Do Muslims Worship The Same God?

Nov 1, 2014
I'm always amazed at how often Christians and Jews are lectured that the Muslims worship the same God as we do, a statement born out of sheer ignorance and theological illiteracy. The main reason for their argument? Because the word "allah" is used for God in Arabic.

But their allah isn't God, or God is put in a very troubling predicament. To believe so is to believe that God ordered the destruction of Medina, the slaughter of the Jews, and a bloody campaign to convert people by the sword.

But theologically we run into far more difficulty. To say that allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet is to take a giant step backward in how God relates to man. It erases the New Covenant completely and reverts us to a time when men were ruled by religious law and God was inaccessible except by one priest once a year. It's saying that after initiating the Covenant of Grace by which people come freely to God through Jesus Christ, having their sins forgiven through his blood, and becoming saved by faith, not by religious works, God decided to scrap a new and better Covenant and return to the old Covenant with it's inability to save, for the blood sacrifice of animals cannot save unless completed by the work of Christ. The entire book of Hebrews was written to explain in detail why the Old Covenant was insufficient and the New Covenant was far better in every way.

So is allah God? No, he's actually Satan. The oppression of the Muslim religion on its people, its neighbors, on women, and on the world from its 7th century inception to today strikes a very familiar chord. A just God is incapable of the atrocities of Islam, but Satan isn't.

So let's be clear, allah is not God, and one day God will crush allah underfoot and destroy the evil religion of Islam.
"the same god" as who?

There are lots of gods, lots of superstitions. Plenty of gods to go around. Why not choose the one you like and leave other people alone to do the same?
"the same god" as who?

There are lots of gods, lots of superstitions. Plenty of gods to go around. Why not choose the one you like and leave other people alone to do the same?

Tell that to the so called Islamic state that is trying to spread over the middle east, attacking Iraq and Syria.
They worship a false God of war and they are supported by the Quran which even has the entire sura 8 devoted to telling them how to divide the spoils of war.

Here is a verse where their rotten God, Allah speaks of destroying people.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.
"the same god" as who?

There are lots of gods, lots of superstitions. Plenty of gods to go around. Why not choose the one you like and leave other people alone to do the same?

Tell that to the so called Islamic state that is trying to spread over the middle east, attacking Iraq and Syria.
They worship a false God of war and they are supported by the Quran which even has the entire sura 8 devoted to telling them how to divide the spoils of war.

Here is a verse where their rotten God, Allah speaks of destroying people.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.

That's not my point. I'm not defending one god over another.

IMO, a god is a god is a god. Worship one idol or another and then use it as an excuse for war. Christians did it and now certain Muslims are doing it.

Besides time, what's the difference?
"the same god" as who?

There are lots of gods, lots of superstitions. Plenty of gods to go around. Why not choose the one you like and leave other people alone to do the same?

Tell that to the so called Islamic state that is trying to spread over the middle east, attacking Iraq and Syria.
They worship a false God of war and they are supported by the Quran which even has the entire sura 8 devoted to telling them how to divide the spoils of war.

Here is a verse where their rotten God, Allah speaks of destroying people.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.

That's not my point. I'm not defending one god over another.

IMO, a god is a god is a god. Worship one idol or another and then use it as an excuse for war. Christians did it and now certain Muslims are doing it.

Besides time, what's the difference?

I can quite see why the early Christians felt the need to try and take back the middle east.

The Quran says Jesus is not the son of God, and it says he was not crucified. Reading that must have horrified the literate monks of the middle ages, and incited them to start the crusades, to win back the holy land.

Now Muslim fanatics are trying to take it all over again. This is the twenty first century, the age of computers and space travel. Not the dark ages. We need to break down the delusions of Muslims that they are fighting for the true God.

