Do liberals understand that the SCOTUS is not debating whether to ban abortion?

Many of our liberals are content to embrace their own dishonesty.
A liberal a few posts up just said that if Roe is reversed, conservatives will be free to enact more laws that interfere with the private lives of citizens! Do that not see the irony in that? Here in DC, the liberals have decreed that you can’t enter a bar, a restaurant, a gym, a movie theater, a sporting venue, etc., etc., unless you are vaxxed!
A liberal a few posts up just said that if Roe is reversed, conservatives will be free to enact more laws that interfere with the private lives of citizens! Do that not see the irony in that? Here in DC, the liberals have decreed that you can’t enter a bar, a restaurant, a gym, a movie theater, a sporting venue, etc., etc., unless you are vaxxed!
I tell you, aliens came and put all Dimmers brains in backwards....

It is contained in several areas, most notably in the fourth amendment where the government is barred from unreasonable searches and seizures.

That really cannot be defined any other way, that is exactly what privacy is. The right to not have people snooping around in your personal affairs.
It is contained in several areas, most notably in the fourth amendment where the government is barred from unreasonable searches and seizures.

That really cannot be defined any other way, that is exactly what privacy is. The right to not have people snooping around in your personal affairs.


So it says "you have a right to privacy" in the Constitution? You're not quoting it.
I absolutely do hate Christians who try to control the secular world. Let people find heaven or hell on their own terms.
They are following Jesus last commandment, they have no choice...

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So it says "you have a right to privacy" in the Constitution? You're not quoting it.

What do you think having a right to be secure in your person and things is? What do you think prohibiting the government for performing a search is? The very definition of privacy.

Does the exact word privacy need to be spelled out for you? Don't call it privacy then, I don't care what word you use the legal ramification is IDENTICLE. So, no you don't have a right to privacy, you just have a right to exactly what privacy means.

And you really need me to quote the fifth amendment for you, I did specifically point it out.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

That, right there, is privacy. The actual word is likely not used because it is actually more expansive since it covers your belonging as well.

And since you clearly need the term defined:

"freedom from unauthorized intrusion"

Holy shit! freedom from intrusion = secure against searches.

What a concept.
I swear, every time I talk to a liberal, I SMH at how misinformed they are - and how deceitful the liberal media is. Just yesterday I spoke to a liberal, and in addition to her usual moaning about Republicans (to me, knowing I am a Republican), she bemoaned the “fact” that “Trump’s Republican Supreme Court” (her words) may ban abortion. When I corrected her, she said that MSNBC made it sound as though all abortions would be banned.

Listen up: for any of you libtards getting your news through MSNBC, the SCOTUS is not debating a ban. It doesn’t even have that right, just as it didn’t have the fight to force states to make it legal. It is merely debating whether the decision in Roe v Wade was constitutional, and if not, THE DECISION GOES TO THE INDIVIDUAL STATES.
But they are, just not directly.

What do you think having a right to be secure in your person and things is? What do you think prohibiting the government for performing a search is? The very definition of privacy.

Does the exact word privacy need to be spelled out for you? Don't call it privacy then, I don't care what word you use the legal ramification is IDENTICLE. So, no you don't have a right to privacy, you just have a right to exactly what privacy means.

And you really need me to quote the fifth amendment for you, I did specifically point it out.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

That, right there, is privacy. The actual word is likely not used because it is actually more expansive since it covers your belonging as well.

And since you clearly need the term defined:

"freedom from unauthorized intrusion"

Holy shit! freedom from intrusion = secure against searches.

What a concept.

And that ensures you have the right to medical procedures how exactly?
Well, for one thing....

Lets say Julie is working in San Diego and is killing it for Tesla (just to name a company). They love her. She loves her job. And they want to promote her to the new office in Austin. She doesn't want to start a family but she, like many others, likes to have sex. So she has to make a decision to abandon her career, get on hormone therapy or rely in the guy (yeah right) or start a family if birth control fails.

Julie could probably afford a flight back to the modern cities on the coast and have a procedure. What about those who are trapped in the red state shit hole and can't afford a ticket to civilization?

Gosh, they might actually have to make a responsible decision about sex, instead of just opening their legs every time they do tequila shots. The horror!

If you're done showing your "feminism" by telling us that women are horny, stupid minks who can't be expected to act as anything but mindless fuck toys . . .
Gosh, they might actually have to make a responsible decision about sex, instead of just opening their legs every time they do tequila shots. The horror!

Just because you're lonely doesn't mean that everyone else should be.
And that ensures you have the right to medical procedures how exactly?
It does not. where did I state it did?

I said the right to privacy is in the constitution. That is simply a fact. Overturning Roe does nothing to change that.

You do have a right to privacy over your own body BUT we have also decided that the government has the right to regulate doctors and the care they offer (for good reason) and it is that power which allows the government to get in-between you and your doctor. They are already there.

Roe was a shit decision and not because it allowed legal abortion but because it is a general mess. Unfortunately, there is no real way to fix it, repealing it as may happen is not the answer but the court is not going to better define the legal framework around Roe - they are just going to let it stand or repeal it IMHO.
Well, for one thing....

Lets say Julie is working in San Diego and is killing it for Tesla (just to name a company). They love her. She loves her job. And they want to promote her to the new office in Austin. She doesn't want to start a family but she, like many others, likes to have sex. So she has to make a decision to abandon her career, get on hormone therapy or rely in the guy (yeah right) or start a family if birth control fails.

Julie could probably afford a flight back to the modern cities on the coast and have a procedure. What about those who are trapped in the red state shit hole and can't afford a ticket to civilization?
You don’t have to go on hormone therapy to prevent pregnancy.

And what do you mean she can’t “rely on the guy”? She can simply insist he wear a condom, she could shoot a little spermicide up there to “double up,” and the odds she gets pregnant is very slim.

Stop making this more difficult than it is. if she’s that smart and successful, she can get the hang of birth control.
oh it'll be more than a few. The Sup Ct is debating whether to find a woman does not have a const right to an abortion even in the first trimester and in the case of rape

And, in fact, she does not. Doesn't matter if you like it; doesn't matter if you think killing unborn babies is the height of morality. It's not in the Constitution.
You don’t have to go on hormone therapy to prevent pregnancy.

And what do you mean she can’t “rely on the guy”? She can simply insist he wear a condom, she could shoot a little spermicide up there to “double up,” and the odds she gets pregnant is very slim.

Stop making this more difficult than it is. if she’s that smart and successful, she can get the hang of birth control.

OR she could just not put her entire future in the hands of an unreliable stranger because she has an overwhelming need to be his fuckstick. I don't go around making myself vulnerable to garbage people, but for some reason, leftists think women in general are incapable of living without doing so.
Just because you're lonely doesn't mean that everyone else should be.

Just because you're vapor to the entire world doesn't mean you have to live through dreams of other women being whores.

And don't hate me for being everything you can never be. Or, on second thought, DO hate me for it, because it makes me laugh.

Oh, and how are your cats? Eyeing you hungrily yet?
Just because you're lonely doesn't mean that everyone else should be.
So being responsible with birth control and not opening your legs to every lowlife guy who will vanish at the first hint of “trouble,” if he has t already moved on, means one is “lonely”?

So, let’s see if I get this right….in order not to be lonely, I need to forsake birth control and bed down with every irresponsible guy who buys me a cup of coffee?

You need to learn something about self-esteem.

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