Do libs think it was an abuse of power for Obama to weaponize US intel to spy on political enemies?

Republicans created the patriot act which allows for the gov to do all kinds of spying .

So go F yourself . You reap what you sow .

By the way, the guy was wiretapped because he's a criminal . I notice you keep skipping over that .
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
How would I have this evidence? What a bizarre request. They didn't have to convince me, they had to convince the FISA court.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
How would I have this evidence? What a bizarre request. They didn't have to convince me, they had to convince the FISA court.
Common tactic used by the Trumpbots. They seem to think investigations into their politicians should only begin after proof of wrongdoing is confirmed.
As a rule, it's bad for a POTUS to do that.....regardless of party affiliation.....right?

It's unethical and unconstitutional....right?

It still has not happened. This was a part of a ongoing investigation of Manafort. I have no doubt he broke the law by illegally taking money from Russian backed groups in Ukraine. The fact is that the Justice Department has said that there was no wiretapping of Trump's campaign. The Justice Department is run by a Republican.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
How would I have this evidence? What a bizarre request. They didn't have to convince me, they had to convince the FISA court.

Yea, so you're for these faceless witch hunts when it suits you.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
How would I have this evidence? What a bizarre request. They didn't have to convince me, they had to convince the FISA court.
Common tactic used by the Trumpbots. They seem to think investigations into their politicians should only begin after proof of wrongdoing is confirmed.

I think that these "investigators" owe us transparency if they're going to go after highly elected officials. Going on for month on end over a nothing burger is an abuse of power.
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Your masters know what this Manafort wiretap story means. While you are running around in a tizzy thinking Obama done got caught doing something illegal or unethical, the Trump inner circle are shitting their pants. This is very bad news for Trump and you do not even understand that yet.

Perhaps you can help me. I keep losing track of the narrative. When Trump complained that he and his staff had been wiretapped, the narrative was different. The narrative then was that this totally proved that Trump was a paranoid delusional who had no business being anywhere near the White House. Not when he was promoting insane conspiracy theories and all that.

The narrative has shifted. Now, with the news that there were Wiretapps after all, it totally proves that Trump is a criminal scumbag who has no business being within a thousand miles of the White House.

It keeps changing with Korea too. North Korea acting up totally proves that Trump is a weakling who has no clue what he is doing, and shouldn't be anywhere near the White House. When Trump responds with the same sort of threat of overwhelming force that everyone else has made towards North Korea since the 1950's, then that totally proves that Trump is a child who has no clue how to handle diplomatic negotiations.

It's getting so hard to figure out what the narrative is. When Trump was going to deport the DACA folks, that totally proved that Trump was a racist fuck who had no business being in the White House. When Trump extended the DACA for six months, it totally proved that Trump was a lying fuck who had no business being in the White House. When Trump started to talk to the Democrats about saving the Dreamers, it totally proved he was a lying fuck who would betray the base, and he shouldn't be within a million light years of the White House.

No matter what Trump does, the narrative is always the same. I mean, it's kind of funny. Trump could walk on water, literally, and heal the blind at a touch, and the narrative would be that Trump has made a deal with the devil for supernatural powers and this totally proves that he has no business being in the White House.

The constantly changing narrative does prove something, and I mean totally prove it. It proves that those who are anti-trump don't care about anything. They don't care about any issues, they don't care about any policies. All they care about is their team winning at any and all cost.

I voted for Trump, and I've taken issue with his decision to end the investigations into the Police Departments civil rights violations. I am waiting for action to end NAFTA, and am happy that the TPP is finally dead, if not buried. With luck we can bury the damned thing. Trade between equals is a great thing for the economy. Trade between unequal economies is merely a way to get rid of manufacturing jobs to the lowest paying nation.

I wonder what the narrative against Trump will be next week? Whatever it is, it will totally prove that Trump is awful. I think we can be certain of that.
After reading the Progressive responses, you being to understand why Pinochet gave the Communists helicopter rides
The far left does not care about rules or laws, but they sure want everyone else to follow them.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
How would I have this evidence? What a bizarre request. They didn't have to convince me, they had to convince the FISA court.

Yea, so you're for these faceless witch hunts when it suits you.
You are quite the magical person to already know the outcome and to have apparently insider info on this. Have you made your magical powers known to the public?!?!
You should rename yourself Excuse Man.
No excuses required. There was enough evidence to get a FISA warrant. Maybe you should blame the person responsible for this fact: Paul Manafort.

