Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?

1. Attempting to prevent a colonial power from establishing a settler colony on one's land is not only not a criminal offense, it is a duty of the people in the process of being colonized, to resist colonization.

I don't like to use Wiki because there is an acknowledged high level of organized editing of articles that have to do with the I/P conflict, especially via the Hasbara project. But, since the definition of settler colonialism is not that controversial, U.S., Australian, New Zealand academics freely admit that their respective countries are settler colonial projects, I am using it here. The Wiki definition of settler colonialism applies to the Zionist project.

"Settler colonialism is a form of colonial formation whereby foreign family units move into a region. An imperial power oversees the immigration of these settlers who consent, often only temporarily, to government by that authority. This colonization sometimes leads, by a variety of means, to depopulation of the previous inhabitants, and the settlers take over the land left vacant by the previous residents. Unlike other forms of colonialism, the "colonizing authority" (the imperial power) is not always the same nationality as the "colonizing workforce" (the settlers) in cases of settler colonialism. The settlers are, however, generally viewed by the colonizing authority as racially superior to the previous inhabitants, giving their social movements and political demands greater legitimacy than those of colonized peoples in the eyes of the home government.

Land is the key resource in settler colonies, whereas natural (e.g. gold, cotton, oil) and human (e.g. labor, existing trade networks, convertible souls) resources are the main motivation behind other forms of colonialism. Normal colonialism typically ends, whereas settler colonialism lasts indefinitely, except in the rare event of complete evacuation (e.g., the Lost Colony of Roanoke) or settler decolonization. The historian of race and settler colonialism Patrick Wolfe writes that "settler colonialism destroys to replace" and insists that "invasion", in settler colonial contexts, is "a structure, not an event".

Settler colonialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The "tribes" lived on the Arabian peninsula, they did not come from another continent to colonize the peninsula.

The problem is that the European Jews were not colonists but invited citizens of Palestine, it was the arab muslims that were the aggressive colonisers as shown by the number of attacks since 635 C.E. when they first invaded to colonise the M.E.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I think that like most Muslim populations of the greater Middle East and Gulf States, few of those in the tribes were able to grasp and understand the intent and purpose of the post-WW1 Mandates. Nor were these populations to understand the unification effort of the military and political campaigns, in which the various Arab tribes, Sheikhdoms, and Emirates, on most of the Arabian Peninsula were gradually inducted by the House of Saud into a single Kingdom --- Saudi Arabia came into existence on 23 September 1932.

Israel singled itself out. In all of the other countries mentioned the natives still live in their homeland.

In the case of Israel the natives got the boot. So Israel is the odd one out by its own choice.

And in general, the attmpt to over throw the newly formed government of Israel was a major criminal offense.

This is not truly colonialism, just the same as the unification of the tribes by the House of Saud was not empire building.

Most Respectfully,
And in general, the attmpt to over throw the newly formed government of Israel was a major criminal offense.​

How so?

Because it went against International law, UN charter and the UN resolutions. So the UN should have mobilised a task force to take out the arab armies and withdraw membership to all arab muslim nations. Then take their mandates away from them and send them all back where they came from
1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.

Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board
1. Attempting to prevent a colonial power from establishing a settler colony on one's land is not only not a criminal offense, it is a duty of the people in the process of being colonized, to resist colonization.

I don't like to use Wiki because there is an acknowledged high level of organized editing of articles that have to do with the I/P conflict, especially via the Hasbara project. But, since the definition of settler colonialism is not that controversial, U.S., Australian, New Zealand academics freely admit that their respective countries are settler colonial projects, I am using it here. The Wiki definition of settler colonialism applies to the Zionist project.

"Settler colonialism is a form of colonial formation whereby foreign family units move into a region. An imperial power oversees the immigration of these settlers who consent, often only temporarily, to government by that authority. This colonization sometimes leads, by a variety of means, to depopulation of the previous inhabitants, and the settlers take over the land left vacant by the previous residents. Unlike other forms of colonialism, the "colonizing authority" (the imperial power) is not always the same nationality as the "colonizing workforce" (the settlers) in cases of settler colonialism. The settlers are, however, generally viewed by the colonizing authority as racially superior to the previous inhabitants, giving their social movements and political demands greater legitimacy than those of colonized peoples in the eyes of the home government.

Land is the key resource in settler colonies, whereas natural (e.g. gold, cotton, oil) and human (e.g. labor, existing trade networks, convertible souls) resources are the main motivation behind other forms of colonialism. Normal colonialism typically ends, whereas settler colonialism lasts indefinitely, except in the rare event of complete evacuation (e.g., the Lost Colony of Roanoke) or settler decolonization. The historian of race and settler colonialism Patrick Wolfe writes that "settler colonialism destroys to replace" and insists that "invasion", in settler colonial contexts, is "a structure, not an event".

