Do liberals live what they preach?

They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

What an ignorant fucking post. How humble of you to blow your own horn about being so generous.

Typical liberal. Finds shame in setting a positive example.

So I guess Matthew was a liberal also?

Matthew 6 1: "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them..."

Basically it says to keep your "good works" to yourself. That concept was around long before the liberal strawman was ever invented.
What an ignorant fucking post. How humble of you to blow your own horn about being so generous.

Typical liberal. Finds shame in setting a positive example.

So I guess Matthew was a liberal also?

Matthew 6 1: "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them..."

Basically it says to keep your "good works" to yourself. That concept was around long before the liberal strawman was ever invented.

The warning was about doing it to be seen of the world and get praise from the world. He also said "Let your light shine"
Well, I've worked in a food bank, and my obseration was just the opposite: all of the volunteer workers were people who appeared to be liberals/progressives. Didn't meet any one who volunteered at the food bank who appeared to be politically or socially conservative, based on interacting with them and talking to them.

The experiences are not mutually exclusive, having come about in different communities. In the case I cited a small semi-rural community where people in need had become so relatively recently and had not become accustomed to living off government programs and the good will of others. I have no big city experience so would only be guessing at what might prevail in your area.

Was yours a volunteer or paid position at the food bank? People (clients) sometimes confide in volunteers but are careful to say only what paid staff want to hear.

Giving people handouts is only last restort helping; it's like giving money to beggers. Programs that help unemployed people to get jobs, train them for jobs, apprenticeship programs, or provide funds for school are what really help people. Teaching them to fish. Those are also the kind of programs the right wants to get rid of first.

Strange. What I've seen regionally is liberal school boards shutting down vocational programs and moving toward one-size-fits-all "college bound" instruction even for those who plainly have no inclination toward that; no demonstrated academic ability and, for many, no desire to work at any task, especially NOT at a job. All to the exclusion of programs with practical instruction geared toward any of the available jobs in the few remaining industries in the area.

As to teaching them to fish (or master any skill).....why do that when the libs are doing their best to shut down all use of natural resources? No fishing, no hunting, no mining, no manufacturing but lots of handouts.

How would you know if the patrons of the food bank were liberal or conservative? You are just making an assumption unless you interacted with them regularly, talking with them and sharing information about each other.

In the particular case the assessment of who were conservative came easily from, as you said, regular interaction and sharing of information at a personal level. Truly, though, the assessment of who might be liberal came through their uncommunicative mad dashes through the available foodstuffs and their cramming them into the shiny new SUVs before speeding away. It's hard to talk with people when they're doing their best to avoid interaction. Maybe just late for their Global Warming protest meetings? Assumption? Yes, though the bumper strips and political slogan festooned garb offers some hints.

But glad to hear of others helping with food banks...especially IF doing so for other than personal profit.

Paid to work at a food bank? No, I have a career that has nothing to do with something like that. It seems your only experience of a food bank is in a small town area where you know nearly everyone. And you are either making assumptions about the patrons or using hyperbole. Most likely the people in the fancy cares were in the minority. The vast majority of people I saw coming to the food bank did not arrive in big fancy cars, were dressed in ordinary clothing, etc. I think you are making a lot of assumptions about food banks based on your angry perception of poor people. You sound really mean spirited and angry, even hateful, about people who go to food banks. Why would you volunteer for one with such an attitude?
Typical liberal. Finds shame in setting a positive example.

So I guess Matthew was a liberal also?

Matthew 6 1: "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them..."

Basically it says to keep your "good works" to yourself. That concept was around long before the liberal strawman was ever invented.

The warning was about doing it to be seen of the world and get praise from the world. He also said "Let your light shine"

Bullshit. Do you good deeds in private. Otherwise it shows that you are more concerned about looking good than actually doing good. Everybody knows that.

Matthew 5 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and uglorify your Father in heaven.

It says to let people "see" you doing good works. It doesn't say to report them to everybody.
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I donate to the pantry and to the church that gives to the needy. I do have a complaint. Many show up for free stuff in 30k SUVs, $500 Apple phones and designer clothing...
They are not needy.......only greedy...........

How would you know? I have actually needed and volunteered food pantry service in the past and my phone is 6 years old (yes it is an IPhone 3G, the first one). I haven't seen anyone driving in a nice car, mostly old minivans. Most wearing old clothes. No Gucci or Versace like you envision.

If you are complaining that poor people have cell phones, maybe you should remember that to get a job, you must have a phone to get a call for an interview. Since many go phone plans are cheaper than a monthly phone bill with smartphone options, they opt for those phones. Landlines are very expensive.

And yes I try to live to the ideal of fairness and equality everyday.

My landline cost me 14 dollars month, I have flip phone that is 6 years old and I only use a 30 dollar refill card..

An Apple phone should not be purchased if you are looking for freebies.

