Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?

Hey Monte I'm just wondering when I'm going to get a link from a legit source showing the Jews "evicted" the Arabs. We're going now four days and so far you've come up with Jack Shiite. :lmao:
Sorry, I thought you read it the 3 other times I posted it.

"a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?
That you're a pathetic, desperate propagandist who's hatred of Jews has driven you insane. :clap2:
I dunno Roudy every one at times uses Propaganda but only Israel have made it an Art Form over the past 50 years.........Glass Houses Roudy,Glass Houses.....steve

Then you haven't been paying attention to the arab muslim propaganda that has existed for the last 100 years. Israel has kept to the UN charter that forbids propaganda as a weapon, can you say the same about the P.A.

Most of the organized propaganda comes out of Israel. They have organized propaganda organizations like the Hasbara project. Aren't you part of it?

"The hasbara onslaught inevitably cranks up when Israel is being strongly criticized. There were notable surges in activity when Israel attacked Gaza in 2009 and 2012, as well as when it hijacked the Turkish humanitarian relief ship the Mavi Marmarain 2011. The recent Gaza fighting has inevitably followed suit, producing a perfect storm of pro-Israel commentary. The comments tend to appear in large numbers on websites where moderation and registration requirements are minimal, including Yahoo! News, or Facebook and Twitter. Sites like TAC as well as leading national newspapers have much stricter management control over who comments, and are generally avoided."

Israel s Information Ops The American Conservative

Guess you have not kept up with recent admissions on here that show once and for all that hasbara was a student group hat died a death many years ago. But like the protocols the muslims have turned it into propaganda.

You lose again abdul

Very strange, since you can apply for a Hasbara Fellowship today, right here. How is it possible that you are always, always wrong? Maybe it's because you have difficulty with facts.

Hasbara Fellowships - Homepage

And what does it mean. I can also apply for hamas fellowship does that mean I will

Here you go their mission that is very innocent compared to the islamomoron illegal propaganda mission that is based on RACISM, RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE and Islamic commands to KILL THE JEWS
P F Tinmore, et al,

These were direct attacks against Civilians and Civilian Objects --- which were protected against attack under Rules #6, #10, and #21, at a minimum, Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).


Chapter I --- Article 2 --- Clause 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Most Respectfully,
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one


Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

BTW, what country did they propose to partition?

None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
Sorry, I thought you read it the 3 other times I posted it.

"a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Have you checked the credentials of the source yet, I will let you figure it out ?
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one


Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

BTW, what country did they propose to partition?

None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
That was a 1947 map not 1923.
Phoenall, P F Tinmore, et al,

I see that you both are a little off-target here.

How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.
There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one

Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.
BTW, what country did they propose to partition?
None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
That was a 1947 map not 1923.

The question posed was:
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

The UN Charter on territorial Integrity is written as a prohibition.

Article 2 UN CHARTER
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
You have to look at it in terms of "elements of the offense." In this case, you don't prove the "status of who ("Members shall refrain") was violated" (ie "crossing into Israel"); but instead who "did not refrain" (from the charter), what was use in violation ("force"), under what intent ("against the territorial integrity or political independence").
  • The Arab Combatants (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) did not refrain from the use of military force.
  • The Arab Combatants used the force outside their respective and individual territorial sovereignties; beyond their jurisdiction "against the territorial integrity" of another.
  • The Arab Combatants used force, outside their jurisdiction, against the territory not sovereign to them, in which another peoples have declared "political independence."
There are very few official maps that track, moment to moment, how the Forward Edge of Battle (FEBA) moves back and forth. What we have seen are Maps or Agreements that indicate the Armistice Lines (a demarcation between forces that separate the belligerents). In the case of the third party non-combatants (The Palestinians), it is a pause in which the opposing force allow political forces to establish a more permanent peace.

There is not question that the Arab Forces (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) were locked in combat. There is not question where, by mutual agreement, the FEBA for each of these force came to rest (Armistice Lines). And, as far as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are concerned, the permanent international borders as described and ratified by the Israelis and the hostile parties of Egypt and Jordan, are established.

If there is a question to be asked, the question would be, where is the State of Palestine, since the boundaries between Israel and the borders of Egypt and Jordan are established. Well the answer is: That Israel allowed the Palestinians to exercise their self-determination and declare independence. But the recognized international borders are as defined by treaty between the sovereign nations that were locked in conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?

