do liberals want homosexuals executed?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Same-sex intercourse carries the death penalty in five officially Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and Yemen. [3] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban, and in Iraq under a 2001 decree by Saddam Hussein.
Homosexuality and Islam - ReligionFacts

So how do liberals "feel" about the above Islam?:

Well the closest I could come are Atheists web site poll of members..

Do you have a generally favorable or unfavorable impression of Islam?
I think favorably of Islam. (209) 19%
I think unfavorably of Islam. (603) 56%
My feelings about Islam are neutral. (175) 16%
I don't know for sure. (39) 3%
I don't think about Islam. (37) 3%
Total Votes: 1063

Agnosticism / Atheism Poll Results

So based on the assumption MOST Liberals don't believe in God i.e. atheists therefore
most atheists/liberals don't approve of Islam?
because they dont care aobut consistancy. They always look at issues in a vaccum and hope people dont look in the past or link two differnet issues together. Where were all the human rights groups (aka liberals)?
Liberals vehmently oppose the Conservative practice of putting clergy anywhere near a position of power.

Theocracy is a conservative form of government.
Liberals vehmently oppose the Conservative practice of putting clergy anywhere near a position of power.

Theocracy is a conservative form of government.

I think the point went over your head, but it's not suprising. The point was why did liberals hate taking out those governments that held those positions, again where were the human rights groups to back Bush? *crickets*
So based on the assumption MOST Liberals don't believe in God i.e. atheists therefore
most atheists/liberals don't approve of Islam?

Do you know what happens when you assume?

Where do you get the idea that "most liberals" are atheists? 78.4% of Americans describe themselves as Christian while less than 20% describe themselves as having "no affiliation" with only 1.6% stating that they are atheist.

What on earth was the purpose of this thread and how is it political in any way, shape or form?
Because liberals are spineless little hypocritical pussies. They're afraid they'll offend the big, bad muslims and they'll come to their houses and saw their fucking head off.

Liberals are only loud, arrogant and mouthy assholes against Christians who have been taught to turn the other cheek. They're scared shitless of the bloody, murdering cult muslims.
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Liberals vehmently oppose the Conservative practice of putting clergy anywhere near a position of power.

Theocracy is a conservative form of government.

I think the point went over your head, but it's not suprising. The point was why did liberals hate taking out those governments that held those positions, again where were the human rights groups to back Bush? *crickets*

Liberals don't hate "taking out" those governments. We hate pre-emptive war with countries that didn't attack us, but if you want the United States to be the world police over human rights violations, we've got our work cut out for us....reinstate the draft and let the invasions begin!!!

17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers
Liberals vehmently oppose the Conservative practice of putting clergy anywhere near a position of power.

Theocracy is a conservative form of government.

I think the point went over your head, but it's not suprising. The point was why did liberals hate taking out those governments that held those positions, again where were the human rights groups to back Bush? *crickets*

Liberals don't hate "taking out" those governments. We hate pre-emptive war with countries that didn't attack us, but if you want the United States to be the world police over human rights violations, we've got our work cut out for us....reinstate the draft and let the invasions begin!!!

17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers
So none of the liberals have addressed the OP directly yet.

You're all dodging the issue.
Liberals vehmently oppose the Conservative practice of putting clergy anywhere near a position of power.

Theocracy is a conservative form of government.

I think the point went over your head, but it's not suprising. The point was why did liberals hate taking out those governments that held those positions, again where were the human rights groups to back Bush? *crickets*

Liberals don't hate "taking out" those governments. We hate pre-emptive war with countries that didn't attack us, but if you want the United States to be the world police over human rights violations, we've got our work cut out for us....reinstate the draft and let the invasions begin!!!

17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers

Sorry chick, but Hussein and the Taliban were repressive. And the Human rights groups bitch about these countries all the time. Where were they when Bush was taking out these regimes? Oh that's right he's a republican so they wont support it.

Human rights groups are another of the left political laundering. They only back lefties, the purpose of their group is a front. Kinda like NOW when they wouldnt back a liberal (pro gay and pro abortion)running for governor of NewJersey (Christine Todd-Whitman) SOLEY becasue she was a republican.
I think the point went over your head, but it's not suprising. The point was why did liberals hate taking out those governments that held those positions, again where were the human rights groups to back Bush? *crickets*

Liberals don't hate "taking out" those governments. We hate pre-emptive war with countries that didn't attack us, but if you want the United States to be the world police over human rights violations, we've got our work cut out for us....reinstate the draft and let the invasions begin!!!

17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers

Sorry chick, but Hussein and the Taliban were repressive. And the Human rights groups bitch about these countries all the time. Where were they when Bush was taking out these regimes? Oh that's right he's a republican so they wont support it.

Human rights groups are another of the left political laundering. They only back lefties, the purpose of their group is a front. Kinda like NOW when they wouldnt back a liberal (pro gay and pro abortion)running for governor of NewJersey (Christine Todd-Whitman) SOLEY becasue she was a republican.

