Do liberals universally have something tangible they love that can be taken away?

/----/ Shut the abortion clinics, ending gaye marriage, shitting the EPA, NEA, DOE and banning pot. That should get their cackles up.

Are you daft?

Keep Planned Unparenthood sucking out liberal genetic garbage, let them sell the waste to George Soros and his minions to be served as Hors d'Oeuvres at their fund raisers.

No fucks given.

Let them go queer, play house, warp their children and render them sterile by default.

No fucks given.

Let them smoke themselves into a stupor. They will anyway, the law never worked, kinda like it won't with guns.

But yeah, shut down the redundant federal agencies and confine the EPA into ensuring states are doing their jobs. We need a lot less federal workers fucking with average people.
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

You seriously want to take away craft beers?

Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.



Yet another exercise in the ever evolving depths of moral turpitude?

Seriously, having to querie it all this much screams insecurity....

They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

A new iteration of idiot-grams, the run, run on, run ...on series of thoughtlessness (I'd bet JGalt believes his thread is clever).

So what do you cherish in particular? Please tell me :biggrin:

My family.

That doesn't count. Everyone has a family.

Seriously, do you think we conservatives are "monsters" or something?

"Seriously, do you think we conservatives are "monsters" or something?"

as evidenced by the conservatives on this board YES!

And you must be aware that most conservatives think liberals are "monsters" or "something"

god haters
terrorist lovers

Have you not read anything by PoliticChic?

Are you new here?

When your friends stop calling us
god haters
terrorist lovers

I'll stop calling them "monsters"
or something.
I will gladly be called a monster as I have been called much worse (deplorable) but as I said in another post, I dont care what you think, but I do know, that PoliticChic is telling the truth. No , there arent two sides of truth. Liberals are Communist/Progressive/Socialist/Marxist/Fascist and enemies of the Constitution and the United Sates. Until all liberals are dead, either by drugs, disease, or abortion, the world will continue to fester with the Cancer called liberalism...
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?
/----/ Shut the abortion clinics, ending gaye marriage, shitting the EPA, NEA, DOE and banning pot. That should get their cackles up.
Yeah, but you're already against those things. Wouldn't be anything new.
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

A new iteration of idiot-grams, the run, run on, run ...on series of thoughtlessness (I'd bet JGalt believes his thread is clever).

So what do you cherish in particular? Please tell me :biggrin:

My family.

That doesn't count. Everyone has a family.

Seriously, do you think we conservatives are "monsters" or something?
No, just assholes.
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Gonna try some of the ol' reverse psychology and say... poverty? Did it work? :p
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

You seriously want to take away craft beers?

Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

Looks like a list of what most people like. You don't like cat videos?
The love of telling others what to do?


Ironic given that this is Stalin telling a rape victim that she will have to carry to term.
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Tissue, bitches?

Elections have consequences, losers. The nation decisively rejected the Stalinist shit sandwich that you're still trying to peddle. You can keep making meltdown threads like this to comfort yourselves, but at some point, you have to make a decision. You can either abandon all the stupid and immoral things that good Americans just rejected, or you can double down on them and make it even easier for the Democrats to win elections. Whatever option you choose, the patriots win.
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They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

" Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?"

Is there even 1 rational conservative on this board?

just fkn one.......

Conservatives went after pot and still are.
LOTS of people had their lives ruined (or ended) because of that CONSERVATIVE war on freedom.

Are you proud of that?

Does it please you to destroy lives over a plant that is less dangerous than alcohol?

Perhaps, if you enjoy other peoples misery so much, you just just go after happiness.
I am not a conservative, but a libertarian conservative. I totally agree with the liberals that if they(libs) want to use pot or worse drugs, go for it, just dont come to me and have me pay for your addiction. If you libs want to abort you babies because the women are immoral as hell and fuck like rabbits, again, go for it, just dont come to me and have me pay for the bitches abortion. If a faggot wants to put his dick in another mans ass, go for it, dont come to me and have me pay for your meds. Actions have consequences, we dont give a shit what you do, we just dont want to have to be FORCED to pay for your stupid actions...When all you liberals are dead from Disease, Drugs or the killing off of future Democrat voters, the world will be a better place...

Everything we think and say and do has consequences for ourselves and for others. Like ripples on a pond our actions spread out and affect others because everything is interconnected. And we need to remember that our actions are irreversible. Consequences are where our thoughts and actions meet reality.
All Actions Have Consequences | WISDOM PARENTING
Just want to point out that plenty of cons are smoking pot, doing drugs, getting abortions, sucking dick, etc. We already are paying for the consequences of lot of things cons love - smoking tobacco, alcoholism, obesity, polluting the environment, etc. Maybe when all you cons are dead from the consequences of your bad choices, the world will be a better place.
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

You seriously want to take away craft beers?

Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.

STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.
Just want to point out that plenty of cons are smoking pot, doing drugs, getting abortions, sucking dick, etc. We already are paying for the consequences of lot of things cons love - smoking tobacco, alcoholism, obesity, polluting the environment, etc.

If you're against pot, drugs, abortion, and consensual fellatio ... don't do them

If you're against tobacco, alcohol, triple cheeseburgers, and industrial development ... don't do them.

Everyone just needs to stop telling everyone else what to do. Most of us are relatively level-headed adults who don't take our virtues or our vices to debilitating extremes.
Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

The hell they do. Craft beers actually have flavor.

People who drink swill like Bud and Miller choke past the "taste" to get drunk...and don't have the balls to drink whiskey
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

You seriously want to take away craft beers?

Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.

STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.

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