Do Not Impeach Him —— Deport Him

No, Im not. Im not a stout anything except what, through history, has proven been good for The US. Illegal Im. is NOT good for the US.

Even our first truly progressive president agrees, as do I!
Here’s a fun prospect:

. . . Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is suing to get President Obama deported.

Shipped out. Sent back. Removed.

“In sum, deportation proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken, a full evidentiary hearing held, and Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from the United States,” Klayman writes in his deportation petition.

Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama
'Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken'
Published: 13 hours ago

Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama

Democrats failed to drum up an impeachment trial certain it would backfire on Republicans à la Bill Clinton. I’m certain that many Americans will be just as upset seeing their president deported if liberals get behind deporting Taqiyya to Africa. Hell, deporting him could become the best October Surprise ever.

There is one problem for Democrats though. Barack Taqiyya is an illegal alien. Pretending they want their guy deported requires a delicate touch. Anything less than surgical precision could backfire on Democrats. At the very least Democrats could end up forcing their guy to appear at a deportation hearing.

Republicans also have a problem. Joe Biden could move into the top spot.

More cracker fantasy's!!! :laugh2::laugh2:
Wages and bennies have decreaced since 1970. More workers, when we already have enough, only worsens this huge problem.
Wages and bennies have decreaced since 1970. More workers, when we already have enough, only worsens this huge problem.

Go back to the immigration limits that were used in the 60's! Vet ALL that come in, not only for criminal history, but for dreaded disease that the little Central America invaders bring with them! SEAL ALL BORDERS!
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No, Im not. Im not a stout anything except what, through history, has proven been good for The US. Illegal Im. is NOT good for the US.

Even our first truly progressive president agrees, as do I!

Bird Shit, your fucking liberalism has put your supposed JEWISHNESS out in the dumpster!... Look at what your SUPPOSED people are going through and then compare...but, you're too fucking dishonest, like all liberals to come to a logical conclusion!
I love Teddy but
what year was he president??

Why?....Does it matter, the sageness of that paragraph has not changed in over 100years!

The words still sound good but we arent riding horses as our prime source of trasportation anymore

Doesn't matter, we aren't using muskets either!

Thats right. Times changed and we no longer, and havent for a while, need all of this labor here.
Remove Obama and you get Biden. Then Biden gets the sympathy vote in the next go and you get Biden for four more years. By then it'll be a one-party country and you'll have Biden-for-Life tho actuarial tables are a bitch.....
I love Teddy but
what year was he president??

Why?....Does it matter, the sageness of that paragraph has not changed in over 100years!

The words still sound good but we arent riding horses as our prime source of trasportation anymore

Doesn't matter, we aren't using muskets either!

Thats right. Times changed and we no longer, and havent for a while, need all of this labor here.

That is why we LIMIT these people from entering, If you do NOT bring a needed skill, or have a job waiting with family or friends, you are rejected, further, you are NOT ENTITLED to any sort of ENTITLEMENTS UNLESS you become a citizen, and then for 5 years after that!

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