Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.
They are protesting for a New Marxist America, you braindead fuck!

They aren't. Black Lives Matter Just curious, have you guys stopped accusing MLK Jr. of wanting to bring Communism to the USA?

Maybe if your head wasn't firmly lodged in your colon you might would realize that! But you don't and you won't

Pretty sure you just don't want the boat rocked. Sorry, it's rocked, feel free to jump ship like any other parasitic rat.

because you're an absolutely retarded asshat!
When people Google "asshat" it comes up with a picture of you, bitch!

Did you 12 year old niece teach you that one?
Are your jimmies rustled over there?

Who's the 45th president of The United States?

45? Some uncoordinated, sudafed addicted asshole who is in dire need of a tailor, I guess.
Just as I thought, you can't be honest enough to say it. You're dismissed, puddin'.
The TDS actually prevents you from saying it. Therefore nothing you say is of value, because you have brain disease.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.
They are protesting for a New Marxist America, you braindead fuck!

They aren't. Black Lives Matter Just curious, have you guys stopped accusing MLK Jr. of wanting to bring Communism to the USA?

Maybe if your head wasn't firmly lodged in your colon you might would realize that! But you don't and you won't

Pretty sure you just don't want the boat rocked. Sorry, it's rocked, feel free to jump ship like any other parasitic rat.

because you're an absolutely retarded asshat!
When people Google "asshat" it comes up with a picture of you, bitch!

Did you 12 year old niece teach you that one?

" They aren't. Black Lives Matter Just curious, have you guys stopped accusing MLK Jr. of wanting to bring Communism to the USA? "

Of course they are listen to your girl.

I really don't care if some of them claim to be Marxists or not. Fighting for civil rights is still OK in my book.

Not "SOME", the Founders of the movement.

Here, if you aren't too lazy read through this list, it's from the Congressioanl Record of 1963. THIS is what we are watching.
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 Current Communist Goals

" 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press
. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." (Remember these goals were published to expose them in 1958) Coincidence?
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["] united force ["] to solve economic, political or social problems. 43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

What crisis?

The systemic racism that has been going on since the beginning of the country and we hopefully, finally reconcile with it. I know, everything is hunky-dory to you and you probably thought Song of the South was a documentary. Maybe you should listen to some black people tell you their story. And I don't mean for you to cherry pick someone who is making money and branding themselves as a token conservative. I mean real people.

The only systemic racism in this country is in the democrat party.....but you guys don't want to deal with that........

If this country had systemic racism, Black Americans would be in a world of hurt......9 killings by police in a country of over 320 million people would be nothing if there was systemic racism...

If you want to understand what real persecution looks like look at how the socialists dealt with Jewish people in Germany.....or the marxists with their victims...

The United States is the least racist country in the world.....what we have are race hustling poverty pimps using racism as a sword and shield to gain money and power.......

Neat. Still can't keep it on the ground, can you? Instead you can't be bothered to listen or talk to someone who has a different perspective than you. Instead it's this weird commie/marxist shit that nobody cares about anymore.

Moron...the 3 founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.........they don't care about black lives....they simply use racism to achieve their goals.......

That you think BLM doesn't care about race is strictly your interpretation. Do black lives matter? Yes. They say it, you can't.

The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about 0black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
Well no shit. BLM was founded to fight for police reform, moron. That is their stated mission. Your misunderstanding of their cause is not their problem. It's yours, dope.

They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do.

So, if you don't obey every order by the police to the letter you should be dead? I haven't. I've had long drawn out arguments with the cops, they listen to me, they will attempt to calm the situation down. Haven't been put in a choke hold or tazered yet, not even threatened with it.

Did you ever fight with police when they tried to put the handcuffs on you? When they told you to keep your hands out of your jacket, did you put them in your jacket?

Obviously black lives don't matter, because if they did, all these dumb jocks, Hollywood losers, and daytime talk show hosts would be doing something that would actually save lives, and that is promote listening to the police. Because yes, nothing good will come out of fighting with a police officer. You're not going to get away, you might end up injured, and you might even end up dead.

