Do Not Impeach Him —— Deport Him


Sep 23, 2010
Here’s a fun prospect:

. . . Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is suing to get President Obama deported.

Shipped out. Sent back. Removed.

“In sum, deportation proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken, a full evidentiary hearing held, and Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from the United States,” Klayman writes in his deportation petition.

Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama
'Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken'
Published: 13 hours ago

Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama

Democrats failed to drum up an impeachment trial certain it would backfire on Republicans à la Bill Clinton. I’m certain that many Americans will be just as upset seeing their president deported if liberals get behind deporting Taqiyya to Africa. Hell, deporting him could become the best October Surprise ever.

There is one problem for Democrats though. Barack Taqiyya is an illegal alien. Pretending they want their guy deported requires a delicate touch. Anything less than surgical precision could backfire on Democrats. At the very least Democrats could end up forcing their guy to appear at a deportation hearing.

Republicans also have a problem. Joe Biden could move into the top spot.
and we should deport bush for starting 2 unfunded wars and cheeney for meeting with the oil co's and jacking up the price of gas or bush for going into iraq when 15 of the 19 hyjackers were from saudi arabia or reagan for legalizing 5 million illegals or clinton for nafta and all the other crap he did to screw the working class ppl or how about the entire right wing congress for not doing anything real to stop illegal immigration? How bout lets deport the fuckers that gave american corporations "personhood"? Or the bastards against a minium wage? Lets deport them. Or every politician that ever lied to us?
Remove the tin hat flanders and insert a brain.
Sounds like an enormous waste of time and tax dollars.
and we should deport bush for starting 2 unfunded wars and cheeney for meeting with the oil co's and jacking up the price of gas or bush for going into iraq when 15 of the 19 hyjackers were from saudi arabia or reagan for legalizing 5 million illegals or clinton for nafta and all the other crap he did to screw the working class ppl or how about the entire right wing congress for not doing anything real to stop illegal immigration? How bout lets deport the fuckers that gave american corporations "personhood"? Or the bastards against a minium wage? Lets deport them. Or every politician that ever lied to us?
Remove the tin hat flanders and insert a brain.

To Windship: At least get your facts straight if you insist on blaming everybody in sight for everything. Instead of moral relativism misdirection try defending the consequences of Taqiyya the Liar’s illegal alien status; this in particular:

“While this deportation proceeding may seem to some to be the work of conservatives who are out to get the president, this is not the case. Barack Obama’s propensity to not tell the truth is now well known, even among his leftist supporters. And, his actions while president [reflects] someone whose actions show that he feels more kinship with his foreign roots and Muslim religious schooling and heritage, than the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation was founded.

Even if the conservatives you cited are sons-of-bitches they are our sons-of-bitches.
The country is in a downward spiral that has been going on for 40 yrs now. In this time we have posted our dislike for the other party. I did it too. What we, you,
have to start believing is that in all this time, we have voted into office candidates(crooks)from all the parties and still our country continues this downward spiral and nothin changes. We vote them in after they lie and bullshit us. In fact, its getting much worse much faster for a number of reasons but we (you) always turn a blind eye on what your guy does. Its ok cause its MY guy. Nothing changes. People that dont understand politics and the economy, but think they do, but they do not, keep on with their uneducated, unimformed and down right ignorant voting. Nothing changes. The crooks walk all over us and nothing changes for us but them...them...They get more power and become wealthier and welthier as they destroy the country. How do they get voted in? Well, because of votors who know dick about shit. Some have no interest in the truth. They vote with their uneducated, uninformed beliefs in hand. Try and enlighten them and they call you names.
The first belief you have to have is that our politicians are all liers intent on helping themselves and nothing else. They aaaaall screw us. So who to vote for? I dont fucking know. Your suppossed to be able to figure that out by yourself.
I used to be a bonified, card carrying, dyed in the wool, mythodical democrat but I saw the light. You know what I do? I dont vote anymore and I stay in the middle. I was forced by our politicians to taks this stance. No one worth voting for? I dont vote. I voted since was 18...Im 59 now and have voted in every Fed, State and local election every year. Voting only matters if there is some one worth voting for and we are never givin this anymore. We are suckers and nothing more. The only road we have is civil disobediance and protest, peacefull or violent. The department of homeland security bought 2700 light armoured vehicles and over 1 billion bulletts? Why?
Our country is being dismantled for the new world economy while we bicker amongst ourselves....
Its sad that the ability to reason disappears when politics is the subject.
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"Here’s a fun prospect:"

If one's definition of 'fun' is partisan ignorance and stupidity, as exhibited in the OP.
Perhaps bullship should take this to heart....

and we should deport bush for starting 2 unfunded wars and cheeney for meeting with the oil co's and jacking up the price of gas or bush for going into iraq when 15 of the 19 hyjackers were from saudi arabia or reagan for legalizing 5 million illegals or clinton for nafta and all the other crap he did to screw the working class ppl or how about the entire right wing congress for not doing anything real to stop illegal immigration? How bout lets deport the fuckers that gave american corporations "personhood"? Or the bastards against a minium wage? Lets deport them. Or every politician that ever lied to us?
Remove the tin hat flanders and insert a brain.

To Windship: At least get your facts straight if you insist on blaming everybody in sight for everything. Instead of moral relativism misdirection try defending the consequences of Taqiyya the Liar’s illegal alien status; this in particular:

“While this deportation proceeding may seem to some to be the work of conservatives who are out to get the president, this is not the case. Barack Obama’s propensity to not tell the truth is now well known, even among his leftist supporters. And, his actions while president [reflects] someone whose actions show that he feels more kinship with his foreign roots and Muslim religious schooling and heritage, than the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation was founded.

Even if the conservatives you cited are sons-of-bitches they are our sons-of-bitches.
and we should deport bush for starting 2 unfunded wars and cheeney for meeting with the oil co's and jacking up the price of gas or bush for going into iraq when 15 of the 19 hyjackers were from saudi arabia or reagan for legalizing 5 million illegals or clinton for nafta and all the other crap he did to screw the working class ppl or how about the entire right wing congress for not doing anything real to stop illegal immigration? How bout lets deport the fuckers that gave american corporations "personhood"? Or the bastards against a minium wage? Lets deport them. Or every politician that ever lied to us?
Remove the tin hat flanders and insert a brain.

To Windship: At least get your facts straight if you insist on blaming everybody in sight for everything. Instead of moral relativism misdirection try defending the consequences of Taqiyya the Liar’s illegal alien status; this in particular:

“While this deportation proceeding may seem to some to be the work of conservatives who are out to get the president, this is not the case. Barack Obama’s propensity to not tell the truth is now well known, even among his leftist supporters. And, his actions while president [reflects] someone whose actions show that he feels more kinship with his foreign roots and Muslim religious schooling and heritage, than the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation was founded.

Even if the conservatives you cited are sons-of-bitches they are our sons-of-bitches.

Isnt our whole legal system setup for the "blame game"? Blame game=holding people accountable for their actions.
Perhaps bullship should take this to heart....

23ifos3.png you whine about liberals.

Now Bullship, you know only subversives whine, we Patriots protest,,,remember that!

And you remember this: Show me where Im wrong or stfu and be thought of as a cheap idiot.

A simple message from a fairly conservative politician should suffice, and if you bitch about the liberal whine, you sir, certainly aren't a stout conservative!

No, Im not. Im not a stout anything except what, through history, has proven been good for The US. Illegal Im. is NOT good for the US.

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