Do liberals live what they preach?

They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

If you can take some advice I'd suggest you not purchase and/or eat Ostrich Meat. Otherwise you will be known as a cannibal.

Do you want to see pissing and moaning around the clock? If so smply look to the new post section and read posts like yours and others who attack The President, The Minority Leader in the H. or Rep., the Leader of the Senate, Sect. Clinton and any thread by PoliticalChic, post or thread by Mudwhistle, post by RMKBrown, Idiotgrams by CrusaderFrank, Stephanie, the T, Lord B.T. and others who claim to be conservative and deny being Republicans yet vote for their candidates.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

Conservatives hand them old, unwanted food.

Liberals will put them through job training. As long as Conservatives don't block it:

Senate Republicans blocked legislation Wednesday that would have established a $1 billion jobs program putting veterans back to work tending to the country's federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.
Here's a clue, Einstein. When people accept old food, take it home and eat it, it is not unwanted.

And you better tell your buddy Barry that he made a mistake when he eliminated the work requirement for you and your welfare roommates.
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.

If one can not get to the lake or river one can not fish.

What "liberals teach" is how to be a free loader, certainly not reading, writing and arithmetic, because knowing those basics would enable people to get to the figurative lake or river (i.e. a JOB) and when people learn to value a job and support themselves, they don't vote Democrat. Well not the normal people, anyway.

People with jobs load up the pantry. Those without job empty it.
One in my family, one of kinder disposition than I, volunteers one day a week at a local food bank.

This gentle person (softie, I opine) observes that the volunteer workers are almost exclusively conservative whilst the customers are all liberals.

Of course just an observation in one small community but might there be others amongst us who have direct knowledge of the ratio in their area?
One in my family, one of kinder disposition than I, volunteers one day a week at a local food bank.

This gentle person (softie, I opine) observes that the volunteer workers are almost exclusively conservative whilst the customers are all liberals.

Of course just an observation in one small community but might there be others amongst us who have direct knowledge of the ratio in their area?

I don't ask their political affiliation when doing the deed...
They'll champion the "cause" of gay men, and then use the term teabagger as an epithet. And then - get this - they'll confuse the term teabagger with TEA partier.

Doesn't that mean they're both hypocritical and stupid?
You should be careful when you call someone else stupid. When a liberal uses the word "teabaggers" they are referring to members of the tea party. It may be improper usage of the word but I find it strange you are not smart enough to understand who they are really speaking of. Perhaps it is you who are stupid.
One in my family, one of kinder disposition than I, volunteers one day a week at a local food bank.

This gentle person (softie, I opine) observes that the volunteer workers are almost exclusively conservative whilst the customers are all liberals.

Of course just an observation in one small community but might there be others amongst us who have direct knowledge of the ratio in their area?

I don't ask their political affiliation when doing the deed...

Nor does the gentle soul of whom I wrote. She merely listens to their talk among themselves. Openly, though, not like Your New Messiah's NSA monitoring of their Obamaphone conversations.

But are you seriously asserting that you do anything voluntarily, something that has NOTHING in it for you?

Remember - you'll burn in Hell for lying - unless your Democrat Party membership card is on your person when you arrive at the river crossing.
They'll champion the "cause" of gay men, and then use the term teabagger as an epithet. And then - get this - they'll confuse the term teabagger with TEA partier.

Doesn't that mean they're both hypocritical and stupid?
You should be careful when you call someone else stupid. When a liberal uses the word "teabaggers" they are referring to members of the tea party. It may be improper usage of the word but I find it strange you are not smart enough to understand who they are really speaking of. Perhaps it is you who are stupid.

Hey ron, rdean, truthmatters, and FrancoWhatsHisFace are looking for a fourth member in their club. It's by invitation only.

Go ask.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

Conservatives hand them old, unwanted food.

Liberals will put them through job training. As long as Conservatives don't block it:

Senate Republicans blocked legislation Wednesday that would have established a $1 billion jobs program putting veterans back to work tending to the country's federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.

No food should ever be unwanted, unless it is spoiled.

I save hundreds of dollars checking and buying discounted meats at my super market, because the "best before" date is three or four days away and the manager - rightfully - thinks that it better to sell at a discount (30-50%) than throw it away. The good Lord gave people brains and people who have brains got freezer.

