Do liberals universally have something tangible they love that can be taken away?

They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

You seriously want to take away craft beers?

Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.

STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.
/----/ Same here. But Bud was the premium beer back in the day and PBR was cheap. Then in the 70s I graduated to Heineken. The true test for any beer is if you can drink it at room temperature. Domestic beers have a horrible taste when warm and need to be cold enough to numb your taste buds to drink. Guinness can be enjoyed either room temp or slightly chilled.
You seriously want to take away craft beers?

Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.

STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.
/----/ Same here. But Bud was the premium beer back in the day and PBR was cheap. Then in the 70s I graduated to Heineken. The true test for any beer is if you can drink it at room temperature. Domestic beers have a horrible taste when warm and need to be cold enough to numb your taste buds to drink. Guinness can be enjoyed either room temp or slightly chilled.

In my earliest, poorest days we drank Black Label Light! We would buy a six pack of something like Michelob, drink it to numb the taste buds and then drink the BLL. I thought back then that Michelob was the "good beer"! :21::21:
Craft beers suck. Real beer-drinkers drink Budweiser or Miller in the tall cans.

What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.

STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.
/----/ Same here. But Bud was the premium beer back in the day and PBR was cheap. Then in the 70s I graduated to Heineken. The true test for any beer is if you can drink it at room temperature. Domestic beers have a horrible taste when warm and need to be cold enough to numb your taste buds to drink. Guinness can be enjoyed either room temp or slightly chilled.

In my earliest, poorest days we drank Black Label Light! We would buy a six pack of something like Michelob, drink it to numb the taste buds and then drink the BLL. I thought back then that Michelob was the "good beer"! :21::21:
when i started drinking after turning 21 it was coors light usually. all we had in western oklahoma. if i had extra $ i'd get michelob light and be called a snob by friends. when money was tight, bush.
Jesus. At least drink Sierra Nevada or Founders or Dogfish Head.

Better still find a good local brewery
Republicans want to take something tangible from liberals?

Take away education funding
Take away environmental protections
End programs that help the poor
Take away healthcare funding

Wait.......Republicans already do that
Doesn’t matter. Conservatives are little bitches, and time isn’t going to start progressing backwards anytime soon.

We're "little bitches"? No, we're the ones who have you scrawny little antifa weenies running for your lives when we show up.
What little respective I might have had for you is now gone. Bud and Miller are piss in a bottle or in your case a can.

STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.
/----/ Same here. But Bud was the premium beer back in the day and PBR was cheap. Then in the 70s I graduated to Heineken. The true test for any beer is if you can drink it at room temperature. Domestic beers have a horrible taste when warm and need to be cold enough to numb your taste buds to drink. Guinness can be enjoyed either room temp or slightly chilled.

In my earliest, poorest days we drank Black Label Light! We would buy a six pack of something like Michelob, drink it to numb the taste buds and then drink the BLL. I thought back then that Michelob was the "good beer"! :21::21:
when i started drinking after turning 21 it was coors light usually. all we had in western oklahoma. if i had extra $ i'd get michelob light and be called a snob by friends. when money was tight, bush.

I am old enough that I was 18 when it moved to 19 and 19 when it moved to 21 so I was grandfathered in both times!
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?
Doesn’t matter. Conservatives are little bitches, and time isn’t going to start progressing backwards anytime soon.

So what do you love in particular? Please tell me. :biggrin:
Freedom...but deplorable trumpanzees already are against that.

Silly person. Everyone knows that libtards hate freedom. Except their own freedom, that is.
Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose
STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.
/----/ Same here. But Bud was the premium beer back in the day and PBR was cheap. Then in the 70s I graduated to Heineken. The true test for any beer is if you can drink it at room temperature. Domestic beers have a horrible taste when warm and need to be cold enough to numb your taste buds to drink. Guinness can be enjoyed either room temp or slightly chilled.

In my earliest, poorest days we drank Black Label Light! We would buy a six pack of something like Michelob, drink it to numb the taste buds and then drink the BLL. I thought back then that Michelob was the "good beer"! :21::21:
when i started drinking after turning 21 it was coors light usually. all we had in western oklahoma. if i had extra $ i'd get michelob light and be called a snob by friends. when money was tight, bush.

I am old enough that I was 18 when it moved to 19 and 19 when it moved to 21 so I was grandfathered in both times!
some guys had all the luck. :)
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

The best things in life aren't things.
Doesn’t matter. Conservatives are little bitches, and time isn’t going to start progressing backwards anytime soon.