Speaking out against the Human Rights violations of a country isn't the same as invading their country and killing their people. I know, things like nuance are foreign concepts to folks like you aren't they?
I think the point went over your head, but it's not suprising. The point was why did liberals hate taking out those governments that held those positions, again where were the human rights groups to back Bush? *crickets*

Liberals don't hate "taking out" those governments. We hate pre-emptive war with countries that didn't attack us, but if you want the United States to be the world police over human rights violations, we've got our work cut out for us....reinstate the draft and let the invasions begin!!!

17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers
So none of the liberals have addressed the OP directly yet.

You're all dodging the issue.

I'm sorry, coward, but what is it you think is the "issue" that the OP pointed out and should be addressed? The lie he told about liberals all being atheists? Addressed. Why "liberals" don't support pre-emptive war on countries? Addressed. What else would you like addressed, coward?
Same-sex intercourse carries the death penalty in five officially Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and Yemen. [3] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban, and in Iraq under a 2001 decree by Saddam Hussein.
Homosexuality and Islam - ReligionFacts

So how do liberals "feel" about the above Islam?:

Well the closest I could come are Atheists web site poll of members..

Do you have a generally favorable or unfavorable impression of Islam?
I think favorably of Islam. (209) 19%
I think unfavorably of Islam. (603) 56%
My feelings about Islam are neutral. (175) 16%
I don't know for sure. (39) 3%
I don't think about Islam. (37) 3%
Total Votes: 1063

Agnosticism / Atheism Poll Results

So based on the assumption MOST Liberals don't believe in God i.e. atheists therefore
most atheists/liberals don't approve of Islam?

But it's OK to fuck a goat.

Got it.
Liberals don't hate "taking out" those governments. We hate pre-emptive war with countries that didn't attack us, but if you want the United States to be the world police over human rights violations, we've got our work cut out for us....reinstate the draft and let the invasions begin!!!

17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers

Sorry chick, but Hussein and the Taliban were repressive. And the Human rights groups bitch about these countries all the time. Where were they when Bush was taking out these regimes? Oh that's right he's a republican so they wont support it.

Human rights groups are another of the left political laundering. They only back lefties, the purpose of their group is a front. Kinda like NOW when they wouldnt back a liberal (pro gay and pro abortion)running for governor of NewJersey (Christine Todd-Whitman) SOLEY becasue she was a republican.

Speaking out against the Human Rights violations of a country isn't the same as invading their country and killing their people. I know, things like nuance are foreign concepts to folks like you aren't they?

OOOh nuance, arent you all hoddy toddy. I love that word, and it's subtle meaning. So you're full of shit then. Are you from the academy (/snobby english voice)?So you think they should still be executing homosexuals then?
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Sorry chick, but Hussein and the Taliban were repressive. And the Human rights groups bitch about these countries all the time. Where were they when Bush was taking out these regimes? Oh that's right he's a republican so they wont support it.

Human rights groups are another of the left political laundering. They only back lefties, the purpose of their group is a front. Kinda like NOW when they wouldnt back a liberal (pro gay and pro abortion)running for governor of NewJersey (Christine Todd-Whitman) SOLEY becasue she was a republican.

Speaking out against the Human Rights violations of a country isn't the same as invading their country and killing their people. I know, things like nuance are foreign concepts to folks like you aren't they?

OOOh nuance, arent you all hoddy toddy. I love that word, and it's subtle meaning. So you're full of shit then. Are you from the academy (/snobby english voice)?So you think they should still be executing homosexuals then?

Yeah...because I don't think that the US should be invading and occupying countries that don't attack us, I think they should be killing their queers. Thanks for proving my point about nuance.
Speaking out against the Human Rights violations of a country isn't the same as invading their country and killing their people. I know, things like nuance are foreign concepts to folks like you aren't they?

OOOh nuance, arent you all hoddy toddy. I love that word, and it's subtle meaning. So you're full of shit then. Are you from the academy (/snobby english voice)?So you think they should still be executing homosexuals then?

Yeah...because I don't think that the US should be invading and occupying countries that don't attack us, I think they should be killing their queers. Thanks for proving my point about nuance.

No sorry you can claim nuance all you want, but you have two choices, you think Hussein was gonna ease up on that? That's the only position left for you "nuance" and it's shit. So you either say hey something good came from Bush invading Iraq or that things should have stayed the same, no way out of that box. Maybe his sons would have been better? (the ones with the rape rooms)HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHHA
I'm not sure of the defense Muslim extremists, they are terrible in the treatment of women, homosexuals and so on, yet the liberals seem to be defensive of them.

Anyone explain?
So none of the liberals have addressed the OP directly yet.

You're all dodging the issue.

There ewas no issue in the OP. Just a rather stupid non-factual declaration about liberals. That's the problem with so many on the clueless right. They think they're mind readers and try to tell us what we think. :cuckoo:

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