like a bunch of little kids wanting to be praised.

You just can't stand when people put their money where their mouth is huh. A foreign concept to you apparently.

Bottom line you can't piss n moan about "righties" being selfish then condemn them when they prove you wrong.

Your hatred for the right is best kept in the dark where reality isnt exposed

I am a liberal and donate yet you still consider liberals to not put their money where their mouth is, even my 84 year old liberal mother in law donates her time at a soup kitchen at her church, damn your myopic B.S.

Is your liberal mother in law ranting on usmb about selfish rightwingers? No? Well fuck you too then. This post is CLEARLY aimed at the crybabies on HERE
You LIE!
To quote one of your own
Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.)

Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point

Strange how the educated blue states which are hi tech innovators pay their taxes for the slack-jawed trailer dwelling biblethumping pin heads in the red states

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider
You LIE!
To quote one of your own
Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.)

Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point

Strange how the educated blue states which are hi tech innovators pay their taxes for the slack-jawed trailer dwelling biblethumping pin heads in the red states

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider[/QUOTE]
Did you know that when I said Barry, I wasn't referring to Maine? I was referring to the federal government.

Ron interprets with wooden literalism (wouldn't that make him a young-earth creationist and an Originalist i.e., a conservative), and you don't interpret.

The governor of each state determines the work for welfare requirements and funding to implement them...

HHS announced that states can propose pilot programs, which can include changes to how qualified welfare recipients are counted. If HHS approves a state’s program, it will grant a waiver from federal work-activity requirements. For instance, HHS suggests, states could propose “projects that demonstrate superior employment outcomes” if work-activity participation rate requirements are dropped and replaced by other measurements of “employment outcome.”
Fact Check: Does Obama Want to ?Gut? Welfare Reform? - ABC News

I use facts, while you use opinions..
My mistake. Barry has been claiming authority to waive work requirements.

the principle still holds.

No it does not, our government does not work by central planning, each dept. makes it own determinations and implements policy...
You LIE!
To quote one of your own
Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.)


What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point

Strange how the educated blue states which are hi tech innovators pay their taxes for the slack-jawed trailer dwelling biblethumping pin heads in the red states

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider[/QUOTE]

Strange how you praise the rich, the innovators in this post while stabbing them in the back in every other post.

You progressive pussies are a sight to behold
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

USMB leftists preach a desire to march all who disagree with the goals of the party into death camps.

Would RDean, RDD, and Closed_Caption practice that?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?
You just can't stand when people put their money where their mouth is huh. A foreign concept to you apparently.

Bottom line you can't piss n moan about "righties" being selfish then condemn them when they prove you wrong.

Your hatred for the right is best kept in the dark where reality isnt exposed

I am a liberal and donate yet you still consider liberals to not put their money where their mouth is, even my 84 year old liberal mother in law donates her time at a soup kitchen at her church, damn your myopic B.S.

Is your liberal mother in law ranting on usmb about selfish rightwingers? No? Well fuck you too then. This post is CLEARLY aimed at the crybabies on HERE

I see you have the geriatric profanity disease dosed with feeble physical abilities and a hateful must be a son of a bitch to work for...
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

USMB leftists preach a desire to march all who disagree with the goals of the party into death camps.

Would RDean, RDD, and Closed_Caption practice that?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

If he needs would be considered Holy Shit!

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