I have said before, and will say again. The best weapon against Islam is the Quran. The war against Islamic fanatics can be won in a library by scholars. All we have to do is prove the Quran is not Gods words. We should be dropping leaflets on Isis and the Taliban instead of bombs.
Muslims themselves are homo sapiens, just like the rest of us. And rest assured, I cherish EVERY life on this wonderful blue planet of ours. I have muslim colleagues and friends. If I see a muslim injured on the street, I will help that person just as I would help anyone else. And I have slept with some muslim women. Their sexual appetites are just like those of any other healthy woman across the world. :D

My problem is with the book called the "Holy K'uran", which, when you study it in depth, is chock-full-o contradictions and likely outright lies.

Every muslim has the right, in my opinion, to believe whatever he wants. It's none of my business. A muslim can believe that the Earth is flat, as outlined in the K'uran. Go for it, as far as I am concerned. The moment when it DOES become my business is the moment when a muslim decides to act out what is clearly commanded of him in the Suras of the "K'uran" and he starts murdering innocent people or forces conversions of non-believers.

Now, the beginnings of Judaism were also primitive and they were brutal. The G-d of Abraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov is depicted as a vengeful G-d and a number of the death penalty commandments (there are 613 of them in the Tanakh) I consider to be null and void. Jews have outgrown their primitive beginnings. They had a serious internal discussion and came to decisions as to what is to be taken literally in the Tanakh, what is to be taken allegorically and what is to be thrown overboard.

Similary, Christians, once their empire was established, had a brutal and primitive start, just like we Jews. The Crusades were ugly, they were bloody and Christians of that time also had forced conversions and public executions. Not very pretty. This stuff is usually glossed over in history books with innocuous titles like "the excesses of the Church" or some such horseshit. Christians even fought for 30 long years against each other in the 17th century and decimated roughly half of the German speaking region of Europe. Between 3 and 11 million people died in that war, the peace treaty for which was signed by the Catholics in Münster and at the same time by the Protestants in Osnabrück in 1648. They hated each other so much, they couldn't even be in the same room together to sign a fucking peace treaty. It was THAT bad. And that 30 years war was sparked over differences in doctrine and dogma.

However, like their older brethren, the Jews, the Christians (many branches of them) have also had a pretty serious internal discussion as to what is to be taken literally, figuratively or just thrown overboard. Vatican II from 1963 proves this very point. Christianity of today looks nothing like Christianity of 1648.

Islam, the youngest of the three religions that claim to be monotheistic, has yet to have an inner dialogue to sort out and separate itself from it's primitive and barbaric start. It has yet to do what Judaism and Christianity have already done. THAT, I believe, lies at the core of all problems concerning the so-called "clash of civilizations".

Is "Allah" - the Arabic word for "G-d" the same one, true G-d that Jews and Christians worship? I am not qualified to say and would argue that until Islam finally has an real internal debate and makes some changes, none of us will be able to say so for sure.

The argument is also often made that it is harder for Islam to do this, as it has no central ruling figure on Earth such as the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Popes. I used to support this argument, but do not anymore, for Judaism also has no central human ruling figure who guides and dictates doctrine and dogma. And yet, Judaism managed to come out of it's barbaric infancy.

If Islam really wants to be recognized among the great religions of the world, then it must shed it's barbaric infancy and:

1.) fully abandon all physical JIHAD
2.) Outlaw forced conversions
3.) Outlaw Jizyah and all forms of oppression against non-believers
4.) Forbid Takkiyah.

For me, it's really that simple.
Muslims themselves are homo sapiens, just like the rest of us. And rest assured, I cherish EVERY life on this wonderful blue planet of ours. I have muslim colleagues and friends. If I see a muslim injured on the street, I will help that person just as I would help anyone else. And I have slept with some muslim women. Their sexual appetites are just like those of any other healthy woman across the world. :D

My problem is with the book called the "Holy K'uran", which, when you study it in depth, is chock-full-o contradictions and likely outright lies.

