Do Liberals Really Think That Vigilance Against Terrorism is Cowardly?

Why do Libtards Denounce Vigilance Against Terrorism as Cowardly?

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Thank you for admitting that right wing conservatism is akin to salafism, but more importantly, who exactly are the liberals who support salafist jihadism? You people have created in your mind realities that just don't exist in the real world, fascinating.
You need too take a reading comprehension class, dude.

I do not believe that "right wing conservatism" (what other kind is there, dude?) is akin to Salafism. In the former Christian West, conservatism is an outgrowth of Christian values, not Muslim. And to compare a cultural-political movement to a religion is like comparing the leftwing is similar tot he Thugee murder cults when the left far surpassed the Thugees decades ago.
Well then why are Salafists sympathetic to the rightwing? Your words dude.

And why not address the other part of my post and point out the liberals who support terrorism?
Well, pretty much everything in politics is a matter of semantics.

In terms of volume and passion, the Regressive Left pretty much represents contemporary liberalism, sadly.

I think of it more in terms of ideology vs identity, myself. People confuse the two as they too often apply the terms liberal and conservative to people rather than ideals. Liberalism and conservatism define political philosophies rather than people, however, so making an assumption that leftists are promoting liberalism simply because they call themselves liberal may represent the current state of affairs if only talking in terms of a normative process, it really doesn't satisfy from an ideological.

Just look how the sites most influential terrorist supporter just mocked my last post by saying it was funny. She is not in the least bit interested in liberal ideology, but only in serving the Islamist destruction of liberalism. She can call herself anything she wants, but a liberal she is not.

I think we have experienced something of a paradigm shift in the meaning of the terms, myself. Since the basis of the term conservative has to do with preservation of social values, and these social values are already liberal in nature, then the only way to avoid the destruction of these values is to conserve them. The Coyotes of the world align themselves with an ideology that seeks to stomp on the human face forever. The only people who currently resist such a movement are conservatives.

It may be a catch 22, but the only people I see promoting liberal values when it comes to the Islamic assault upon the west are conservatives.
Well, pretty much everything in politics is a matter of semantics.

In terms of volume and passion, the Regressive Left pretty much represents contemporary liberalism, sadly.

I think of it more in terms of ideology vs identity, myself. People confuse the two as they too often apply the terms liberal and conservative to people rather than ideals. Liberalism and conservatism define political philosophies rather than people, however, so making an assumption that leftists are promoting liberalism simply because they call themselves liberal may represent the current state of affairs if only talking in terms of a normative process, it really doesn't satisfy from an ideological.

Just look how the sites most influential terrorist supporter just mocked my last post by saying it was funny. She is not in the least bit interested in liberal ideology, but only in serving the Islamist destruction of liberalism. She can call herself anything she wants, but a liberal she is not.

I think we have experienced something of a paradigm shift in the meaning of the terms, myself. Since the basis of the term conservative has to do with preservation of social values, and these social values are already liberal in nature, then the only way to avoid the destruction of these values is to conserve them. The Coyotes of the world align themselves with an ideology that seeks to stomp on the human face forever. The only people who currently resist such a movement are conservatives.

It may be a catch 22, but the only people I see promoting liberal values when it comes to the Islamic assault upon the west are conservatives.
I'd be interested to get your opinion on a couple of posts on another thread. I was a little surprised at a response.

Please take a look at posts 7, 12, 18 and 19 on this thread, and let me know what you think: The Beginning of the New Ottoman Empire where EU will be a part of it
Libs are too cowardly to talk up against the evil terrorists. The fear tactics work on the weak perfectly.

However, much more than the death promised to infidels, they fear being called a racist.

True cowards, they are.
I'd be interested to get your opinion on a couple of posts on another thread. I was a little surprised at a response.

Please take a look at posts 7, 12, 18 and 19 on this thread, and let me know what you think: The Beginning of the New Ottoman Empire where EU will be a part of it

If sincere, he is suffering from the same malady as Coyote -- what I call cultural dysphoria. There are any number of people who suffer from a lack of self esteem because they do not amount to anything in this world, and blame their own society for the fact they are worthless. In doing so, they are quick to embrace alien cultures seeking to destroy their own.