Are we talking about warrants in which the person doesn't have to be told he is under investigation? And what was so bad that this was required? Show us.
How would I have this evidence? What a bizarre request. They didn't have to convince me, they had to convince the FISA court.
Common tactic used by the Trumpbots. They seem to think investigations into their politicians should only begin after proof of wrongdoing is confirmed.

I think that these "investigators" owe us transparency if they're going to go after highly elected officials. Going on for month on end over a nothing burger is an abuse of power.
" think that these "investigators" owe us transparency if they're going to go after highly elected officials. "

No they don't, what a terrible idea.
As a rule, it's bad for a POTUS to do that.....regardless of party affiliation.....right?

It's unethical and unconstitutional....right?

Yes, yes it is. As the Patriot act was a huge infringement on citizens rights as well.

Yes, that was bullshit, I agree. It overreached and Obama overreached the Patriot act. Its not like Obama repealed it the second he took office.

If Bush used the spying from the Patriot act to attack political opponents, I would have blasted him as well.
Do libs think it was an abuse of power for Obama to weaponize US intel to spy on political enemies?

I think you're lying.
Republicans created the patriot act which allows for the gov to do all kinds of spying .

So go F yourself . You reap what you sow .

By the way, the guy was wiretapped because he's a criminal . I notice you keep skipping over that .
The only way you can legitimately label someone a criminal is with a conviction.

Have one of those handy?
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Your masters know what this Manafort wiretap story means. While you are running around in a tizzy thinking Obama done got caught doing something illegal or unethical, the Trump inner circle are shitting their pants. This is very bad news for Trump and you do not even understand that yet.

Perhaps you can help me. I keep losing track of the narrative. When Trump complained that he and his staff had been wiretapped, the narrative was different. The narrative then was that this totally proved that Trump was a paranoid delusional who had no business being anywhere near the White House. Not when he was promoting insane conspiracy theories and all that.

The narrative has shifted. Now, with the news that there were Wiretapps after all, it totally proves that Trump is a criminal scumbag who has no business being within a thousand miles of the White House.

It keeps changing with Korea too. North Korea acting up totally proves that Trump is a weakling who has no clue what he is doing, and shouldn't be anywhere near the White House. When Trump responds with the same sort of threat of overwhelming force that everyone else has made towards North Korea since the 1950's, then that totally proves that Trump is a child who has no clue how to handle diplomatic negotiations.

It's getting so hard to figure out what the narrative is. When Trump was going to deport the DACA folks, that totally proved that Trump was a racist fuck who had no business being in the White House. When Trump extended the DACA for six months, it totally proved that Trump was a lying fuck who had no business being in the White House. When Trump started to talk to the Democrats about saving the Dreamers, it totally proved he was a lying fuck who would betray the base, and he shouldn't be within a million light years of the White House.

No matter what Trump does, the narrative is always the same. I mean, it's kind of funny. Trump could walk on water, literally, and heal the blind at a touch, and the narrative would be that Trump has made a deal with the devil for supernatural powers and this totally proves that he has no business being in the White House.

The constantly changing narrative does prove something, and I mean totally prove it. It proves that those who are anti-trump don't care about anything. They don't care about any issues, they don't care about any policies. All they care about is their team winning at any and all cost.

I voted for Trump, and I've taken issue with his decision to end the investigations into the Police Departments civil rights violations. I am waiting for action to end NAFTA, and am happy that the TPP is finally dead, if not buried. With luck we can bury the damned thing. Trade between equals is a great thing for the economy. Trade between unequal economies is merely a way to get rid of manufacturing jobs to the lowest paying nation.

I wonder what the narrative against Trump will be next week? Whatever it is, it will totally prove that Trump is awful. I think we can be certain of that.

Oh please. The narrative has not change. The Trump campaign was not being wiretapped. Manafort was and had been before he joined the Trump campaign. Trump is wrong and is a paranoid fool.

On North Korea, I think James Mattis has done a better job in terms of rhetoric than Trump. I trust Mattis not Trump.

Trump supporters are the ones who don't care about issues. All they are interested in is annoying the right people. To blame McConnell and Ryan for Trump's problems is the height of hypocrisy.
That Obama. Can't get anything right. Worst destroyer of America. Worst secret Muslim seeking to imposes Sherbert law on us all. Worst commie, worst gun grabber.... and now worst weaponizer of Intel against political enemy. A real weaponizer would have had them locked up an on trial before the election.

Gad, he's the worst at everything the RussianWNJ's accuse him of.

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