I got it for $99 6 years ago and the trade in value is $7 if that anymore. I can keep my phone because it is my property. I am not giving up my lifeline to the outside world because I needed food pantry service a couple times when I lost my job and had rent and electricity bills to pay. $7 can't even buy a combo meal anymore so I think it would have been stupid to sell off my only phone to make YOU happy. I don't have to make YOU happy to receive assistance. I have rights to my property.
Paid to work at a food bank? No, I have a career that has nothing to do with something like that. It seems your only experience of a food bank is in a small town area where you know nearly everyone. And you are either making assumptions about the patrons or using hyperbole. Most likely the people in the fancy cares were in the minority. The vast majority of people I saw coming to the food bank did not arrive in big fancy cars, were dressed in ordinary clothing, etc. I think you are making a lot of assumptions about food banks based on your angry perception of poor people. You sound really mean spirited and angry, even hateful, about people who go to food banks. Why would you volunteer for one with such an attitude?

Congratulations on having an actual career! Surely in politics or the law where liberalism might be considered a virtue? Or, worse, "education"?

I am mystified, however, by your apparently substandard reading comprehension though it may simply be aging memory. I stated up front that the experiences I related were those of a person far more kind and gentle than myself who is dear to me.

Oh, I am angry and mean spirited, please do not underestimate the extent of that, toward people who take from food banks WHO ARE NOT IN NEED AND WHO ARE SNATCHING AWAY FOOD FROM THOSE WHO ARE.

Yes, the majority of the "customers" are legitimate. That you seem OK with, perhaps even applaud, even one (1) liberal leech is appalling! Those with the newest, biggest cars get there earliest and get away quickest, I suspect leaving their children to get their own breakfast so they can strike while the pickings are best.

Those who are in need come primarily on foot and get there later - after your liberal sisters (rare to see men, I am told) have hit and run.

Understand, I donate regularly to the food bank but will not volunteer there as I know venting my justified anger on a leech would be counter productive - just encourage such leechs to bring in others of their ilk just for spite.
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How would you know? I have actually needed and volunteered food pantry service in the past and my phone is 6 years old (yes it is an IPhone 3G, the first one). I haven't seen anyone driving in a nice car, mostly old minivans. Most wearing old clothes. No Gucci or Versace like you envision.

If you are complaining that poor people have cell phones, maybe you should remember that to get a job, you must have a phone to get a call for an interview. Since many go phone plans are cheaper than a monthly phone bill with smartphone options, they opt for those phones. Landlines are very expensive.

And yes I try to live to the ideal of fairness and equality everyday.

My landline cost me 14 dollars month, I have flip phone that is 6 years old and I only use a 30 dollar refill card..

An Apple phone should not be purchased if you are looking for freebies.

I got it for $99 6 years ago and the trade in value is $7 if that anymore. I can keep my phone because it is my property. I am not giving up my lifeline to the outside world because I needed food pantry service a couple times when I lost my job and had rent and electricity bills to pay. $7 can't even buy a combo meal anymore so I think it would have been stupid to sell off my only phone to make YOU happy. I don't have to make YOU happy to receive assistance. I have rights to my property.

Try not to get your panties in too big of a wad...I was mentioning $500 dollar Apple Phones in the original post..nobody is taking away shit from you, chillax...
Have you ever heard of a liberal business owner who doesn't want to serve the LGBT community?

Ever heard of liberal business owners who argue that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?

Who made the largest charitable donation in the history of the world? Warren Buffett, a liberal, when he decided to give 83% of his wealth away to the Gates Foundation. He had been worth $62 billion up to that point and was comfortably ranked as the #1 wealthiest American. He's no longer in the top spot anymore because a third of his wealth has been given away according to his plan on giving away pretty much everything to charitable organizations.

I don't see the Koch Brothers doing that anytime soon.

What bullshit
Liberals dont pay taxes , but say theyre not high enough
liberals want us to live in small house, they live in mansions
they want us to use no electricity yet they uee a ton in those mansions
they want us to use electric cars, yet they jet around and use hummer limos
they want us tomeat healthy, yet they can eat anything
they bitch about the poor, yet they suck at tipping
they bitch about helping others, nut most give squat to charity

i think you get the point

what a bizarre post...

liberals are the "elite" but don't pay taxes? really? then why are blue states putting more into the federal system than they're taking out... while red states put in less than they take.

liberals do not say the MIDDLE CLASS doesn't pay enough taxes. we POINT OUT that the top 1% and your corporatist masters don't pay their fair share.

what mansions? the top 1% yes. last i checked, most of the top 1% isn't so big on economic fairness or conservation. so what are you babbling about?

not sure what you're babbling about in terms of what people eat either.

who sucks at tipping? not me. so what are you talking about? :cuckoo:

helping others? yes... the right tithes to their churches. and? would you like a medal?

get the point?

now stop just making up whatever you feel like.

thanks for another hack thread, gramps.
huh, yes the Liberals are the elite. My god you kiss their butts and you don't even know they are the elitest. They have the most money. And they don't spend it, don't pay taxes, Know of guy named Al Sharpton? Owes back taxes. Never paid them. Yeah liberals are for the most part hypocrits. Period. I don't remember the number, but there were a few cabinet/ appointment choices made by the president that fell through because........they didn't pay their taxes. One after the other. Why are the biggest poor populations in blue states if you all pay your taxes? you know not what you speak of.
What an ignorant fucking post. How humble of you to blow your own horn about being so generous.