Settler colonialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The "tribes" lived on the Arabian peninsula, they did not come from another continent to colonize the peninsula.

The problem is that the European Jews were not colonists but invited citizens of Palestine, it was the arab muslims that were the aggressive colonisers as shown by the number of attacks since 635 C.E. when they first invaded to colonise the M.E.

How does "being invited" transform a colonist into something else? How could they have been citizens of Palestine before they went to Palestine?
What does it say Toast?

That you're a pathetic, desperate propagandist who's hatred of Jews has driven you insane. :clap2:
I dunno Roudy every one at times uses Propaganda but only Israel have made it an Art Form over the past 50 years.........Glass Houses Roudy,Glass Houses.....steve

Then you haven't been paying attention to the arab muslim propaganda that has existed for the last 100 years. Israel has kept to the UN charter that forbids propaganda as a weapon, can you say the same about the P.A.
P F Tinmore, et al,

These were direct attacks against Civilians and Civilian Objects --- which were protected against attack under Rules #6, #10, and #21, at a minimum, Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

And in general, the attmpt to over throw the newly formed government of Israel was a major criminal offense.​

How so?

Chapter I --- Article 2 --- Clause 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Most Respectfully,
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first
1. Attempting to prevent a colonial power from establishing a settler colony on one's land is not only not a criminal offense, it is a duty of the people in the process of being colonized, to resist colonization.

I don't like to use Wiki because there is an acknowledged high level of organized editing of articles that have to do with the I/P conflict, especially via the Hasbara project. But, since the definition of settler colonialism is not that controversial, U.S., Australian, New Zealand academics freely admit that their respective countries are settler colonial projects, I am using it here. The Wiki definition of settler colonialism applies to the Zionist project.

"Settler colonialism is a form of colonial formation whereby foreign family units move into a region. An imperial power oversees the immigration of these settlers who consent, often only temporarily, to government by that authority. This colonization sometimes leads, by a variety of means, to depopulation of the previous inhabitants, and the settlers take over the land left vacant by the previous residents. Unlike other forms of colonialism, the "colonizing authority" (the imperial power) is not always the same nationality as the "colonizing workforce" (the settlers) in cases of settler colonialism. The settlers are, however, generally viewed by the colonizing authority as racially superior to the previous inhabitants, giving their social movements and political demands greater legitimacy than those of colonized peoples in the eyes of the home government.

Land is the key resource in settler colonies, whereas natural (e.g. gold, cotton, oil) and human (e.g. labor, existing trade networks, convertible souls) resources are the main motivation behind other forms of colonialism. Normal colonialism typically ends, whereas settler colonialism lasts indefinitely, except in the rare event of complete evacuation (e.g., the Lost Colony of Roanoke) or settler decolonization. The historian of race and settler colonialism Patrick Wolfe writes that "settler colonialism destroys to replace" and insists that "invasion", in settler colonial contexts, is "a structure, not an event".

Settler colonialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The "tribes" lived on the Arabian peninsula, they did not come from another continent to colonize the peninsula.

The problem is that the European Jews were not colonists but invited citizens of Palestine, it was the arab muslims that were the aggressive colonisers as shown by the number of attacks since 635 C.E. when they first invaded to colonise the M.E.

How does "being invited" transform a colonist into something else? How could they have been citizens of Palestine before they went to Palestine?

Because that is what the International law of the time said, and it was the arab muslims that illegally migrated to Palestine as your link showed after Roudy had posted the rest of the details.
I post the relevant text you nitwit. The reports are hundreds of pages long. There is no manipulation. I have never been destroyed by any of you propagandists. Quit dreaming, I only post fact, supported by fact. Your propaganda is unveiled as such through the posting of fact, so your only defense is making false claims.

Losing the argument again Abdul as you are acting like a spoilt brat and resorting to personal abuse and LIES
1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.

Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board

It is colonial settler academic blog and was indicated that it was a site for experts in this particular field. If you have a different definition of settler colonialism please point us to it.
1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.

Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board

It is colonial settler academic blog and was indicated that it was a site for experts in this particular field. If you have a different definition of settler colonialism please point us to it.

Still just a BLOG and they are just the authors own personal views and have no founding in reality. I don't need to point anything other than you are using propaganda again and spamming
What does it say Toast?

That you're a pathetic, desperate propagandist who's hatred of Jews has driven you insane. :clap2:
I dunno Roudy every one at times uses Propaganda but only Israel have made it an Art Form over the past 50 years.........Glass Houses Roudy,Glass Houses.....steve

Then you haven't been paying attention to the arab muslim propaganda that has existed for the last 100 years. Israel has kept to the UN charter that forbids propaganda as a weapon, can you say the same about the P.A.

