Do libs think that republicans are conservatives?


Jul 14, 2009
Im pretty sure I haven't seen a lib ,that isn't a progressive with a very few exceptions
Bones, Dis and and an unnamed kook.

Just because someone calls them selves a republican doesn't mean they are not a scumbag just like you.
Do libs think that republicans are conservatives?

No. Most Republicans are social conservatives but few of them are actually conservatives. Time for conservatives to form their own party...and it ain't one with that twit social conservative as their leader.
Do libs think that republicans are conservatives?

Of course there are exceptions..Just like there are ConservaDems (Bayh, Landreu, (BLANCH) Lincoln..etc..) but the Modern day party is Conservative...To much so.

(Had to point out I was talking about BLANCH Lincoln not ABRAHAM..)
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Republican is a political party.

Conservative is an ideology.

There is a difference you know.

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