Every muslim has the right, in my opinion, to believe whatever he wants. It's none of my business. A muslim can believe that the Earth is flat, as outlined in the K'uran. Go for it, as far as I am concerned. The moment when it DOES become my business is the moment when a muslim decides to act out what is clearly commanded of him in the Suras of the "K'uran" and he starts murdering innocent people or forces conversions of non-believers.

Now, the beginnings of Judaism were also primitive and they were brutal. The G-d of Abraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov is depicted as a vengeful G-d and a number of the death penalty commandments (there are 613 of them in the Tanakh) I consider to be null and void. Jews have outgrown their primitive beginnings. They had a serious internal discussion and came to decisions as to what is to be taken literally in the Tanakh, what is to be taken allegorically and what is to be thrown overboard.

Similary, Christians, once their empire was established, had a brutal and primitive start, just like we Jews. The Crusades were ugly, they were bloody and Christians of that time also had forced conversions and public executions. Not very pretty. This stuff is usually glossed over in history books with innocuous titles like "the excesses of the Church" or some such horseshit. Christians even fought for 30 long years against each other in the 17th century and decimated roughly half of the German speaking region of Europe. Between 3 and 11 million people died in that war, the peace treaty for which was signed by the Catholics in Münster and at the same time by the Protestants in Osnabrück in 1648. They hated each other so much, they couldn't even be in the same room together to sign a fucking peace treaty. It was THAT bad. And that 30 years war was sparked over differences in doctrine and dogma.

However, like their older brethren, the Jews, the Christians (many branches of them) have also had a pretty serious internal discussion as to what is to be taken literally, figuratively or just thrown overboard. Vatican II from 1963 proves this very point. Christianity of today looks nothing like Christianity of 1648.

Islam, the youngest of the three religions that claim to be monotheistic, has yet to have an inner dialogue to sort out and separate itself from it's primitive and barbaric start. It has yet to do what Judaism and Christianity have already done. THAT, I believe, lies at the core of all problems concerning the so-called "clash of civilizations".

Is "Allah" - the Arabic word for "G-d" the same one, true G-d that Jews and Christians worship? I am not qualified to say and would argue that until Islam finally has an real internal debate and makes some changes, none of us will be able to say so for sure.

The argument is also often made that it is harder for Islam to do this, as it has no central ruling figure on Earth such as the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Popes. I used to support this argument, but do not anymore, for Judaism also has no central human ruling figure who guides and dictates doctrine and dogma. And yet, Judaism managed to come out of it's barbaric infancy.

If Islam really wants to be recognized among the great religions of the world, then it must shed it's barbaric infancy and:

1.) fully abandon all physical JIHAD
2.) Outlaw forced conversions
3.) Outlaw Jizyah and all forms of oppression against non-believers
4.) Forbid Takkiyah.

For me, it's really that simple.

Many many good thoughts here particularly the astute comparisons of historical growing pains.

One not so good is the broad brush equating "Islam" with "radical Islamism", the implication that to be Muslim is to be aggressively... jihadist, shariaist, (fill in your adjectives here). Of course if the two were the same thing there would be no need for a "radical" category, but as in any religion, or any political group, actions of radicals do not by their definition enjoy the support of the entire greater group. Just as not everyone in Christendom burned witches or supported it.

Unfortunately we see that conflation all over this board, just as we saw the Third Reich using the same broad brush on Jews. The peril is that it leads to a mob mentality. It's imperative to keep in mind that for a great many (in this case) Muslims, "abandoning" forced conversions etc is impossible, as you can't "abandon" something you don't possess in the first place.
"the same god" as who?

There are lots of gods, lots of superstitions. Plenty of gods to go around. Why not choose the one you like and leave other people alone to do the same?

Tell that to the so called Islamic state that is trying to spread over the middle east, attacking Iraq and Syria.
They worship a false God of war and they are supported by the Quran which even has the entire sura 8 devoted to telling them how to divide the spoils of war.