Liberal/Democrat "job training" usually shows that it costs several times more for job training than the job would ever pay. It is cheaper to give them food stamps, free phones, cash than actually do some job training.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

Conservatives hand them old, unwanted food.

Liberals will put them through job training. As long as Conservatives don't block it:

Senate Republicans blocked legislation Wednesday that would have established a $1 billion jobs program putting veterans back to work tending to the country's federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.

No food should ever be unwanted, unless it is spoiled.

I save hundreds of dollars checking and buying discounted meats at my super market, because the "best before" date is three or four days away and the manager - rightfully - thinks that it better to sell at a discount (30-50%) than throw it away. The good Lord gave people brains and people who have brains got freezer.

Liberal/Democrat "job training" usually shows that it costs several times more for job training than the job would ever pay. It is cheaper to give them food stamps, free phones, cash than actually do some job training.
In fact, it is illegal for stores to donate expired food, is it not?

But let's just leave the lefty fact pool to the lefties. They wallow in it.
One in my family, one of kinder disposition than I, volunteers one day a week at a local food bank.

This gentle person (softie, I opine) observes that the volunteer workers are almost exclusively conservative whilst the customers are all liberals.

Of course just an observation in one small community but might there be others amongst us who have direct knowledge of the ratio in their area?

I found the same thing on Habitat for Humanity projects in 14 years of two weeks per year in my involvement.

Not a liberal/Democrat in sight, but on one occasion in Florida I saw Jimmy Carter appearing for a photo op. Swing somebody else's hammer, maybe twice, have picture with that famous smile and then vamoose, like a typical Democrat.
Against my better judgement, as I generally try to eschew enabling, I accompany the gentle person in my family to a chain supermarket on the one day of the week when seniors get a discount on house-brand groceries. Discount regardless of "use by" date or any factor other than house brand.

The same products we use ourselves.

She has a fixed amount she will spend each month and buys on that particular day to get maximum food for the money so more people "in need" will benefit.

One other observation from her observations in the food bank:

Those truly in need choose those things they need regardless of brand. Those who load their acquisitions into their newer model SUVs (liberal limos) tend to grab up only name brands regardless of what they might actually need.

Fortunately those in apparent need still outnumber the shelf rapists though the ratio, even over a few months, seems to be shifting in the wrong direction. Is it that there are fewer in need or more in greed?
Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

Their Mother did when she died in 1990.
She gave all of her wealth to charity.

Buffett does not employ 60,000 people either, like the Koch's do.
"I give more than you to charity."

"No, I give more than you, and volunteer at a food bank."

Let's heal the political divide right now. To save each other future shoulder pain, why don't both sides just pat each other on the back? :D
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

Conservatives hand them old, unwanted food.

Liberals will put them through job training. As long as Conservatives don't block it:

Senate Republicans blocked legislation Wednesday that would have established a $1 billion jobs program putting veterans back to work tending to the country's federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.
Here's a clue, Einstein. When people accept old food, take it home and eat it, it is not unwanted.

And you better tell your buddy Barry that he made a mistake when he eliminated the work requirement for you and your welfare roommates.


Maine Faces $7 Million in Fines for Failing to Meet Welfare Work Requirements (State of Maine)

Maine Faces $7 Million in Fines for Failing to Meet Welfare Work Requirements (State of Maine) -
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Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

If I was talking about uber rich libs you might have a point but since I was talking about people like YOU you don't.
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

they will spend your last dollar on helping others

o you sound just like the man in my kills him when i give a dollar to the corner would think i was giving all we had away

but to the op

i pay taxes.....patriots pay taxes grudgingly and i do that...
i have a huge mansion......1,200 sq ft huge

i have donated to heifer international and kiva

i always donate to the shriner paper drive, local charities and any disabled vet drive
and i have a rule...if some kid braves the long drive way and the dogs....i will buy whatever they are selling....overpriced donuts, popcorn, wrapping paper, cookie dough the list goes on and on.....but i keep it as local as i can......

i stop giving to heifer when i found out they spend nearly 1/2 the dollar on fund raising and then kiva when a poster pointed out they did charge interest to the people getting the loan....
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

I've always thought that if you truly believe CO2 release is causing a coming Armageddon that is going to take the lives of billions, you wouldn't drive at all. You wouldn't be globe trotting around the world causing the release of literally billion of tons of CO2.

Truly believing that means a drastic lifestyle change, that only the tiniest of fractions of far-leftists actually make.

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