Most of the organized propaganda comes out of Israel. They have organized propaganda organizations like the Hasbara project. Aren't you part of it?

"The hasbara onslaught inevitably cranks up when Israel is being strongly criticized. There were notable surges in activity when Israel attacked Gaza in 2009 and 2012, as well as when it hijacked the Turkish humanitarian relief ship the Mavi Marmarain 2011. The recent Gaza fighting has inevitably followed suit, producing a perfect storm of pro-Israel commentary. The comments tend to appear in large numbers on websites where moderation and registration requirements are minimal, including Yahoo! News, or Facebook and Twitter. Sites like TAC as well as leading national newspapers have much stricter management control over who comments, and are generally avoided."

Israel s Information Ops The American Conservative
1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.

Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board

It is colonial settler academic blog and was indicated that it was a site for experts in this particular field. If you have a different definition of settler colonialism please point us to it.

Still just a BLOG and they are just the authors own personal views and have no founding in reality. I don't need to point anything other than you are using propaganda again and spamming

If you have a better definition post it. How is posting an alternative definition (to the wiki version) of settler colonialism, which basically says the same thing, propaganda? And, more to the point, how is it possibly spamming? You consistently make false accusations about other posters. When will you stop?
P F Tinmore, et al,

These were direct attacks against Civilians and Civilian Objects --- which were protected against attack under Rules #6, #10, and #21, at a minimum, Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

And in general, the attmpt to over throw the newly formed government of Israel was a major criminal offense.​

How so?

Chapter I --- Article 2 --- Clause 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Most Respectfully,
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.
What does it say Toast?

That you're a pathetic, desperate propagandist who's hatred of Jews has driven you insane. :clap2:
I dunno Roudy every one at times uses Propaganda but only Israel have made it an Art Form over the past 50 years.........Glass Houses Roudy,Glass Houses.....steve

Then you haven't been paying attention to the arab muslim propaganda that has existed for the last 100 years. Israel has kept to the UN charter that forbids propaganda as a weapon, can you say the same about the P.A.

Most of the organized propaganda comes out of Israel. They have organized propaganda organizations like the Hasbara project. Aren't you part of it?

"The hasbara onslaught inevitably cranks up when Israel is being strongly criticized. There were notable surges in activity when Israel attacked Gaza in 2009 and 2012, as well as when it hijacked the Turkish humanitarian relief ship the Mavi Marmarain 2011. The recent Gaza fighting has inevitably followed suit, producing a perfect storm of pro-Israel commentary. The comments tend to appear in large numbers on websites where moderation and registration requirements are minimal, including Yahoo! News, or Facebook and Twitter. Sites like TAC as well as leading national newspapers have much stricter management control over who comments, and are generally avoided."

Israel s Information Ops The American Conservative

Guess you have not kept up with recent admissions on here that show once and for all that hasbara was a student group hat died a death many years ago. But like the protocols the muslims have turned it into propaganda.

You lose again abdul
1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.

Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board

It is colonial settler academic blog and was indicated that it was a site for experts in this particular field. If you have a different definition of settler colonialism please point us to it.

Still just a BLOG and they are just the authors own personal views and have no founding in reality. I don't need to point anything other than you are using propaganda again and spamming

If you have a better definition post it. How is posting an alternative definition (to the wiki version) of settler colonialism, which basically says the same thing, propaganda? And, more to the point, how is it possibly spamming? You consistently make false accusations about other posters. When will you stop?

Look at the source it is pure pallywood fiction.
P F Tinmore, et al,

These were direct attacks against Civilians and Civilian Objects --- which were protected against attack under Rules #6, #10, and #21, at a minimum, Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

And in general, the attmpt to over throw the newly formed government of Israel was a major criminal offense.​

How so?

Chapter I --- Article 2 --- Clause 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Most Respectfully,
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one


Your go
What does it say Toast?

That you're a pathetic, desperate propagandist who's hatred of Jews has driven you insane. :clap2:
I dunno Roudy every one at times uses Propaganda but only Israel have made it an Art Form over the past 50 years.........Glass Houses Roudy,Glass Houses.....steve

Then you haven't been paying attention to the arab muslim propaganda that has existed for the last 100 years. Israel has kept to the UN charter that forbids propaganda as a weapon, can you say the same about the P.A.

Most of the organized propaganda comes out of Israel. They have organized propaganda organizations like the Hasbara project. Aren't you part of it?

"The hasbara onslaught inevitably cranks up when Israel is being strongly criticized. There were notable surges in activity when Israel attacked Gaza in 2009 and 2012, as well as when it hijacked the Turkish humanitarian relief ship the Mavi Marmarain 2011. The recent Gaza fighting has inevitably followed suit, producing a perfect storm of pro-Israel commentary. The comments tend to appear in large numbers on websites where moderation and registration requirements are minimal, including Yahoo! News, or Facebook and Twitter. Sites like TAC as well as leading national newspapers have much stricter management control over who comments, and are generally avoided."