Allow me.

Israel s Transfer Committee Ethnic Cleansing and an enormous process of destruction

Why Israel is Wrong The Case Against Israel s System of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing
Last edited:
How about you post a 1923 map of Palestine that states Nation of Palestine first

I asked first.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one


Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

BTW, what country did they propose to partition?

None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
That was a 1947 map not 1923.

Your claim is that the nation of Palestine was created by the Mandate for Palestine in 1923, so produce your map with the legend Nation of Palestine dated 1923 ?
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?

Allow me.

Israel s Transfer Committee Ethnic Cleansing and an enormous process of destruction

Why Israel is Wrong The Case Against Israel s System of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing

Talk about scraping the barrel, you are actually underneath it with these links

The HyperTexts is an on-line poetry journal with a simple goal: to showcase the best poetry, literary prose and art available to us. We are not a "formal" journal or a "free verse" journal; we simply publish the best poetry we can find. We ask our poets to provide us with their career-defining work (that is, career-defining in their opinion, not someone else's); thus, most of our poems have been published elsewhere. While other poetry journals seem to quail at the thought of their poems having been read elsewhere, we sincerely doubt that anyone has ever been harmed by reading good poems more than once.

from your links so showing they are not what was asked for
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?

Allow me.

Israel s Transfer Committee Ethnic Cleansing and an enormous process of destruction

Why Israel is Wrong The Case Against Israel s System of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing

Talk about scraping the barrel, you are actually underneath it with these links

The HyperTexts is an on-line poetry journal with a simple goal: to showcase the best poetry, literary prose and art available to us. We are not a "formal" journal or a "free verse" journal; we simply publish the best poetry we can find. We ask our poets to provide us with their career-defining work (that is, career-defining in their opinion, not someone else's); thus, most of our poems have been published elsewhere. While other poetry journals seem to quail at the thought of their poems having been read elsewhere, we sincerely doubt that anyone has ever been harmed by reading good poems more than once.

from your links so showing they are not what was asked for

The site also includes texts sourced about the Nakba including works and quotes by prominent Jewish intellectuals.

Jewish Intellectuals Who Have Opposed Zionism and or Israeli Racism Inustices Apartheid and or Ethnic Cleansing

Unless you can disprove the information provided it's a valid "one stop shop" that saves me the time and effort of digging out the original information. So yes it does show what was asked for; prove otherwise.
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?

Allow me.

Israel s Transfer Committee Ethnic Cleansing and an enormous process of destruction

Why Israel is Wrong The Case Against Israel s System of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing

IslamoNazi sources? Thanks, I was running out of toilet paper. :lmao:
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?

Allow me.

Israel s Transfer Committee Ethnic Cleansing and an enormous process of destruction

Why Israel is Wrong The Case Against Israel s System of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing

Talk about scraping the barrel, you are actually underneath it with these links

The HyperTexts is an on-line poetry journal with a simple goal: to showcase the best poetry, literary prose and art available to us. We are not a "formal" journal or a "free verse" journal; we simply publish the best poetry we can find. We ask our poets to provide us with their career-defining work (that is, career-defining in their opinion, not someone else's); thus, most of our poems have been published elsewhere. While other poetry journals seem to quail at the thought of their poems having been read elsewhere, we sincerely doubt that anyone has ever been harmed by reading good poems more than once.

from your links so showing they are not what was asked for

The site also includes texts sourced about the Nakba including works and quotes by prominent Jewish intellectuals.

Jewish Intellectuals Who Have Opposed Zionism and or Israeli Racism Inustices Apartheid and or Ethnic Cleansing

Unless you can disprove the information provided it's a valid "one stop shop" that saves me the time and effort of digging out the original information. So yes it does show what was asked for; prove otherwise.

So, no OFFICIAL sites proving that actual evictions and ethnic cleansing occurred. Just bullshit opinions, IslamoNazi sites, speculations, and false propaganda.

Like I thought.

You got nothin'.
Is that all you got. Try again moron. Refugees as a result of the Arabs attacking Israel, don't count and neither does an "opinion" of Le Monde De Fifi De Poopo magazine.

Your claim, the European Jews "colonized" the land and then "evicted" the Arabs. Where's your proof, do you have a link from an official document? Or is it just this speculative garbaggio?

Allow me.

