Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

Since racism is a political tool, it will always be used,.
Neat, but the differences matter. Our time and place in history matters. Yes racism will always be used...just like the millions of fucking morons calling BLM racist.
There are now more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history, and we want to focus on the slavery in the 1800's? How so?

Is a country that elected Obama twice a racist country?
Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
This is the exact same type chit that the socialist Nazis did in the 30's and 40's-----------attack anyone and destroy anyone that says anything bad about the socialists/nazis and was one of the major factors that allow Hitler to take over. They also promised freebies to everyone and told the drug/alcoholic/criminal class that they too were the victim of the man and owed reparations from the Jews and government.
I'm reminded every day of the National socialists every time I turn on the news.

They now have a solute much like the Nazi regime as they march through the streets


They censor conservatives on social media and the general media

this reminds me of the Nazi book burnings


Or they shout you down at universities in their "safe zones" for their dangerous ideas and offensive speech.

Or how about all the looting and violence? Reminds of the night of broken glass as the Nazi regime blamed all of their problems on the Jews, much like the Left blames Trump and the police for all their problems today


We are no longer a free people.
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Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
Well sure, if you are an NBA announcer.
Or a Dean of a school who said black lives matter as well as all lives

Where does it end exactly?
A fine question. I dont know. I do know that the pushback against decades of systemic racism is going to have its moments where it goes too far. But thats part of what pushback is.
Since racism is a political tool, it will always be used,.

The only question becomes, which color skin is in and which is out depending on who is in power.

The injustice comes from the never ending political ilk that use it as a tool to achieve their never ending goals as wronging people will be rationalized to make up for past wrongs.

Absolutely correct. What would happen to the Democrat party if race issues and racism died in the minds of people in our country? What would they run on? How would they attract the black vote if not for brainwashing that they are out to protect them from all the evil racism in the country, particularly from the right?
Absolutely correct. What would happen to the Democrat party if race issues and racism died in the minds of people in our country? What would they run on? How would they attract the black vote if not for brainwashing that they are out to protect them from all the evil racism in the country, particularly from the right?
Double distilled absolutely correct, isn't it? Is that why some guys wear an earring only in their left ear, because of all the hate and prejudice and double standards on the right? Or maybe you need to wear your gun on your left hip or under your right shoulder if you're a leftist, because then it's a little bit easier to cross-draw and shoot toward the right field. Okay, I see now. That's the way it is.

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