Israel s Information Ops The American Conservative

Guess you have not kept up with recent admissions on here that show once and for all that hasbara was a student group hat died a death many years ago. But like the protocols the muslims have turned it into propaganda.

You lose again abdul

Very strange, since you can apply for a Hasbara Fellowship today, right here. How is it possible that you are always, always wrong? Maybe it's because you have difficulty with facts.

Hasbara Fellowships - Homepage
P F Tinmore, et al,

These were direct attacks against Civilians and Civilian Objects --- which were protected against attack under Rules #6, #10, and #21, at a minimum, Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

And in general, the attmpt to over throw the newly formed government of Israel was a major criminal offense.​

How so?

Chapter I --- Article 2 --- Clause 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Most Respectfully,
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one


Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

BTW, what country did they propose to partition?
montelatici, Phoenall, et al,

Development-induced displacement and resettlement (DIDR), colonialism, and colonization are all concepts with distinct philosophies associated even though they may have some points of commonality; and from a professional standpoint (as opposed to the layman's view) notoriously difficult to distinguish and defined.

1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.
Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board
It is colonial settler academic blog and was indicated that it was a site for experts in this particular field. If you have a different definition of settler colonialism please point us to it.
Still just a BLOG and they are just the authors own personal views and have no founding in reality. I don't need to point anything other than you are using propaganda again and spamming
If you have a better definition post it. How is posting an alternative definition (to the wiki version) of settler colonialism, which basically says the same thing, propaganda? And, more to the point, how is it possibly spamming? You consistently make false accusations about other posters. When will you stop?

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Definition of Colonialism & Colonization
5 Policies and international instruments relevant to DIDR 5.1 The development of policies, standards, and guidelines on involuntary resettlement


All three of these concepts are ethically complex issue, in which cultural and international interest and distributive concerns stand in tension with self-determination and individual rights protecting against harm and coercion. This is made even more complex depending on the evolutionary time frame relative to advancements and considerations --- and --- relative to self-determination and individual rights. As it pertains the territory and people, to which the Mandate for Palestine applied, several sets of ethics are addressed and become relative as the concepts and philosophies behind "self-determination and individual rights" changed and developed over time. "Key among these are the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, formulated by a team of international legal scholars and presented to the United Nations in 1998. These were the first guidelines developed within the context of human rights and humanitarian law to address internal displacement and development-induced displacement." And again, depending on the --- time frame --- the specific territory --- and traumatic event(s) involved, there are several different groups that hold the characteristic of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) that share outward similarities, yet are motivated by entirely different circumstances and concepts.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
1. The duty of persons to defend themselves from invaders, particularly invaders planning to dispossess them is based on natural law.

2. Among the experts, there is a difference between simple colonialism and settler colonialism. There is a website dedicated to the subject.

"Settler colonialism is a global and transnational phenomenon, and as much a thing of the past as a thing of the present. There is no such thing as neo-settler colonialism or post-settler colonialism because settler colonialism is a resilient formation that rarely ends. Not all migrants are settlers; as Patrick Wolfe has noted, settlers come to stay. They are founders of political orders who carry with them a distinct sovereign capacity. And settler colonialism is not colonialism: settlers want Indigenous people to vanish (but can make use of their labour before they are made to disappear). Sometimes settler colonial forms operate within colonial ones, sometimes they subvert them, sometimes they replace them. But even if colonialism and settler colonialism interpenetrate and overlap, they remain separate as they co-define each other."

definition settler colonial studies blog

3. Whether colonists migrate legally or illegally to form a colony, makes very little difference. The Italian colonists that colonized Tunisia (they outnumbered the French colonists 3 to 1) were legal colonists though not from the colonizing power. It did not make them any less "colonists" and were treated no different from the French when the native Tunisians were able to force decolonization.

4. The people on the Arabian peninsula were living in the land, they were not colonists. The European Jews came from Europe and were not living on the land that was colonized. I hope you can comprehend the distinction.

Using a BLOG to spam the board now Abdul, you really are desperate to win a point aren't you. Now go away and play with the rest of the islamomorons who have been destroyed on this board

It is colonial settler academic blog and was indicated that it was a site for experts in this particular field. If you have a different definition of settler colonialism please point us to it.

Still just a BLOG and they are just the authors own personal views and have no founding in reality. I don't need to point anything other than you are using propaganda again and spamming

If you have a better definition post it. How is posting an alternative definition (to the wiki version) of settler colonialism, which basically says the same thing, propaganda? And, more to the point, how is it possibly spamming? You consistently make false accusations about other posters. When will you stop?

Look at the source it is pure pallywood fiction.

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