Israel s Transfer Committee Ethnic Cleansing and an enormous process of destruction

Why Israel is Wrong The Case Against Israel s System of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing

Talk about scraping the barrel, you are actually underneath it with these links

The HyperTexts is an on-line poetry journal with a simple goal: to showcase the best poetry, literary prose and art available to us. We are not a "formal" journal or a "free verse" journal; we simply publish the best poetry we can find. We ask our poets to provide us with their career-defining work (that is, career-defining in their opinion, not someone else's); thus, most of our poems have been published elsewhere. While other poetry journals seem to quail at the thought of their poems having been read elsewhere, we sincerely doubt that anyone has ever been harmed by reading good poems more than once.

from your links so showing they are not what was asked for

The site also includes texts sourced about the Nakba including works and quotes by prominent Jewish intellectuals.

Jewish Intellectuals Who Have Opposed Zionism and or Israeli Racism Inustices Apartheid and or Ethnic Cleansing

Unless you can disprove the information provided it's a valid "one stop shop" that saves me the time and effort of digging out the original information. So yes it does show what was asked for; prove otherwise.

Still not an official document which is what you were asked for, having trouble understanding English now ?
Phoenall, P F Tinmore, et al,

I see that you both are a little off-target here.


I asked first.
There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one

Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.
BTW, what country did they propose to partition?
None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
That was a 1947 map not 1923.

The question posed was:
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

The UN Charter on territorial Integrity is written as a prohibition.

Article 2 UN CHARTER
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
You have to look at it in terms of "elements of the offense." In this case, you don't prove the "status of who ("Members shall refrain") was violated" (ie "crossing into Israel"); but instead who "did not refrain" (from the charter), what was use in violation ("force"), under what intent ("against the territorial integrity or political independence").
  • The Arab Combatants (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) did not refrain from the use of military force.
  • The Arab Combatants used the force outside their respective and individual territorial sovereignties; beyond their jurisdiction "against the territorial integrity" of another.
  • The Arab Combatants used force, outside their jurisdiction, against the territory not sovereign to them, in which another peoples have declared "political independence."
There are very few official maps that track, moment to moment, how the Forward Edge of Battle (FEBA) moves back and forth. What we have seen are Maps or Agreements that indicate the Armistice Lines (a demarcation between forces that separate the belligerents). In the case of the third party non-combatants (The Palestinians), it is a pause in which the opposing force allow political forces to establish a more permanent peace.

There is not question that the Arab Forces (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) were locked in combat. There is not question where, by mutual agreement, the FEBA for each of these force came to rest (Armistice Lines). And, as far as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are concerned, the permanent international borders as described and ratified by the Israelis and the hostile parties of Egypt and Jordan, are established.

If there is a question to be asked, the question would be, where is the State of Palestine, since the boundaries between Israel and the borders of Egypt and Jordan are established. Well the answer is: That Israel allowed the Palestinians to exercise their self-determination and declare independence. But the recognized international borders are as defined by treaty between the sovereign nations that were locked in conflict.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, all that verbosity while ducking the question.

How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?
WOW, all that verbosity while ducking the question.
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?
None of that matters any more.
Israel invaded Jordan in a war Israel did not start. In doing so, it captured and then occupied the West Bank. part of the state of Jordan.
In 1988, Jordan gave up the West Bank, reaffirming this cession of territory, by treaty, in 1994.
And so, regardless of anything laid down by the UN in 1947/48, the West Bank, under international law, belongs to Israel.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You just don't get it.

Phoenall, P F Tinmore, et al,

I see that you both are a little off-target here.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one

Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.
BTW, what country did they propose to partition?
None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
That was a 1947 map not 1923.

The question posed was:
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

The UN Charter on territorial Integrity is written as a prohibition.

Article 2 UN CHARTER
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
You have to look at it in terms of "elements of the offense." In this case, you don't prove the "status of who ("Members shall refrain") was violated" (ie "crossing into Israel"); but instead who "did not refrain" (from the charter), what was use in violation ("force"), under what intent ("against the territorial integrity or political independence").
  • The Arab Combatants (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) did not refrain from the use of military force.
  • The Arab Combatants used the force outside their respective and individual territorial sovereignties; beyond their jurisdiction "against the territorial integrity" of another.
  • The Arab Combatants used force, outside their jurisdiction, against the territory not sovereign to them, in which another peoples have declared "political independence."
There are very few official maps that track, moment to moment, how the Forward Edge of Battle (FEBA) moves back and forth. What we have seen are Maps or Agreements that indicate the Armistice Lines (a demarcation between forces that separate the belligerents). In the case of the third party non-combatants (The Palestinians), it is a pause in which the opposing force allow political forces to establish a more permanent peace.