Now even if you are fortunate enough to have those things happen, you added charges to the crime you were being arrested for, which of course means more time spent in jail or prison. Let me tell you something I do know from sources within: Judges give little to no breaks for criminals that assault our police officers. You will not get any favoritism from them, that's for sure.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Me brave? No, he was brave. He caught 1 mofo with something in his hand he was going to throw, and dropped that motherfucker right there with his hand cocked back. That hand never did make it to forward motion.
All rioters should meet that fate, IMO.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.
They are protesting for a New Marxist America, you braindead fuck!

They aren't. Black Lives Matter Just curious, have you guys stopped accusing MLK Jr. of wanting to bring Communism to the USA?

Maybe if your head wasn't firmly lodged in your colon you might would realize that! But you don't and you won't

Pretty sure you just don't want the boat rocked. Sorry, it's rocked, feel free to jump ship like any other parasitic rat.

because you're an absolutely retarded asshat!
When people Google "asshat" it comes up with a picture of you, bitch!

Did you 12 year old niece teach you that one?

" They aren't. Black Lives Matter Just curious, have you guys stopped accusing MLK Jr. of wanting to bring Communism to the USA? "

Of course they are listen to your girl.

I really don't care if some of them claim to be Marxists or not. Fighting for civil rights is still OK in my book.

Not "SOME", the Founders of the movement.

Here, if you aren't too lazy read through this list, it's from the Congressioanl Record of 1963. THIS is what we are watching.
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 Current Communist Goals

" 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press
. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." (Remember these goals were published to expose them in 1958) Coincidence?
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["] united force ["] to solve economic, political or social problems. 43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

I didn't realize how paranoid you are.

Discredit the FBI? Is Trump a part of BLM?
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Me brave? No, he was brave. He caught 1 mofo with something in his hand he was going to throw, and dropped that motherfucker right there with his hand cocked back. That hand never did make it to forward motion.

We agree on something. You seem to be a coward afraid of equality and the future.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.

Then you wouldn't want to be the first one at my door trying to get in. Honey BLM is trying to give you the "Police State".
It takes a real dunce to conflate freedom of speech, which is when the government, e.g. Trump's Administration is punishing you or oppressing you for, exercising your freedom of speech.

Not consequences that the general public and/or private corporations reward you with.

Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Me brave? No, he was brave. He caught 1 mofo with something in his hand he was going to throw, and dropped that motherfucker right there with his hand cocked back. That hand never did make it to forward motion.

We agree on something. You seem to be a coward afraid of equality and the future.
Who's "we"? You and your retarded commie comrade mouse you have in your pocket?
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.

Then you wouldn't want to be the first one at my door trying to get in. Honey BLM is trying to give you the "Police State".

You're right, I'm not interested.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.

Then you wouldn't want to be the first one at my door trying to get in. Honey BLM is trying to give you the "Police State".

You're right, I'm not interested.
Or intelligent, or American.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Me brave? No, he was brave. He caught 1 mofo with something in his hand he was going to throw, and dropped that motherfucker right there with his hand cocked back. That hand never did make it to forward motion.

We agree on something. You seem to be a coward afraid of equality and the future.
Who's "we"? You and your retarded commie comrade mouse you have in your pocket?

You called your imaginary mouse that you assigned to me a retard?

Nope, nothing weird about that at all.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.

Then you wouldn't want to be the first one at my door trying to get in. Honey BLM is trying to give you the "Police State".

You're right, I'm not interested.
Or intelligent, or American.

Yikes. :D
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Me brave? No, he was brave. He caught 1 mofo with something in his hand he was going to throw, and dropped that motherfucker right there with his hand cocked back. That hand never did make it to forward motion.

We agree on something. You seem to be a coward afraid of equality and the future.
Who's "we"? You and your retarded commie comrade mouse you have in your pocket?

You called your imaginary mouse that you assigned to me a retard?

Nope, nothing weird about that at all.
Fuck off, traitor puke.
He probably just has higher standards for what that flag should represent than you.