Here is a verse where their rotten God, Allah speaks of destroying people.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.

That's not my point. I'm not defending one god over another.

IMO, a god is a god is a god. Worship one idol or another and then use it as an excuse for war. Christians did it and now certain Muslims are doing it.

Besides time, what's the difference?

I can quite see why the early Christians felt the need to try and take back the middle east.

The Quran says Jesus is not the son of God, and it says he was not crucified. Reading that must have horrified the literate monks of the middle ages, and incited them to start the crusades, to win back the holy land.

Now Muslim fanatics are trying to take it all over again. This is the twenty first century, the age of computers and space travel. Not the dark ages. We need to break down the delusions of Muslims that they are fighting for the true God.

I have said before, and will say again. The best weapon against Islam is the Quran. The war against Islamic fanatics can be won in a library by scholars. All we have to do is prove the Quran is not Gods words. We should be dropping leaflets on Isis and the Taliban instead of bombs.

I can assure you the Crusades had nothing to do with the heresies claimed in the Koran. The quest for the holy land had many motives, but it must be remembered that it followed a very desperate war to push the Muslim Moors out of Europe. We came so close to extinction, that we could see the Moorish armies from the gates of Vienna. The Crusades were not a war of aggression, they were a war of reciprocity. And it makes sense not to second guess history. Islam was weakened because we crushed them at Jerusalem, and they never recovered to their former glory. The Crusades actually saved Western Civilization.
"the same god" as who?

There are lots of gods, lots of superstitions. Plenty of gods to go around. Why not choose the one you like and leave other people alone to do the same?

Tell that to the so called Islamic state that is trying to spread over the middle east, attacking Iraq and Syria.
They worship a false God of war and they are supported by the Quran which even has the entire sura 8 devoted to telling them how to divide the spoils of war.

Here is a verse where their rotten God, Allah speaks of destroying people.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.

That's not my point. I'm not defending one god over another.

IMO, a god is a god is a god. Worship one idol or another and then use it as an excuse for war. Christians did it and now certain Muslims are doing it.

Besides time, what's the difference?

all the other "gods" do not exist.
Muslims themselves are homo sapiens, just like the rest of us. And rest assured, I cherish EVERY life on this wonderful blue planet of ours. I have muslim colleagues and friends. If I see a muslim injured on the street, I will help that person just as I would help anyone else. And I have slept with some muslim women. Their sexual appetites are just like those of any other healthy woman across the world. :D

My problem is with the book called the "Holy K'uran", which, when you study it in depth, is chock-full-o contradictions and likely outright lies.

Every muslim has the right, in my opinion, to believe whatever he wants. It's none of my business. A muslim can believe that the Earth is flat, as outlined in the K'uran. Go for it, as far as I am concerned. The moment when it DOES become my business is the moment when a muslim decides to act out what is clearly commanded of him in the Suras of the "K'uran" and he starts murdering innocent people or forces conversions of non-believers.

Now, the beginnings of Judaism were also primitive and they were brutal. The G-d of Abraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov is depicted as a vengeful G-d and a number of the death penalty commandments (there are 613 of them in the Tanakh) I consider to be null and void. Jews have outgrown their primitive beginnings. They had a serious internal discussion and came to decisions as to what is to be taken literally in the Tanakh, what is to be taken allegorically and what is to be thrown overboard.

Similary, Christians, once their empire was established, had a brutal and primitive start, just like we Jews. The Crusades were ugly, they were bloody and Christians of that time also had forced conversions and public executions. Not very pretty. This stuff is usually glossed over in history books with innocuous titles like "the excesses of the Church" or some such horseshit. Christians even fought for 30 long years against each other in the 17th century and decimated roughly half of the German speaking region of Europe. Between 3 and 11 million people died in that war, the peace treaty for which was signed by the Catholics in Münster and at the same time by the Protestants in Osnabrück in 1648. They hated each other so much, they couldn't even be in the same room together to sign a fucking peace treaty. It was THAT bad. And that 30 years war was sparked over differences in doctrine and dogma.