There is not question that the Arab Forces (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) were locked in combat. There is not question where, by mutual agreement, the FEBA for each of these force came to rest (Armistice Lines). And, as far as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are concerned, the permanent international borders as described and ratified by the Israelis and the hostile parties of Egypt and Jordan, are established.

If there is a question to be asked, the question would be, where is the State of Palestine, since the boundaries between Israel and the borders of Egypt and Jordan are established. Well the answer is: That Israel allowed the Palestinians to exercise their self-determination and declare independence. But the recognized international borders are as defined by treaty between the sovereign nations that were locked in conflict.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, all that verbosity while ducking the question.

How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

The Arab Forces (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) left their territory. That is the violation. On May 15 1948, the approximate borders were represented by the Annex A Plan of Partition with Economic Union; until the Principle Arab Combatants (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) illegally departed their countries and entered territory Declared Independent by Israel or under Trusteeship to the UN May 15 1948. Immediately the Arab Forces invaded. At the conclusion of hostilities, four Armistice Agreements were concluded. At the end of hostilities and war, with Egypt and Jordan, two Peace Treaties were concluded, each depicting the Permanent Boundaries.

That is where it is today. The Gaza Strip is inside the boundary between Israel - with the Permanent International Boundary with Israel. The West Bank is inside the International Boundary between Israel and Jordan.

There is no such thing as a 1948 Map of Israel because Israel was lock in combat with the Principle Arab Combatants (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria). As previously stated.

You are asking for something that does not exist (that I know of). But that still does not make the intrusion of the Principle Arab Combatants (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) and unauthorized use of force.

Most Respectfully,
Phoenall, P F Tinmore, et al,

I see that you both are a little off-target here.

There were never any produced a none were ever needed, the UN knew what the outcome would be an so did not ask for a map. It is only team Palestine that asks for maps and guess who just found one

Your go
You posted a map of a proposal that flopped? Good show.
BTW, what country did they propose to partition?
None as there was no country there in 1923, it was just the former Ottoman Empire land
But the map clearly shows Jewish land as a nation that the arab muslims rejected and as a result left the rest as unclaimed land.
That was a 1947 map not 1923.

The question posed was:
How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

The UN Charter on territorial Integrity is written as a prohibition.

Article 2 UN CHARTER
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
You have to look at it in terms of "elements of the offense." In this case, you don't prove the "status of who ("Members shall refrain") was violated" (ie "crossing into Israel"); but instead who "did not refrain" (from the charter), what was use in violation ("force"), under what intent ("against the territorial integrity or political independence").
  • The Arab Combatants (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) did not refrain from the use of military force.
  • The Arab Combatants used the force outside their respective and individual territorial sovereignties; beyond their jurisdiction "against the territorial integrity" of another.
  • The Arab Combatants used force, outside their jurisdiction, against the territory not sovereign to them, in which another peoples have declared "political independence."
There are very few official maps that track, moment to moment, how the Forward Edge of Battle (FEBA) moves back and forth. What we have seen are Maps or Agreements that indicate the Armistice Lines (a demarcation between forces that separate the belligerents). In the case of the third party non-combatants (The Palestinians), it is a pause in which the opposing force allow political forces to establish a more permanent peace.

There is not question that the Arab Forces (Principle Arab Combatants are: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria) were locked in combat. There is not question where, by mutual agreement, the FEBA for each of these force came to rest (Armistice Lines). And, as far as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are concerned, the permanent international borders as described and ratified by the Israelis and the hostile parties of Egypt and Jordan, are established.

If there is a question to be asked, the question would be, where is the State of Palestine, since the boundaries between Israel and the borders of Egypt and Jordan are established. Well the answer is: That Israel allowed the Palestinians to exercise their self-determination and declare independence. But the recognized international borders are as defined by treaty between the sovereign nations that were locked in conflict.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, all that verbosity while ducking the question.

How about posting a 1948 map of Israel so we can see where that territorial integrity was violated?

How about you post a map of the nation of Palestine rom any year in the last century. You got a 1947 map of Israel so it is only fair. It has to say Nation of Palestine in the legend mind.................

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