Yeah, that's the Mulatto's goal, a higher standard.

The American flag represents the country and the people. That's all it stands for. When you disrespect that flag, you disrespect the country and it's people. If this half a hard-on doesn't like this country and it's people, let him try to make multi-millions somewhere else.

Simply put, no.

Then what is their message? That seems to be the only message I can see.
You have not listened. That is what they are protesting about. No one has been listening.

Dodge noted. Let's try this again: what exactly are they protesting about?
If you don't know, it's just more obvious evidence that you haven't been listening. Look it up.

Oh, so you don't know either. Thanks for playing.
You'd be better off asking one of our black activists. I have a (very) general idea, but I'm not wasting my time typing it out for you because you already know and you just want me to say it so you can dismiss it.

You made the claim we did not listen to them. I'm simply asking for some examples. Again, this all started when a cop kneeled on a suspects neck, who happened to be black. He died of that and other medical problems. The officer was arrested before an investigation even started. He will have to answer to the courts on his actions, and defend himself against a murder charge. So how is that not listening?
Kaepernick began kneeling during the anthem in 2016. The right went into apoplectic rage over his disrespect for the flag, as I recall, but how much did anyone pay attention to Kaepernick's point? It is exactly the same point being shouted today, in far less polite terms. THAT was unacceptable as a protest, according to the President and all his supporters. Now, when the final straw hit the camel's back and the black community exploded, everyone is saying huh....
the powers that be had their chance. BLM has been around as an organization since 2013, and all anyone could say about them was to repeat " "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon." I'm a supporter of police, too, but I can still hear what the black community is saying, despite that chant. It didn't drown out everything else they have said, just as kneeling during the anthem didn't stop me from acknowledging what Kaepernick had to say.

Maybe I'm just not easily triggered enough.

Of courses we were upset with that stupid jock disrespecting our flag. If you don't like our flag or what it represents, move to a country that doesn't have our flag.

What was his message, that police just have to tolerate savages when they fight with them, that the criminal should have the upper hand, that no officer should be allowed to use deadly force when needed? That's some message, huh?
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.

NOBODY is condemning the peaceful folks. Not.One.Person.

Then why don't we talk about what they are protesting for? Black Lives Matter.

We would be if their counterparts weren't sucking all the air out of their cause. BTW, Police Reform is happening. Chauvin is in Jail. EVERYONE condemns the treatment of George Floyd. So the real question is this, why won't BLM stop their people from distracting from the "cause"?

Have those who murdered Breonna Taylor been held accountable yet?

There is a huge backload of cases that need addressed. If people back off they won't get addressed.

If people riot and loot they should be shot or charged. If cases have been filed quit crying.

No, people shouldn't be murdered for rioting or looting. Jail, sure. Cold blooded murder, no. You freedom loving idiots and your fantasies about a police state are amusing.
Oh yes they should, it's called keeping the peace from rioting savages. I've seen rioters get shot in the head, bitch.
Rioters trying to kill the NG, boy.

No. I love the race baiting though.
Huh? It was a big black country NG doing the firing, bitch. He shot 2-3 within about 1 second.

Brave behind the keyboard I can see, Mary.
Me brave? No, he was brave. He caught 1 mofo with something in his hand he was going to throw, and dropped that motherfucker right there with his hand cocked back. That hand never did make it to forward motion.

We agree on something. You seem to be a coward afraid of equality and the future.
Who's "we"? You and your retarded commie comrade mouse you have in your pocket?

You called your imaginary mouse that you assigned to me a retard?

Nope, nothing weird about that at all.
Fuck off, traitor puke.

Is this your best material? You're a funny guy, seriously. I totally mean that.
Did you ever fight with police when they tried to put the handcuffs on you? When they told you to keep your hands out of your jacket, did you put them in your jacket?

I'm sure he hasn't, but you can be damn sure that he has had some very stern words for his Mom when she was late bringing down his plate of cookies to nibble on as he plays world of warcraft!

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