However, like their older brethren, the Jews, the Christians (many branches of them) have also had a pretty serious internal discussion as to what is to be taken literally, figuratively or just thrown overboard. Vatican II from 1963 proves this very point. Christianity of today looks nothing like Christianity of 1648.

Islam, the youngest of the three religions that claim to be monotheistic, has yet to have an inner dialogue to sort out and separate itself from it's primitive and barbaric start. It has yet to do what Judaism and Christianity have already done. THAT, I believe, lies at the core of all problems concerning the so-called "clash of civilizations".

Is "Allah" - the Arabic word for "G-d" the same one, true G-d that Jews and Christians worship? I am not qualified to say and would argue that until Islam finally has an real internal debate and makes some changes, none of us will be able to say so for sure.

The argument is also often made that it is harder for Islam to do this, as it has no central ruling figure on Earth such as the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Popes. I used to support this argument, but do not anymore, for Judaism also has no central human ruling figure who guides and dictates doctrine and dogma. And yet, Judaism managed to come out of it's barbaric infancy.

If Islam really wants to be recognized among the great religions of the world, then it must shed it's barbaric infancy and:

1.) fully abandon all physical JIHAD
2.) Outlaw forced conversions
3.) Outlaw Jizyah and all forms of oppression against non-believers
4.) Forbid Takkiyah.

For me, it's really that simple.

seriously? Of course their fake moon god isn't the same God Christians worship.
I'm always amazed at how often Christians and Jews are lectured that the Muslims worship the same God as we do, a statement born out of sheer ignorance and theological illiteracy. The main reason for their argument? Because the word "allah" is used for God in Arabic.

But their allah isn't God, or God is put in a very troubling predicament. To believe so is to believe that God ordered the destruction of Medina, the slaughter of the Jews, and a bloody campaign to convert people by the sword.

But theologically we run into far more difficulty. To say that allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet is to take a giant step backward in how God relates to man. It erases the New Covenant completely and reverts us to a time when men were ruled by religious law and God was inaccessible except by one priest once a year. It's saying that after initiating the Covenant of Grace by which people come freely to God through Jesus Christ, having their sins forgiven through his blood, and becoming saved by faith, not by religious works, God decided to scrap a new and better Covenant and return to the old Covenant with it's inability to save, for the blood sacrifice of animals cannot save unless completed by the work of Christ. The entire book of Hebrews was written to explain in detail why the Old Covenant was insufficient and the New Covenant was far better in every way.

So is allah God? No, he's actually Satan. The oppression of the Muslim religion on its people, its neighbors, on women, and on the world from its 7th century inception to today strikes a very familiar chord. A just God is incapable of the atrocities of Islam, but Satan isn't.

So let's be clear, allah is not God, and one day God will crush allah underfoot and destroy the evil religion of Islam.
Allah and God are the same person with different names.
I'm always amazed at how often Christians and Jews are lectured that the Muslims worship the same God as we do, a statement born out of sheer ignorance and theological illiteracy. The main reason for their argument? Because the word "allah" is used for God in Arabic.

But their allah isn't God, or God is put in a very troubling predicament. To believe so is to believe that God ordered the destruction of Medina, the slaughter of the Jews, and a bloody campaign to convert people by the sword.

But theologically we run into far more difficulty. To say that allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet is to take a giant step backward in how God relates to man. It erases the New Covenant completely and reverts us to a time when men were ruled by religious law and God was inaccessible except by one priest once a year. It's saying that after initiating the Covenant of Grace by which people come freely to God through Jesus Christ, having their sins forgiven through his blood, and becoming saved by faith, not by religious works, God decided to scrap a new and better Covenant and return to the old Covenant with it's inability to save, for the blood sacrifice of animals cannot save unless completed by the work of Christ. The entire book of Hebrews was written to explain in detail why the Old Covenant was insufficient and the New Covenant was far better in every way.