The other possibility is that he never received any attention from his parents for positive qualities as a child, and learned the only way to get attention is to act out. Trolling is essentially some attention seeking behavior by cases of arrested development forever stuck in the acting out state of their life.
You are awesome. I just wanted to tell you that since it is obvious that you need to hear it. No need to thank me.

Well, don't sell yourself short, either, L.L.

You play a valuable role here in making countless people look awesome in comparison. It would be a shame if you did not receive your proper recognition.
You are awesome. I just wanted to tell you that since it is obvious that you need to hear it. No need to thank me.

Well, don't sell yourself short, either, L.L.

You play a valuable role here in making countless people look awesome in comparison. It would be a shame if you did not receive your proper recognition.

Of course. Thanks for being you. You give so many of us hope for humanity. How's about a reach around?
It is a repeated meme around here, that proposing any tightening of security or common sense measures taken to stop the terrorists from killing people all amounts to a cowardly fear of terrorism and nothing more.

But do these idiots think that the people fleeing from terrorist atrocities are also cowards?

Why are libtards too stupid to place any value in defending our lives, our children or our nation?

Could it be that they really just hate this country and all its citizens, young, old and in between and so they just sympathize with the terrorists too much to overcome their apathy and fight to defend our nation?

Could it be that the hate-America-Firsters are just secretly cheering the terrorists and so they dont want to bother doing anything to protect us all?

I believe that it is the government responsibility to protect our lives.

But unfortunately, the government has decided that it is more important to intervene in the internal affairs of foreign nations thereby placing us in harms way.

You are awesome. I just wanted to tell you that since it is obvious that you need to hear it. No need to thank me.

Well, don't sell yourself short, either, L.L.

You play a valuable role here in making countless people look awesome in comparison. It would be a shame if you did not receive your proper recognition.

Of course. Thanks for being you. You give so many of us hope for humanity. How's about a reach around?


Thursday at 4:30 work for you?
I'd be interested to get your opinion on a couple of posts on another thread. I was a little surprised at a response.

Please take a look at posts 7, 12, 18 and 19 on this thread, and let me know what you think: The Beginning of the New Ottoman Empire where EU will be a part of it

If sincere, he is suffering from the same malady as Coyote -- what I call cultural dysphoria. There are any number of people who suffer from a lack of self esteem because they do not amount to anything in this world, and blame their own society for the fact they are worthless. In doing so, they are quick to embrace alien cultures seeking to destroy their own.

The other possibility is that he never received any attention from his parents for positive qualities as a child, and learned the only way to get attention is to act out. Trolling is essentially some attention seeking behavior by cases of arrested development forever stuck in the acting out state of their life.
It certainly goes against my "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", theory, that's for sure.

What is happening could not be more clear or more obvious, even to those whose perceptions are distorted by ideology. So how can they be so tolerant of it - while being so intolerant of another religion I can think of - even as we're witnessing the manifestation of predictions?

When someone implies that Europe would be better off if this happened, what is the mental schematic that leads them to that conclusion? My old thread The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here? had some interesting theories, including yours, but it still doesn't do justice to the post I showed you.

There's more to it than even what Mr. Nawaaz has described.
It is a repeated meme around here, that proposing any tightening of security or common sense measures taken to stop the terrorists from killing people all amounts to a cowardly fear of terrorism and nothing more.

But do these idiots think that the people fleeing from terrorist atrocities are also cowards?

Why are libtards too stupid to place any value in defending our lives, our children or our nation?

Could it be that they really just hate this country and all its citizens, young, old and in between and so they just sympathize with the terrorists too much to overcome their apathy and fight to defend our nation?

Could it be that the hate-America-Firsters are just secretly cheering the terrorists and so they dont want to bother doing anything to protect us all?
You are really paranoid and delusional.
It certainly goes against my "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", theory, that's for sure.

What is happening could not be more clear or more obvious, even to those whose perceptions are distorted by ideology. So how can they be so tolerant of it - while being so intolerant of another religion I can think of - even as we're witnessing the manifestation of predictions?

When someone implies that Europe would be better off if this happened, what is the mental schematic that leads them to that conclusion? My old thread The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here? had some interesting theories, including yours, but it still doesn't do justice to the post I showed you.

There's more to it than even what Mr. Nawaaz has described.

In my more cynical moments, I see most people as little more than programmable automatons.

Politics is nothing more than a series of conditioned responses for these dunderheads.

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