Do liberals realize how asinine it is to compare the actual Taliban to the Christian Right?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I'm not defending the CR here in the least. Have at them all you want. I really don't care about that. What I care about is how eager liberals are to belittle the oppression of the Afghan people and compare the group doing it to Westboro Baptist protesting funerals or Pat Robertson saying stupid shit on tv. There is no comparison. The CR makes a habit of alienating rhetoric and introducing unconstitutional legislation. The Taliban makes a habit of planting IEDs by the roads and strapping explosives onto children. The CR makes dumb comments about birth control being a Satanic plot. The Taliban murders midwives for giving women birth control. The CR keeps the death penalty around. The Taliban stone rape victims to death for committing adultery against their future husbands. There really just isn't a comparison here. If you still think the Taliban are harmless crazies no different than our televangelists, then I'd be more than happy to get you a plane ticket to Kabul. You can see for yourself before the brainwashed fifteen year old kid screams "ALLAH AKHBAR" and takes out the fifteen foot radius around you.
Of course it is a stupid comparison. Comparing groups of people you disagree with the most extreme movements of the world is silly and I find those that use such tactics do not have very strong critical thinking skills.
I'm not defending the CR here in the least. Have at them all you want. I really don't care about that. What I care about is how eager liberals are to belittle the oppression of the Afghan people and compare the group doing it to Westboro Baptist protesting funerals or Pat Robertson saying stupid shit on tv. There is no comparison. The CR makes a habit of alienating rhetoric and introducing unconstitutional legislation. The Taliban makes a habit of planting IEDs by the roads and strapping explosives onto children. The CR makes dumb comments about birth control being a Satanic plot. The Taliban murders midwives for giving women birth control. The CR keeps the death penalty around. The Taliban stone rape victims to death for committing adultery against their future husbands. There really just isn't a comparison here. If you still think the Taliban are harmless crazies no different than our televangelists, then I'd be more than happy to get you a plane ticket to Kabul. You can see for yourself before the brainwashed fifteen year old kid screams "ALLAH AKHBAR" and takes out the fifteen foot radius around you.

Yeah I can't imagine what religious fanaticism would have in common with itself -- why that's crazy talk rat thar.

What if the Taliban were to behead a random victim, then skin him and hang the skin up as a warning to others? Pretty sick, wouldn't it be? It wasn't the Taliban -- it was the American South, 19th century.

Yep. No comparison there.

When ISIS Ran the American South

Washington was tried for murder in Waco, in a courtroom filled with furious locals. He entered a guilty plea and was quickly sentenced to death. After his sentence was pronounced, he was dragged out of the court by observers and lynched in front of Waco’s city hall. Over 10,000 spectators, including city officials and police, gathered to watch the attack. There was a celebratory atmosphere at the event, and many children attended during their lunch hour. Members of the mob castrated Washington, cut off his fingers, and hung him over a bonfire. He was repeatedly lowered and raised over the fire for about two hours. After the fire was extinguished, his charred torso was dragged through the town and parts of his body were sold as souvenirs. A professional photographer took pictures as the event unfolded, providing rare imagery of a lynching in progress. The pictures were printed and sold as postcards in Waco.
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I feel like you're not actually under the impression that this is 1846 and just want to use the situation over there as a springboard to attack the CR. As I said, feel free to throw anything you want at them. It makes you look a bit out of touch, and kind of like an asshole, that you're willing to equate them to this particular group though. I actually would be willing to pay the few hundred for your plane ticket if you want to take me up on this. It'll be one way though. I think we both know why a trip back would be a waste of money on my part.
Do liberals realize how asinine it is to compare the actual Taliban to the Christian Right?

No, it is not, because the mentality is exactly the same. Just because you aren't currently throwing the faggots off of high buildings doesn't mean you wouldn't given the chance, You denounce them all damn day long and think exactly the same about them as ISIS does. It's not what you do, it's what you "think", what you believe, and that is that your God is the only one, your faith the only One True Religion and all others should bow down to it. You are two peas in a pod, and both of you couldn't be more wrong.
Christianity has a cruel and violent history. Just imagine if Christians once again had the power they wish for to dominate and govern America and our way of life. Secular sanity must prevail - the way the founders intended.
Christianity has a cruel and violent history. Just imagine if Christians once again had the power they wish for to dominate and govern America and our way of life. Secular sanity must prevail - the way the founders intended.

Nonsense. Thanks to Christianity, we have democracy, prosperity, relative peace, and education.

Not to mention the best music. And art.
I feel like you're not actually under the impression that this is 1846 and just want to use the situation over there as a springboard to attack the CR. As I said, feel free to throw anything you want at them. It makes you look a bit out of touch, and kind of like an asshole, that you're willing to equate them to this particular group though. I actually would be willing to pay the few hundred for your plane ticket if you want to take me up on this. It'll be one way though. I think we both know why a trip back would be a waste of money on my part.

Were you talking to anybody in particular or just spewing into the air?