So is allah God? No, he's actually Satan. The oppression of the Muslim religion on its people, its neighbors, on women, and on the world from its 7th century inception to today strikes a very familiar chord. A just God is incapable of the atrocities of Islam, but Satan isn't.

So let's be clear, allah is not God, and one day God will crush allah underfoot and destroy the evil religion of Islam.
I'm always amazed at how often Christians and Jews are lectured that the Muslims worship the same God as we do, a statement born out of sheer ignorance and theological illiteracy. The main reason for their argument? Because the word "allah" is used for God in Arabic.

But their allah isn't God, or God is put in a very troubling predicament. To believe so is to believe that God ordered the destruction of Medina, the slaughter of the Jews, and a bloody campaign to convert people by the sword.

But theologically we run into far more difficulty. To say that allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet is to take a giant step backward in how God relates to man. It erases the New Covenant completely and reverts us to a time when men were ruled by religious law and God was inaccessible except by one priest once a year. It's saying that after initiating the Covenant of Grace by which people come freely to God through Jesus Christ, having their sins forgiven through his blood, and becoming saved by faith, not by religious works, God decided to scrap a new and better Covenant and return to the old Covenant with it's inability to save, for the blood sacrifice of animals cannot save unless completed by the work of Christ. The entire book of Hebrews was written to explain in detail why the Old Covenant was insufficient and the New Covenant was far better in every way.

So is allah God? No, he's actually Satan. The oppression of the Muslim religion on its people, its neighbors, on women, and on the world from its 7th century inception to today strikes a very familiar chord. A just God is incapable of the atrocities of Islam, but Satan isn't.

So let's be clear, allah is not God, and one day God will crush allah underfoot and destroy the evil religion of Islam.
Allah and God are the same person with different names.
c'mon guys--------the "THREE RELIGIONS"-----have, in common----some incidental details-------but they are all
DIFFERENT RELIGIONS---------the word "god" ---
is from GOTT-----like ODIN and THOR-----and all the rest.

that "we all worship the same...." is just silly kumbaya crap
Any deeply spiritual person who has absorbed great wisdom from the Christians, the Jews, the Catholics, and the Muslims knows that God and YHWH and Allah are different "names"/ titles for the same deity.

No religion is perfect. They all have elements that can strengthen you and they all have elements that can weaken you.

Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews all worship the same God, but in different Ways, with slightly different perspectives about the Divine.

Any deeply spiritual person who has absorbed great wisdom from the Christians, the Jews, the Catholics, and the Muslims knows that God and YHWH and Allah are different "names"/ titles for the same deity.

No religion is perfect. They all have elements that can strengthen you and they all have elements that can weaken you.

Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews all worship the same God, but in different Ways, with slightly different perspectives about the Divine.

They cannot be the same God, a case I made through constructive argument in the OP and cannot be refuted by broad generalities and well wishes.
Any deeply spiritual person who has absorbed great wisdom from the Christians, the Jews, the Catholics, and the Muslims knows that God and YHWH and Allah are different "names"/ titles for the same deity.

No religion is perfect. They all have elements that can strengthen you and they all have elements that can weaken you.

Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews all worship the same God, but in different Ways, with slightly different perspectives about the Divine.

any slightly intelligent person who can read and does so----
knows that all religions have stuff in common ------
and the "BIG THREE" do not have more in common with each other than Christianity and Judaism has in common with
Hinduism--------islam is a kinda odd man out
Any deeply spiritual person who has absorbed great wisdom from the Christians, the Jews, the Catholics, and the Muslims knows that God and YHWH and Allah are different "names"/ titles for the same deity.

No religion is perfect. They all have elements that can strengthen you and they all have elements that can weaken you.

Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews all worship the same God, but in different Ways, with slightly different perspectives about the Divine.

Allah is satan.

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