Typical liberal. Finds shame in setting a positive example.

So I guess Matthew was a liberal also?

Matthew 6 1: "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them..."

Basically it says to keep your "good works" to yourself. That concept was around long before the liberal strawman was ever invented.

Going back 2000 years to excuse your bs?

Paid to work at a food bank? No, I have a career that has nothing to do with something like that. It seems your only experience of a food bank is in a small town area where you know nearly everyone. And you are either making assumptions about the patrons or using hyperbole. Most likely the people in the fancy cares were in the minority. The vast majority of people I saw coming to the food bank did not arrive in big fancy cars, were dressed in ordinary clothing, etc. I think you are making a lot of assumptions about food banks based on your angry perception of poor people. You sound really mean spirited and angry, even hateful, about people who go to food banks. Why would you volunteer for one with such an attitude?

Congratulations on having an actual career! Surely in politics or the law where liberalism might be considered a virtue? Or, worse, "education"?

I am mystified, however, by your apparently substandard reading comprehension though it may simply be aging memory. I stated up front that the experiences I related were those of a person far more kind and gentle than myself who is dear to me.

Oh, I am angry and mean spirited, please do not underestimate the extent of that, toward people who take from food banks WHO ARE NOT IN NEED AND WHO ARE SNATCHING AWAY FOOD FROM THOSE WHO ARE.

Yes, the majority of the "customers" are legitimate. That you seem OK with, perhaps even applaud, even one (1) liberal leech is appalling! Those with the newest, biggest cars get there earliest and get away quickest, I suspect leaving their children to get their own breakfast so they can strike while the pickings are best.

Those who are in need come primarily on foot and get there later - after your liberal sisters (rare to see men, I am told) have hit and run.

Understand, I donate regularly to the food bank but will not volunteer there as I know venting my justified anger on a leech would be counter productive - just encourage such leechs to bring in others of their ilk just for spite.

Congratulations that I have a career? What a snide, bastardy thing to say. As if liberals don't have careers? It is probably a fact that it is pretty even, who has careers, whether they are liberal or conservative. Being liberal or conservative has nothing to do with having a career or education: if you think so, it just indicates your skewed version of reality where you think all conservatives are somehow superior: they aren't. And there are as many poor, uneducated people who are conservative as anyone else. Your narrow minded skewed version of reality is something only you and your cronies believe. No one else is buying it.

As far as your conclusions about food banks and food bank patrons: it's all based on second hand information, so it is entirely meaningless. All you do again is show that you are a biased bigot.
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They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.

Give a man a job, and he'll feed himself and his family forever. Give a man a handout, and he'll be back tomorrow.

Now which of the two are liberals notorious for?

(Oh, and go ahead and say 'jobs,' I need a good :lol:)

Since this thread was started by a conservative bragging about how much in 'handouts' he personally gives to the poor,

and since he's gotten plenty of cheers and support from more conservatives in this thread,

that might answer your question.
So if we were to end the food stamp program, how many of you conservatives would increase your donations to food pantries etc., in an amount comparable to the amount of your taxes that was going to food stamps?
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
when i used to do the food drives in the PO lots of liberals gave cans away too.....lots of them were dented up....were they doing the same thing?...
They moan endlessly on USMB about the plight of the poor or others they classify as being used by others.

The pissing & moaning is near round the clock. Do they get off their asses and work the food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter? Do the give to the above mentioned institutions? Or does their time and money only goto their political agenda? Or worse yet do they do nothing at all and just sit in front of their computers blaming everyone else all the while doing NOTHING to correct the perceived wrongs?

Personally I give to the food pantry with near every grocery purchase through a program with our local food store chain. A food store I'm sure is owned by a dastardly one percenter.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime

Liberals teach.

Conservatives clear out the pantry and if anything is expired, they give it away.
Handing them money is the same as training them to work for it?

I was right: hypocritical and stupid.

You say something stupid and then you say you were right. Both hypocritical and stupid. I can't say I agree. You may be stupid, but that doesn't make you a hypocrite.
when i used to do the food drives in the PO lots of liberals gave cans away too.....lots of them were dented up....were they doing the same thing?...

Most canned foods expiration dates are ultra-conservative. The contents are perfectly good to eat for years beyond that. True, the flavour may have deteriorated but even that takes at least many months beyond the printed date.

Dented cans, on the other hand, may have miniscule leaks that allow contaminants in. That's not to say that those dented-can libs set out to poison the less fortunate - just that they generally tend to ignore the potential for sickness or death OF OTHERS.

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