We're "little bitches"? No, we're the ones who have you scrawny little antifa weenies running for your lives when we show up.
Sorry, antifa killed the alt-right. I don’t know what your little fantasy is about, snowflake :itsok:
Republicans want to take something tangible from liberals?

Take away education funding
Take away environmental protections
End programs that help the poor
Take away healthcare funding

Wait.......Republicans already do that

Education getting diplomas they can't read, being taught communism and inter-racial dating are more important than doing simple math without a calculator or knowing who fought in WW2.
Environmental protections: See what the democrat Flint city council did to the city's water supply or Barry's EPA did to the Animus River in Colorado.
End programs that help the poor......programs that keep the poor poor instead of incentivizing work.
Take away healthcare funding......"You can keep your doctor, keep your plan"....or "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill..." Michelle's pal billed us taxpayers over TWO BILLION DOLLARS for the ACA website that didn't work and GoDaddy could have done for free.
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STFU and drink your PBR, man-bun-headed hipster.

I drank PBR and Bud when I was young and poor and all I wanted to do was get drunk. Nobody drinks that shit for the taste.
/----/ Same here. But Bud was the premium beer back in the day and PBR was cheap. Then in the 70s I graduated to Heineken. The true test for any beer is if you can drink it at room temperature. Domestic beers have a horrible taste when warm and need to be cold enough to numb your taste buds to drink. Guinness can be enjoyed either room temp or slightly chilled.

In my earliest, poorest days we drank Black Label Light! We would buy a six pack of something like Michelob, drink it to numb the taste buds and then drink the BLL. I thought back then that Michelob was the "good beer"! :21::21:
when i started drinking after turning 21 it was coors light usually. all we had in western oklahoma. if i had extra $ i'd get michelob light and be called a snob by friends. when money was tight, bush.

I am old enough that I was 18 when it moved to 19 and 19 when it moved to 21 so I was grandfathered in both times!
/-----/ I was born in 1951 and had my first beer at 14. The legal drinking age was never an issue back then because IDs had no photos on them. In Queens, NY, girls would use their older sister's ID. As a bartender checking ID, 10 girls would be named Mary Walsh all living at the same address. They'd use it to get past the bouncer then run to the ladies room and pass the ID out to the window to her friend who would then use it to get in. We knew what they were doing but for every girl in the bar, it would attract 10 guys all buying them drinks. The 21 drinking age and stepped up police presence parked out front to bust drunk drivers, killed the college bar scene.
Sorry, antifa killed the alt-right. I don’t know what your little fantasy is about, snowflake :itsok:

Hiding behind a bandana and pepper-spraying old people and're some kinda brave ain't ya champ?
Sorry, antifa killed the alt-right. I don’t know what your little fantasy is about, snowflake :itsok:

Hiding behind a bandana and pepper-spraying old people and're some kinda brave ain't ya champ?
Old people and women? Were they alt-right? Because then LOL!

"alt-right"? You mean normal Americans who don't want you walking in a women's bathroom, champ? Where would you live if your folk's basement flooded?
They always seem to be going after everyone's guns and other rights. Is there anything conservatives can go after in a similar fashion, and claim some moral high ground as reason for doing it?

Let's see:

Pot? Abortions? Welfare? Healthcare? Bicycles? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Subsidized governmental programs? Public transportation? Pink hats? Sanctuary cities? Anchor babies? Voting without an ID card? Black antifa masks? Starbucks? Unicorns? Dildos? Man buns? Mom jeans? Macbooks? IPhones? Food stamps? Cats? Late night television? Organic food? Free trade coffee? Herbal remedies? Craft beers? Movies? Music? Slumming in economically-depressed neighborhoods? Hand-woven hemp underwear?

What? Are you listening, Uncle Trump?

How are conservatives going to go after any of the things you listed? I thought they were all about individual responsibility and small government. Who do you think you are to try to take anything from anyone? You have no fucking magical powers, dingbat. Get over yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
Sorry, antifa killed the alt-right. I don’t know what your little fantasy is about, snowflake :itsok:

Hiding behind a bandana and pepper-spraying old people and're some kinda brave ain't ya champ?
Old people and women? Were they alt-right? Because then LOL!

"alt-right"? You mean normal Americans who don't want you walking in a women's bathroom, champ? Where would you live if your folk's basement flooded?
In my home. Now your buddy Jason Kessler, I think his parents would make him crash at a friend’s while they do repairs.

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