Do Masks Work?

good point Lesh

so just what scientific standard applies would be my Q

I've posted 1910-1030

best i can do

what can you bring to the table?

A. I was talking to your idiot friend not you.

B. What was the point of your link? That using hand sanitizer after removing a mask is wrong?
A. I was talking to your idiot friend not you.

B. What was the point of your link? That using hand sanitizer after removing a mask is wrong?
You claimed to always wear your one mask. Or did you lie again? Did you take a bath in hand sanitizer? If so y u would disappear.
I did not. Do you have trouble reading? Are you lying?

Or....are you just another right wing troll.

My guess ...all three
You say you n ever take off your mask in public. You implied that you even wear one indoors and never change your mask. You claim that a hand sanitizer is a cure all for the disease. You never listen to what others say unless you can find someone elses words to copy and try to claim the unverified truth against it that you are constantly provided with.

In other words, you are a denier of the truth and throw a hissy fit when called on it. You are a troll with no original words to back up you claims. You are despicable.
Then you would rather prolong the threat. That is actually what you are saying.
There is no threat. Have the jab and lessen you chance of getting it and going to hospital.

Other than medical condition, there is no valid reason why anyone wouldn't have it.
You say you n ever take off your mask in public.
Nope. Post quotes. They don't exist
You implied that you even wear one indoors and never change your mask.
"Even wear one indoors"? shit. That's WHEN you need to wear them. Indoors like in STORES you moron.
You claim that a hand sanitizer is a cure all for the disease.
Wrong. I said it's what you do to make sure removing your mask doesn't cause you to get infected...friggin moron.
You never listen to what others say unless you can find someone elses words to copy and try to claim the unverified truth against it that you are constantly provided with.
Obviously you got THAT backwards considering the number of things you claim I said that are completely backwards. Beyond that, your gibberish is saying what? That documenting claims is BAD?
There is no threat. Have the jab and lessen you chance of getting it and going to hospital.

Other than medical condition, there is no valid reason why anyone wouldn't have it.
If the jab is so effective, why the thousands of breakthrough cases? Why the fear of further variants? Why the warnings of heart damage for teens and young adults?

BTW, YOU don't get to decide for others what is a valid reason. That attitude only proves that you bought into the brain washing from your overlords. No reason other than not wanting it is needed, at least when we were a free people.
Nope. Post quotes. They don't exist

"Even wear one indoors"? shit. That's WHEN you need to wear them. Indoors like in STORES you moron.

Wrong. I said it's what you do to make sure removing your mask doesn't cause you to get infected...friggin moron.

Obviously you got THAT backwards considering the number of things you claim I said that are completely backwards. Beyond that, your gibberish is saying what? That documenting claims is BAD?
Basic comment so simple even YOU should be able to understand, you are a liar and a moron who refuses to see any facts that you don't like.

BTW, since you claim wearing a mask inside indoors is when it is needed. Do you wear a mask on the internet, talking on the phone or even watching your liberal media sources on TV?

Post a picture of yourself so that we can fully understand your mask preference.
If the jab is so effective, why the thousands of breakthrough cases? Why the fear of further variants? Why the warnings of heart damage for teens and young adults?

BTW, YOU don't get to decide for others what is a valid reason. That attitude only proves that you bought into the brain washing from your overlords. No reason other than not wanting it is needed, at least when we were a free people.
“Thousands” out of tens of millions vaxxed

Thousands and growing rapidly that are admitted to. Like you, so called health authorities lie about it to further their agenda of total control.
And you got this “information” from where?

Oh that’s right. You pull it out of your ass
And you got this “information” from where?

Oh that’s right. You pull it out of your ass
No, from scientific studies. Unlike you, I don't copy and paste everything I read on the subject and I use logic and reason, things you have never heard of, to form my opinions. I also do not claim, unlike you, that my opinions are the only facts that should be allowable to others.

BTW, you seem to be fascinated by my ass. Why? You want a sniff?
No, from scientific studies. Unlike you, I don't copy and paste everything I read on the subject and I use logic and reason, things you have never heard of, to form my opinions. I also do not claim, unlike you, that my opinions are the only facts that should be allowable to others.

BTW, you seem to be fascinated by my ass. Why? You want a sniff?
Good post em so we can all see
No, from scientific studies. Unlike you, I don't copy and paste everything I read on the subject and I use logic and reason, things you have never heard of, to form my opinions. I also do not claim, unlike you, that my opinions are the only facts that should be allowable to others.

BTW, you seem to be fascinated by my ass. Why? You want a sniff?
Actually the opposite. Your posts STINK of ass.

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