What happened in 1846 then?
Christianity has a cruel and violent history. Just imagine if Christians once again had the power they wish for to dominate and govern America and our way of life. Secular sanity must prevail - the way the founders intended.

Nonsense. Thanks to Christianity, we have democracy, prosperity, relative peace, and education.

Bullshit. We are governed by a "Godless" Constitution.
Christianity has a cruel and violent history. Just imagine if Christians once again had the power they wish for to dominate and govern America and our way of life. Secular sanity must prevail - the way the founders intended.

Nonsense. Thanks to Christianity, we have democracy, prosperity, relative peace, and education.

Thanks to Liberalism, ya mean -- which threw off the yoke of the Church and Divine Right of Kings song and dance.

Good thing too. Theocracy is thoroughly discredited.
Any religion is potentially dangerous if its believers are sufficiently motivated. They'll do anything in God's name, because God will promise them heavenly paradise.
Christianity has a cruel and violent history. Just imagine if Christians once again had the power they wish for to dominate and govern America and our way of life. Secular sanity must prevail - the way the founders intended.

Nonsense. Thanks to Christianity, we have democracy, prosperity, relative peace, and education.

Bullshit. We are governed by a "Godless" Constitution.

Yeah, right. On ignore you go, obviously you're a know-nothing retard with nothing to say.:trolls:
Any religion is potentially dangerous if its believers are sufficiently motivated. They'll do anything in God's name, because God will promise them heavenly paradise.

No. The only time religion is *dangerous* is when the state interjects itself into matters of faith.

That is the ONLY time it's dangerous. And it's because the state uses it against the people. This is why Christians so adamantly oppose any state interference in matters of religion..and it is why we have steadfastly denied the state the authority to dictate to ANYBODY in matters of faith.
Were you talking to anybody in particular or just spewing into the air?
I also think you're totally aware that I was talking to you and are playing dumb as a conversational tactic. Maybe you should stop looking for tactics to win conversations. Conversations aren't competitive. :)

No. The only time religion is *dangerous* is when the state interjects itself into matters of faith.

That is the ONLY time it's dangerous. And it's because the state uses it against the people. This is why Christians so adamantly oppose any state interference in matters of religion..and it is why we have steadfastly denied the state the authority to dictate to ANYBODY in matters of faith.
The Taliban are a religious sect. They are no longer the government of Afghanistan, much to Pogo's dismay. They still brainwash teenagers and strap them with bombs. They still murder families because one member worked on a US base for the money. They're doing this stuff in the name of Islam, just like they did against the Russians.
Christianity has a cruel and violent history. Just imagine if Christians once again had the power they wish for to dominate and govern America and our way of life. Secular sanity must prevail - the way the founders intended.

Nonsense. Thanks to Christianity, we have democracy, prosperity, relative peace, and education.

Thanks to Liberalism, ya mean -- which threw off the yoke of the Church and Divine Right of Kings song and dance.

Good thing too. Theocracy is thoroughly discredited.

Wrong again. If it wasn't for Christianity, the masses wouldn't have even learned to read, and the greatest free nations in the world would never have come into existence. The greatest gifts to humanity have ALL sprung from our relationship with God. That includes the concept of higher learning, of hospitals, of orphanages and provisions for the poor. Leper colonies! You name it, if it has been a good thing that has uplifted humanity, it can be traced to the Christian church.
Were you talking to anybody in particular or just spewing into the air?
I also think you're totally aware that I was talking to you and are playing dumb as a conversational tactic. Maybe you should stop looking for tactics to win conversations. Conversations aren't competitive. :)

No. The only time religion is *dangerous* is when the state interjects itself into matters of faith.

That is the ONLY time it's dangerous. And it's because the state uses it against the people. This is why Christians so adamantly oppose any state interference in matters of religion..and it is why we have steadfastly denied the state the authority to dictate to ANYBODY in matters of faith.
The Taliban are a religious sect. They are no longer the government of Afghanistan, much to Pogo's dismay. They still brainwash teenagers and strap them with bombs. They still murder families because one member worked on a US base for the money. They're doing this stuff in the name of Islam, just like they did against the Russians.

The Taliban is a STATE that pushes a religious agenda.

As I said. The only time we have trouble is when the STATE gets involved. Capice?
Meh... its' what they do. Most of them are pathological liars. I mean, what do you expect? Their entire ideology is based on a lie.
The Taliban is a STATE that pushes a religious agenda.

As I said. The only time we have trouble is when the STATE gets involved. Capice?
They were a government at one time. We invaded and kicked them out of official power. They still have shadow governors and stuff, but they're not actually in control of much more than a small religious army, the backwater regions, and the drug trade.
Were you talking to anybody in particular or just spewing into the air?
I also think you're totally aware that I was talking to you and are playing dumb as a conversational tactic. Maybe you should stop looking for tactics to win conversations. Conversations aren't competitive. :)

Well, since you couldn't be bothered for the simple courtesy of clicking "reply" to make your direction clear, I couldn't be bothered to do it for you. Get off your lazy ass and work for it.

Now then --
What's this event in 1846 of which you speak?

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